Cubase/Nuendo 12/13/14 Pro (R2R/VR) (Win/MAC) workarounds, discussion, etc

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by ArticStorm, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Im currently workig, but will answer later.
    At least the official Cubase 12 installation contains the installer for the activation manager (the new auth system that replaces the eLicenser)
    I'll check tonight if there is another way to install it :mates:
  2. kargozarmj

    kargozarmj Kapellmeister

    May 10, 2020
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  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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  4. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    R2R releases do not require activation manager. :)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2022
  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Nobody said that. @funkman wants to restore his legit Cubase 11 version that partly no longer works.
    To understand it you need to go back a few psosts :yes:

  6. funkman

    funkman Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2019
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    i have uninstalled the r2r cubase 12
    should i reinstall the r2r cubase 12 before installingactivation manager?
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No I won't do that.

    Let's use PM for this one...
  8. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Cubase 11 is on eLicenser, activation manager won't work for it
  9. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    You don't like to read?
    Answers without reading the question are seldomly leading to a solution.:disco:
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2022
  10. funkman

    funkman Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2019
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    activation manager,when i click on install i get the please wait splash screen then it dissapears,i have waited 20 mins and nothing happened
  11. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    What do you expect to happen, after the above post I understand that you want to install Cubase 11, this is with eLicenser and not with the activation manager.
  12. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Install R2R releases and you will have no problems. :yes:
  13. gatus

    gatus Kapellmeister

    Mar 4, 2014
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    r2r method works with :

    -VST_Live_1.0.31_Installer_win :wink: :wink: :wink:

    if dont works....

    Copy ( license.engine.access.dll) from the team r2r folder inside the activation manager folder.

    What is the path for the activation manager folder?
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\Activation Manager

    :wink: :wink: :wink:
  14. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    CUBASE 12.0.40
    What's new?
    August 3, 2022 – The Cubase 12.0.40 maintenance update is now available. With this update, we are introducing some new functions and scripts to the MIDI Remote integration, we are resolving some issues with ARA extensions, and we are fixing more than thirty issues in various areas of the application. Please find all details below.

    The update is immediately available for download via the Steinberg Download Assistant.

    MIDI Remote
    We have improved the script for the Arturia KeyLab Essential and added missing Key Commands.

    We have added more Control Room functions to the MIDI Remote feature scope.

    Fixed project mappings can now be converted to global mappings as expected.

    Using the MIDI Remote Editor in the Lower Zone with Workspaces now works as expected.

    We have added a new MIDI Remote factory script for the Novation Launchkey MK3 88.

    We have fixed an issue related to using the Make Extension Permanent function on non-PCM clips with ARA extensions.

    Events with Melodyne ARA extensions can now be cut without losing the note data.

    Events with ARA extensions can now be copied and duplicated as expected.

    We have improved the user interface of the VST Bass Amp plug-in when Quick Control buttons are toggled.

    The Frequency 2 plug-in now works as expected when using 7.1.4 channel configurations.

    Writing automation of the Frequency plug-in Band On/Off parameter now works as expected.

    We improved the loading process of external impulse response files for the Reverence plug-in when loading projects on a different computer.

    We corrected the Peak and RMS needle of the SuperVision plug-in.

    We have improved the quality of the FX Modulator plug-in when using fast volume modulation settings.

    The Quick-Link function of the MixConsole is now also available for the input and output parameters of the Squasher plug-in.

    Sample Editor
    Event start/end and snap point handles are now displayed as expected.

    Warp markers are now editable at all zoom settings.

    Stretching VariAudio segments in a multi-event selection now works as expected.

    User interface
    The grid is no longer cut off when scrolling through the project in low dpi mode.

    The waveform in silent areas is no longer displayed with 2 pixels instead of one.

    The audio waveform interpolation in the Lower Zone Sample Editor is now consistent.

    When duplicating a Track Version, bézier curves are now correctly applied.

    Applying Audio Alignment now works correctly when multiple references are selected.

    The warp algorithm custom settings dialog can now be opened from the Info Line in all language localizations.

    We have fixed an issue related to editing parameters in the List Editor.

    The Logical Editor window now opens exclusively.

    The Click Patterns in the Pattern Editor are no longer cut off when using 1/32 patterns.

    We have corrected the Loudness measuring of the Master meter and the SuperVision plug-in for 7.x channel configurations to match the ITU-BS.1770-4 specification.

    The preference Mute Pre-Send when Mute is now saved as expected.

    On the Nuage Master unit, the numeric keypad arrows now work for locating markers.

    Vertical mouse wheel scrolling in the Score Editor edit mode now works as expected.

    We have improved the usability with editing lines in the Score Editor.

    Vertical scrolling speed in VariAudio editor now works consistently.

    On macOS systems, the application now shows in which code architecture it is running in the Start and About screens.

    We have improved stability in the following use cases:

    When aborting an Export Audio Mixdown.

    When using the Adjust Fades to Range function.

    When changing the Sample Editor zoom mode with Select Events Under Cursor active.

    When using the function Adjust Fades to Range.

    When using the Scale Assistant with VariAudio.

    When changing the AmbiDecoder output mode from Headphones to Speakers.

    When dragging a MIDI loop from the MediaRack to the project.

    NUENDO 12.0.40
    What's new?
    August 3, 2022 – The Nuendo 12.0.40 maintenance update is now available. With this update, we are introducing some new functions and scripts to the MIDI Remote integration, we are resolving some issues with ARA extensions, and we are fixing more than thirty issues in various areas of the application. Please find all details below.

    The ADR window/Markers window now allows for wider column resizing.

    Field Recorder Audio Import
    Selecting characters on the metadata example fields now works as expected.

    MIDI Remote
    We have improved the script for the Arturia KeyLab Essential and added missing Key Commands.

    We have added more Control Room functions to the MIDI Remote feature scope.

    Fixed project mappings can now be converted to global mappings as expected.

    Using the MIDI Remote Editor in the Lower Zone with Workspaces now works as expected.

    We have added a new MIDI Remote factory script for the Novation Launchkey MK3 88.

    We have fixed an issue related to using the Make Extension Permanent function on non-PCM clips with ARA extensions.

    Events with Melodyne ARA extensions can now be cut without losing the note data.

    Events with ARA extensions can now be copied and duplicated as expected.

    We have improved the user interface of the VST Bass Amp plug-in when Quick Control buttons are toggled.

    The Frequency 2 plug-in now works as expected when using 7.1.4 channel configurations.

    Writing automation of the Frequency plug-in Band On/Off parameter now works as expected.

    We improved the loading process of external impulse response files for the Reverence plug-in when loading projects on a different computer.

    We corrected the Peak and RMS needle of the SuperVision plug-in.

    We have improved the quality of the FX Modulator plug-in when using fast volume modulation settings.

    The Quick-Link function of the MixConsole is now also available for the input and output parameters of the Squasher plug-in.

    Sample Editor
    Event start/end and snap point handles are now displayed as expected.

    Warp markers are now editable at all zoom settings.

    Stretching VariAudio segments in a multi-event selection now works as expected.

    User interface
    The grid is no longer cut off when scrolling through the project in low dpi mode.

    The waveform in silent areas is no longer displayed with 2 pixels instead of one.

    The audio waveform interpolation in the Lower Zone Sample Editor is now consistent.

    When duplicating a Track Version, bézier curves are now correctly applied.

    Applying Audio Alignment now works correctly when multiple references are selected.

    The warp algorithm custom settings dialog can now be opened from the Info Line in all language localizations.

    We have fixed an issue related to editing parameters in the List Editor.

    The Logical Editor window now opens exclusively.

    The Click Patterns in the Pattern Editor are no longer cut off when using 1/32 patterns.

    We have corrected the Loudness measuring of the Master meter and the SuperVision plug-in for 7.x channel configurations to match the ITU-BS.1770-4 specification.

    The preference Mute Pre-Send when Mute is now saved as expected.

    On the Nuage Master unit, the numeric keypad arrows now work for locating markers.

    Vertical mouse wheel scrolling in the Score Editor edit mode now works as expected.

    We have improved the usability with editing lines in the Score Editor.

    Vertical scrolling speed in VariAudio editor now works consistently.

    On macOS systems, the application now shows in which code architecture it is running in the Start and About screens.

    We have improved stability in the following use cases:

    When aborting an Export Audio Mixdown.

    When using the Adjust Fades to Range function.

    When changing the Sample Editor zoom mode with Select Events Under Cursor active.

    When using the function Adjust Fades to Range.

    When using the Scale Assistant with VariAudio.

    When changing the AmbiDecoder output mode from Headphones to Speakers.

    When dragging a MIDI loop from the MediaRack to the project.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
  15. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    If when you run Cubase 12, everything else has no sound, here's the solution...
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022

    Attached Files:

  16. Mace13

    Mace13 Newbie

    Sep 27, 2022
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    Hi Everyone,

    New here! I get R2R version of Cubase 12, installed it with some trouble but get well with advices from here (thank you very much BEAT16).

    So I deleted all the files it required to delete but i still got an error which is "WaveLab LE 8 caused following error: No anti-copy stick is plug."
    (I translated it cause i'm french)

    First of all, I don't remember i ever installed this one. I had Cubase LE 5 and FL Studio 20 that i deleted before to install R2R C12, I also installed Heat Up 3, Massive and Kontakt with some Libraries which i kept for R2R C12.
    I eventually installed R2R Wavelab 11 to try to erase Wavelab LE 8, which of course, didn't work... The trouble seems to come from VST Libraries but i didn't find any files related to it in my computer.... After like 8 hours, I'm asking you some help, please...

    If you need further informations, don't hesitate, i may have forgot something important ?
  17. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Did you clean the registers? :)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2022
  18. Mace13

    Mace13 Newbie

    Sep 27, 2022
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    Hi !
    Thank you for the answer !

    I made this part:
    Then this part:
    In this two parts, i didn't found any files (i've also put "show hidden files" options) so i think it's okay... BTW, i never installed Steinberg Activation manager...

    For the Registers, i found this message :
    In this part, i found and delete this one : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WOW6432Node\AppID\{45BA127D-10A8-46EA-8AB7-56EA9078943C}
    I don't remember if other was there too but if yes, i delete everything...

    I followed the R2R.txt too and got the Synsoacc.dll error when opening C12. I eventually install latest version of e-Licencer as BEAT16 said and it worked for Synsoacc.dll error, but now this is the WaveLab LE8 error which appear now...
    Also, I tried re-installing everything from the beginning but the same Wavelab error still appears.

    Sorry for that long reply but if it can make you guys buying some time, then i think it's the right thing to do =)
    Do you think there's something i'm missing ?

    Thank you again for help !
  19. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    C12 and WL11 does not need e-Licencer, try installing
    Steinberg Cubase Pro 12 v12.0.40-R2R
    Steinberg WaveLab 11 Pro v11.1.10-R2R
    Read R2R.txt carefully
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I have not installed Wavelab, so the help is a little bit smaller.

    Hello, uninstall Wavelab first. There are still old files left over from Wave LE, they have to be deleted first.

    c:\Program Files\Steinberg
    c:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg

    Enclosed 2 links for information. Then you should look in the registry if there are still old Wavelab files.
    You can also use the free CCleaner and then please restart the PC last. After the restart you can install Wavelab.