If money was not an issue, what hardware software would you own in 2022?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Justin-Cydeher, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    imagine you have a studio, you use it for yourself but like the idea artists/friends cone to work on a record-commercial etc., so you first load it with every tool you can possibly think of necessary to provide a service to yourself use and other people’s demands., but you cant have it all….

    But imagine if money was not the issue and your now wondering that maybe you pay a trusted relative-friend-mutual acquaintance to help build a dream studio, multiple rooms, pool tables, at-least 4 topless playboy girls in thongs walking around serving drinks and treats…but you dont want every single plugin, software, PC, or even every type of girl, you want the best you can get… the go to best.

    best vca comps for this, best that are used for most diverse reasons.

    then we of course have those who from time to time know what they do best with tools that are not considered the best, a pain in the @SS relative, friend, engineer, playboy girl, etc their work flow is good They get the job done, but they are intolerable or you need to put a audio-sex bag over her head.

    So if you where to make a bedroom satellite studio above the studio and big rooms you already have and narrow down your favorite computer platform, DAW, applications-plugins and get sone you yourself may never use but are high in demand must haves for your studio what would it be?

    Hardware list: Apple,
    Mic pres, Neve 1073
    Good di boxes, cables, desk, racks and lunchbox vocal rig
    Software list;
    DAW logic pro, pro tools maybe cubase too.
    Must have plugins, waves, plugin alliance, kush audio, softube, macDSP, etc


    World class sound? Not sure i agree with mr james hetfield type

    And the video below is a guitar failure who inherited millions from his mother, just look what rich kid did , what c0ck sucker, so in love with himself.

    Ok….Ignore the rick b1tch now.

    if you where to make a suck-sex full home studio list what would it be?
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
  3. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    Apple M1 Computer with Waves SoundGrid system with Waves Mercury Plugins. Neve Pre's , Neumann Mics, Barefoot Monitors.:wink:
  4. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    money is not an option with a little help from R2R
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    If money was not a problem, the first step for me would be to have an acoustically perfect studio.
    Aside, a big place to receive musician friends, have some good time speaking about music, with a good listening equipment.
    Then some great basses and guitars and, big real piano, and a good drum with its own booth and microphones.

    Great microphones
    A beast of a computer, with not so much software as I prefer to use the soft I know well than having 30 violins libraries, or 50 compressors.
    And employees so I could dedicate myself 18 hours a day doing music.

    Very simple desire, nothing fancy :rofl:
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
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