Looking for solution to use laptop as main studio machine

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Bunford, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    So, I have a pretty powerful laptop that I want to use as my studio brain, shifting from using a desktop and I am looking for some advice on setup.

    1. Using external multiple monitors, keyboard and mouse with laptop
    I have 2 24" monitors I previously used with my desktop as well as keyboard, mouse and so on, and would like to use it all with my laptop too. I'd probably prefer to have my laptop shut and out on the way, with the monitors displaying as a dual monitor setup, all while being able to use the external keyboard and mouse. What is the easiest solution to achieve this?

    2. Is there any way to utilise my old desktop?
    I have a pretty powerful, but aged desktop. It is not on the Windows 11 compatibility list, but still pretty powerful with a Core i7 4960X Extreme Edition 12 thread CPU, 64GB DDR3 RAM, and a GTX 1070 GPU. How can I best utilise this machine as part of my setup? Some thoughts are to install multiple hard drives and run as a slave machine to use something like AudioGridder, but never even looked at anything like this before, or to set it up as some sort of NAS to house all my drives with sample libraries, Kontakt libraries and so on. Is this sensible and easy to set up? Any advice would be hugely appreciated!

    3. Is there any way to utilise an even older desktop?
    I have a second old desktop lying around with an old school Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU and (I think) 16GB RAM in it. Is there any way to utilise this, or is this something to donate to someone as a basic machine?

    Cheers all in advance! :wink:
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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    my setup is like this. MacBook->fast usb hub->monitors, audio interface, laptop folded up. kb controller usb direct. Last tb3 port for external drive. kb and mouse are Logitech so bluetooth. flow software lets them control more than one machine if you want. Something like this can be easiest, depending. Figure this part out first. You will get decent mileage using the other machine, but integrate it to a working setup. Will it be cabled via ethernet, etc. Get the laptop setup and then make more decisions. :)
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  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Yeah, I'm on Windows, but the laptop is an Asus ROG GL503 so has USB3, HDMI, Thunderbolt etc, which I forgot to mention.

    I was also hoping to do a similar thing, and use the keyboard and mouse to controll the other machines too if ever needed.
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Usually the hardest thing is to get the dual monitor setup working with a laptop. Figure that out first. External keyboard and mouse should e way easier. I'm outdated with HDMI/Thunderbolt configurations so I can't help you but for sure some fellows here will do.
    It could be enough to have your external mouse/keyboard on the laptop and let remote desktop or similar do the rest.

    Your priorities are in the correct place. Most def I would also try to use your powerful desktop PC for offloading DSP with Audio Gridder. It's a waste to use that PC only for NAS-like storage.
  6. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Would be possible with the Laptop Keyboard and Mouse if you use something like Remotedektop. If you don't want to i would go for something like my Setup is similar to @clone ones. The Logitech K480 Keyboard which can be paired via Bluetooth to three Devices. Same goes with the Logitech MX Anywehere 2S or Later you can control 3 diffrent devices (PC,Mac,Android and Ios are all supported for Both Devices you can even copy Files trhu the diffrent devices). For the Monitors i would go for Displayport if available and for Extern Drives USB3/Thunderbolt because of the Speed or something like an Network Drive (In case you don't have a Displayport on your Laptop use the USB 3 with an Adapter to Connect your Monitors).

    I Think the Second Maschine would be useful to download Stuff and go online to keep your Laptop offline.


    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
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  7. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    USB Hub Baseus Working Station 16 in 1 CAHUB-BGOG

    UGREEN Laptop Stand
  8. acatnamedharmony

    acatnamedharmony Ultrasonic

    May 9, 2017
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    Other than offloading DSP using something like audiogridder or VEP have you messed around with the Ableton Link Protocol yet? Super powerful stuff and might be a fun way to incorporate a few new song writing methods using a combination of a few different applications.
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  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    When you find yourself spending about 100$ for a hub, you will probably think that is awfully high. Well, I did anyway. But I would say that is a realistic price for what you need. And then you just need the correct cables for the monitors. This is the one I am using. it was about 80 bucks also :

    Docking Station, UtechSmart 12 in 1 Triple Display Docking Station for Laptop, USB C Hub 3 Monitors Docking Station for MacBook and Windows(3HDMI PD3.0 (non-SD) TF Card Reader Gigabit Ethernet 4USB Ports)

    I wish it was an SD card reader instead, but it fit the bill most close to what I needed. It does have ethernet port, should you go with Audiogridder it can be better to connect that way.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
  10. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Use Logitech Flow for seamless keyboard/mouse transfer between systems - it works flawlessly, and outside of Apple's v similar system(which they pretty much ripped from logitech) it's by far the best option.

    Like @clone said above - get your main system working on its own first, before even thinking about adding the secondary one into the mix - you'll have more than enough variables in play already, with trying to get your displays & devices all working on a hub the way you want them to.

    Don't cheap out on a Thunderbolt hub - buy a quality one that has good power, and more connectivity options than you think you'll need. Yes, 150-300+ might seem like a lot, but when you're relying on it as a key part of your entire setup, it's false economy to go with cheaper/off-brand ones.

    As for uses for the older machine - depends on what kinda projects you're doing. If you're running big orchestral projects, then the obvious way to go is to set up VEP.

    For more general purpose use (and the method that will save you a LOT of headaches) would be to configure it like you suggested, as just a basic NAS for media storage, streaming, etc. You could also set up a Pi-hole too, which is v handy.

    If you're planning on streaming your kontakt libraries (and even moreso if you do any kind of video editing) from it, I'd suggest looking into at least 2.5Gig ethernet cards & switches to avoid the network being a bottleneck. Otherwise you'd just be safer buying a TB m.2 enclosure, keeping your libraries on that, and connecting it via your TB hub.

    In my experience, stuff like Audiogridder (and from years ago, FXTeleport) are more trouble than they're worth, and I'd rather just upgrade my machine to run everything I need it to on the one system.

    Personally I'd just set the old machine up as a basic NAS & Pi Hole, stick it in a cupboard outta the way, and let it do it's thing.
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  11. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    1) not sure which exact ASUS GL503 you got, by I remember they have only miniDisplayPort and USB-C,
    no Thunderbolt = no external fancy dock support = you will have to use laptop video connectors for external monitors (one from HDMI to HDMI, second from miniDisplayPort to DisplayPort),
    one big monitor is less hassle than two basic ones, but also huge resolution monitor may not be supported by laptop video outputs...

    2) definitely, lots of cores and lots of RAM is perfect, dedicated gpu may be utilized for video encoding/decoding - go for either Proxmox or TrueNas Scale, but take it as a learning experience and toy rather than reliable storage initially,

    Proxmox is more of a virtual machine/LXC/Docker hypervisor, where you can also host ZFS storage pools, SMB/CIFS, NFS, AFP, iSCSI support,
    TrueNas Scale is more of a NAS system with ZFS storage pools, SMB/CIFS, NFS, AFP, iSCSI support, virtual machine functionality, Docker and Kubernetes support,
    search for "homelab" and "selfhosted" on Reddit if you really wanna go that rabbit hole :yes:

    depending on your LAN network, 1Gbit is still much slower, about 6-7 times, than SATA SSD, so it's not really suitable for Kontakt libraries, software or active projects,
    it's fast enough for AudioGridder which you can host in a virtual machine, store and play music, movies etc...
    on the other hand NAS is a fantastic solution for storage, backups, personal cloud (NextCloud), downloading stuff (JDownloader2), AdBlocking network (PiHole), own VPN server (OpenVPN) etc..

    that said, GTX1070 is decent gaming gpu, so maybe worth selling separately or keeping for budget gaming PC later - you definitely don't want dualboot NAS/Server system with gaming PC on one machine, and also you need some gpu in NAS/Server for initial configuration and occassional troubleshooting...

    3) probably still powerful enough, but perhaps too power hungry and loud, perhaps donate it to someone as very basic office PC, maybe exchange it for bottle of whiskey or whatever...
    "oldest" PC worth keeping is in my opinion Intel IvyBridge (3000 series), anything older isn't good really enough to serve as YouTube/HTPC in a living room
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
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  12. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    advantages of AudioGridder are shadowed by fact most computers are already good enough on their own, and it's actually less uncomfortable to freeze/bounce tracks to save power on DAW PC directly, than rely on functional external plugin server whenever you want to open some older projects of yours
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  13. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I have to be honest in that a lot of the more modern computer stuff is over my head, but I could possibly offer an alternate way of thinking.

    Instead of looking to use the equipment you have to benefit your workflow, why not sit down and work out exactly what you want then go about adapting what you have to benefit your way of working?

    I tend to do that a lot and find myself with loads of stuff I can use elsewhere for additional purposes.

    Of course, if you have your mind set on utilising everything for this one purpose, you can pretend I waved the Men In Black 'Flashy Thing' at you and forget I said anything!
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It would be a shame and an overkill and a waste to turn this old desktop into a NAS. You don't need a powerful CPU for NAS. I would absolutely use it as a second computer for offloading CPU processing. With Reaper it is very easy to do that. I don't know what you're using as a DAW, so probably Audiogridder would do it for you.
  15. nctechno

    nctechno Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2021
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    You know your old desktop is still faster than the laptop right?

    Also dual monitor should not be a problem, just use HDMI + Mini Display Port, you seem to have both right next to each other on the left side of the laptop
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
  16. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    what are you folks using you need another computer offload processing ??
    I mean, sure my i7-5820K PC rig can do what 2014 MacBook Pro unbelievably struggles wildly, but then M1 MacMini can do just fine - I'm not doing any orchestra/scoring stuff, but recording whole bands 20-28 channels no issues on my ancient MBP 13" 2012 with RME UFX and few additional preamps, plugins aren't really that much more demanding either,
    I've reached the point I'm considering rather spending 2000 bucks on NAS/server and not some better DAW computer because I don't see being limited in audio workflows...
    I think the mindset should be - if I don't need another computer, I can do just fine without it, not attempting to find artificial use cases for it, better donate/sell it to someone who actually craves for it
  17. nctechno

    nctechno Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2021
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    just load Serum on 10 tracks , some pro l2 and seventh heaven on return bus and watch the magic
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  18. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    personally ive ended such experiments, trying to incorporate multiple machines just created more distraction, in my case

    so i rather work with either the laptop or the desktop, the laptop is mostly used spontaneously since its easily moved and hooked to anything by moving it, no boundaries but that also means its never totally ready to be used, unless internally in the box obviously. well attaching a midi keyboard but still..

    meanwhile the desktop is truly always ready to run connected with speakers midi keyboard mic, ergonomically placed and in all ready in one place without any hassle. no questions no distractions of finding cables etc

    i finalize projects in the desktop only, since that platform is much easier and cheaper to upgrade with big drives ssds etc
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
  19. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    VEP is a great solution so is Probably Audiogridder
    but i would sell the box and op for a used mac mini since energy Prices are on the rise
  20. nctechno

    nctechno Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2021
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  21. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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