Need Help Can't Log in to New AudioZ

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lyric8, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Just upload a regular avatar that you have on your computer or you downloaded from the net. You can do it from your profile page once you activate your membership. :wink:
  2. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm confused with the email sign in on AudioZ. I do not know what email I used. It was probably one of those temp email addy's, which is what I use for just about any site sign up anyway -- that means I wouldn't be able to get an email about it from you even if you try. Can you PM the old email addy to me here on AudioSex? If so, it's your superlative friend :rofl: Rico88.

    If you cannot do that, is there some other method of clearing this up? Just out of curiosity, why did Saint change to this email/pass thing anyway? I'm puzzled by it.

    thank you.
  3. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    that also means that you won't receive New PM notifications and comment subscriptions, which in turn means wasted server resources.
    if you don't want to be a part of AudioZ community, why join? :dunno:
  4. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    With all due respect, has little to do with 'being a part of the AudioZ community'. More a function of living in a place where Big Brother has taken over and they'll ruin your life over a copyright.... --doing my best to cover my tracks at every single turn. Temp emails, VPN's with a pre-proxy service..... I'm not easy to track down, and I like it that way. Like I said earlier, I do it with every site I join, not just here, it's not personal.

    If there's a place where I can turn off emails so that your server resources won't be impacted, I'll be happy to do it. I'm by here just about every day anyway, so I'm up-to-date with what's going on, email or not.
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Unless you're uploading I don't see why you would worry about it, it's not like there's any proof that you downloaded anything simply because you liked a post or something. The way I look at it if they find me they to come over and blow me. Mykal said something similar once too. Anonymity is dead anyway...
  6. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm glad you don't see why you would worry about it, --- try asking this guy Joel Tenenbaum what he thinks about that.....

    Regardless of your point of view on this sort of thing, clearly it's something I do out of a belief that personal protection is necessary, and not something I am attempting to do to hurt or impugn the site, which is what Saint seemed to be implying. Then again, if you don't like Sunny, and you express that here, Saint (and you as well) seem to think your someone to be picked on as often as possible. Won't matter -- go at it -- I still won't like Sunny no matter what happens, and I still go about my business. And I still make suggestions (like anonymizing links and keeping the option to review all samples on audioz rather than just categorized samples) that someone seems to like; that must be some sort of a sign of not liking the community!!! :headbang:
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's not that I don't have any reasons to worry about my security it's just that anonymity is dead and I'm not uber worried. They'll find you if they really want to. I don't pick on you at all, the only time we've even had any negative interaction was when I made an innocent comment and you broke our rules. I didn't say anything that could have even remotely been construed as an attack of any kind to warrant that. And I've explained to you before it is irrelevant how you feel about Sunny because you don't have to like him or download his links, nobody is forcing you to do that since we all have free will. He's one of the contributors and our basic rules are to be respectful, so long as that's not broken we won't have any issues. Like it or not every place has rules. Concerning the suggestions you mentioned they're already present, any omissions as of this point are simply not completed yet. The root folders were added yesterday and the anonymizing of links was done before we launched.
  8. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The suggestions I made weren't present or were unknown to everyone (other than Saint) when I made them. The one about samples was corrected after I made the suggestion (you can check the posts), the one regarding anonymity was part of an earlier post requesting an auto appending of to all links. Saint did respond to that post. In that regard, I still think works better if for no other reason then the user can tell when its working due to the anonym page you briefly land on -- hopefully Saint's referrer scripting works just as well, however I personally find it a bit disconcerting since you have to kind of take it on faith that it worked, rather than the visual feedback you get from something like the page. Then again, for all we know the NSA runs -- who the hell knows anymore. :rofl:

    Regardless, my point was that someone who takes the time to make what were obviously worthwhile suggestions, probably isn't someone who disregards the community, which is what Saint seemed to be saying earlier.

    dude, what's so funny about peace love and understanding? RIGHT???????
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah that's what I'm saying that SAiNT hadn't implemented it yet. He has a huge task list and we didn't want to keep teasing everyone so we relaunched before the finishing touches were added (same with Advanced Search). I'm sure the fact that you brought it up expedited that process considerably. It was never brought up during planning that we were making that change. and I can't imagine he would make such an omission :dunno: I agree with you about the visual feedback of, that gives you a better feeling than simply taking on faith that the referrer has been stripped. Too funny on that NSA comment. :rofl: Funny and scary when you hear that they've managed to get into the Tor network (upgrade to latest version) and basically built a backdoor into the RSA standard. :wow: Honestly I know you're not a bad guy because I see you helping people in the forums whenever you sign on so I really hope that we can start fresh. I don't think SAiNT meant it in that way, I'm sure he reads the comments from time to time too and I don't see why he would think badly of you.​
  10. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    it's a very sad time we're living in :sad:
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    We're looking to move to https because we value the security of our members so that's something that will be implemented soon. We wanted to have it ready for the launch but there was too much other stuff to take care of so it got pushed back but coming soon.
  12. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    Seems that I can't contact Catalyst (can't start conversation)
    And I'm also stuck "outside" of AudioZ .... It was the same when I signed up, Saint had to help me.
    Robotmail here doesn't send mail, I can't use the "I lost it" option.
    By the way, AudioSex robotmail works fine.
    So .... what should I do ? I googled "can't log in at audioz" and found this thread.
    Anything I can/should do by my side ?
  13. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground