Is JST the only company that sells NFR licenses?

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by Justin-Cydeher, Aug 15, 2022.

  1. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    I just tried helping someone looking for the Howard Benson Vocal strip sold by JST,[​IMG]
    No one including myself was aware that JST stated it was a NFR in their EULA.

    After this guy purchased the plugin on PayPal they contacted him warning that he should get his money back from PayPal cause its not allowed according to their EULA and will be revoked via iLok.

    The seller on this site insisted that the license was good and my friend already claimed it via iLok, but he refused to provide the name and or proof of purchase once I informed him that JST could not find his name register din their data base which means he obtained the software illegally, even if its as a gift.

    Its important to verify who you are buying from before waking up to a revoked license in your ilok account to the account blocked all together due to reported stolen software.

    The seller who PayPal believed could be the same person as the owner claimed he was not aware of anyone obtaining and selling his license, Paypal stated to of seen spikes of cases where people selling their software licenses via friends ID an PayPal reclaimed them claiming they where stolen, many where true with Windows etc..the point is JST does not allow reselling of their software, which is odd.

    Even if the owner could sell the software, buying it with out confirming its the owner is a risk...
    The owner then claimed he left his gear in a studio in March and maybe someone stole the license ...
    My friend is getting his money back but it was a waste of time.

    So Is JST the only one putting crazy restrictions?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Quite a few developers do not allow license transfers of their products, as I am sure you know already. The only NFRs I have ever gotten have been given by vendor sales reps. If they were meant to resell, they would surely be called FRs. No?
  4. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    NFR licenses (Not For Resale) are given out by the company to whomever they approve of having them. These licenses are never supposed to be resold, that's why they are given out free with the specific designation of an NFR license.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  5. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    I know that, i get many nfrs

    so whats the difference between a nfr and EULA stating the same exact thing besides a sucker paying for it?
  6. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    Actually i dont know of any developers who are doing this, not in audio music genres.
    Apple, AVID, Digidesign etc had created closed source proprietary software, based on hardware or software exists only on one platform like logic pro, final cut etc then the EULA can act like a nfr, makes sense.

    But to sell mac/pc audio software like a nfr (gift, sold, etc) is not something anyone wants to buy, especially audio software,

    The only way to bash piracy if your against a resale market is to lower prices or offer month to month {cancel at anytime} subscriptions,
    Other then this expect as little as no sales if you refuse subscriptions or the resale market., not to mention piracy which makes the software/developers look bad cause of crippled software performance
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Why do you get many nfrs, do you write to the software vendor, you want to write a review in a blog?
    Enlighten me where and how you get them.

    If someone sells NFR it is software piracy and it is punishable. Some people will make money out of anything.
  8. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Full NFR
    Xfer Serum
    AIR Music Tech Plugins (Vacuum Pro, Hybrid 3, Loom....) are all NFR
    Sonokinetic does not allow reselling their libraries
    Klevgränd Produktion does not allow License Transfers
    Blue Cat Audio

    Dada Life
    Image-Line (FL Studio)
    Polyverse Music

    Half NFR (depends on special conditions )
    Tone2 (if you buy them from resellers )
    Waves (only if your Update Plan is active)
    Boz Digital Labs (Officially, our policy is that license transfers are not available, but I do them on a case by case basis, with a $15 license transfer fee.)

    1 -x times after resell becomes NFR

    Modartt Pianoteq license transfer costs 39 euro and becomes NFR....
    Omnisphere 1 resell becomes NFR
    Big Tick allows license transfer charging no fee, but the license becomes NFR.
    OHMFORCE 1 time but the license becomes NFR
    Reaper / Cockos 1 time but the license becomes NFR
    Sound Radix 1 time but the license becomes NFR
    Cableguys 1 time but the license becomes NFR
    Loomer 1 time but the license becomes NFR
    SonicProjects 1 time but the license becomes NFR


    on my reseach I also found this great Table:

    Since many of the information are nearly 10 Years old, please check on the official page of the seller and
    All information without guarantee.

    Also the is always the way to your lawyer
    As long, you live in the EU there is a precedent from the European Court that you can resell your software (Az.: C-128/11)
    And if your software is selled in the EU, it's their law.

    For example Xfer sells in the EU and their EULA say NFR, you can sue them till they let you resell your license ( The downside is that you can set to a long and costly process with a not 100% guarantee that this will work )
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2022
  9. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    I work at a university and many artists come in to do events, tata
  10. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    10 years old and 99% of the public is un aware?

    Richard Griff of public enemy was recently talking about how software companies and politicians hired teams to erase information from the internet linked to abuses on their part, such as monopolies, collusion, agreements they had promised end users for perpetual licenses even if they sold their company or brand, etc etc and Apple gets sued all the time in Europe for telling their Genius Bar staff to lie to customers about preparing their products then if they are sure they cant afford or buy a replacement try to blame an accessory to them a cable, something.

    So when Catalina screwed up one of my MacBooks the local apple store told me I needed a new video card, but when I told them it was caused by the catalina firmware update which crippled support for the soldered on video card they claimed my power adapter was faulty and I added to buy a replacement. I later fixed the issue with a restart trick using secure key commands and a second computer during boot only techs new from before 2017, at least its what iw as told by one of the employees who a friend of mine dates, she later compared working for Apple to McDonalds and how fast the process of verifying faulty reapers is , L2 techs can only confess to what else Apple has been doing with Tim Crook after Jobs passed away as Crook was the master of rotating child slave factories (he loves children so much Tim, especially scanning your photos) anyway Tim was a genius with pushing out end quarter hardware into bad factories to make room for new product lines but this meant even more faulty junk.

    So awareness to shut these companies unless they become more fair would be a great service to everyone lol
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    for a company like say, UAD; the NFR is a very powerful sales tool. A 4000$ interface sounds like a much sweeter deal with it completely unlocked for a year, or what have you. Then a commercial user like a big studio will go a year and accumulate a bunch of client work. Rather than individually buy them, they will pop for the entire bundle that makes sense to them at the time. (so they can get all their stuff open correctly again)

    Meanwhile, this is all essentially free extra money to the hardware manufacturer. For plugins that a more sensible shopper would not end up buying.
  12. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    A blanket prohibition of software license transfers from a legit buyer to another buyer is in violation of European Union law. The software developers are potentially facing the risk of litigation and heavy fines, if anyone challenged them in a court of law. Not to mention that the European Union is the major market globally for software companies, so they should comply with EU law if they don't want to lose a majority of their potential sales.

    Here is the corresponding "Oracle Ruling" from 2012:
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  13. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    This story with JSt is getting more interesting then I anticipated as the buyer I tried helping revealed more email screenshots to me, same ones he said he shared with paypal!

    1-from the start JST had told the buyer that the sale was a breech of the EULA but waited to hear back from the seller/owner as they did not see their names in the data base.
    2-The seller from this site upset now due to a paypal case opened does not tell me or the buyer directly who the original owner was and instead sends an email to JST telling them it was a gift, he made a mistake and wants the license back!
    3-then JST offered a solution to allow the buyer to keep the license and release the money from paypal to the seller ( think there is a iOS fee for this but im not sure) but no mention of the original owner or verification.

    Next day JST sent over 6 emails between them and the seller to the buyer via CCC, all show to of taken place between 6 hours on a Sunday, the buyer says he did not see them cause he was at the beach in Barcelona Spain as he is on vacation.

    So the emails show that JST was going to honour the buyer generously as they stated he could keep the license, receive updates but suddenly heard from the original owner who told stated that he was un aware his licenses where been sold and his computer may of been compromised back in March in studio he left it in for a day during a session.

    So Paypal who returned or still in the process of returning the money to the buyer tells him in a chat that the seller, original owner and possibly JST are the same or a group together in cahoots cause why would JST release the license to a buyer after insisting that the matter was in breach of the EULA and yet never confirmed who the original owner was or mentioned it.

    The buyer is very upset and does not like the way it ended cause iLok sent an email notice stating that the license was revoked due to Fraud or un payment etc which is not good to have on your license history.

    I had something revoked on my license in the past by softube who did not say any of this, they revoked it due to my request so I can purchase a bundle instead.

    I dont know why a Paypal agent (probably in India) guessed what he stated in a chat but for me as someone trying to help another I think JST revoking the license is solely motivated by greed, the whole reason i told this guy someone was selling it on audiosex and I can try finding them is because he had issues getting the demo of this plug working with ilok, which meant the time to purchase it at the sale price on plugin alliance past, which was $69, JST has it on sale now for $99, I doubt this is about money though, he stated that he had no problem buying it but sick of buying software and never using it., not sure if he likes it.

    I use waves studio stack thing for vocal or the overloud gem...

    But this was a scam by the seller from the start if you ask me
    (btw I had to edit typos so please do mention anything you guys dont understand lol)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Wow exciting story, they are still trying to pull the head out of the noose, they have been caught.

    PayPal does buyer protection - but has nothing to do with licenses.

    For me clear fraud - where no plaintiff there is no defendant. You can also file a complaint for fraud.
    However, the amount in dispute is usually too low.
  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    NFR is usually for prerelease work, like sound design, testing (beta testing). And the prupose is that you got them for free, so you cant resell them. I mean you would make profit that way as you paid nothing.

    But NFR for usually buyers/users i think is close to fraud. But JST with its products and claims - i wouldnt recommend.

    Which other companies do sell "regularly" NFR licenses?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  16. Barmaley (covid edition)

    Barmaley (covid edition) Producer

    Oct 26, 2020
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    I can sell you ordinary ones, not NFR.
    But they will also not be registered in the JST. ))
    Spit on them, they allow or not.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    No ArticStorm, the target is never meant to be resold - that's why it's called "NFR - Not For Release".
    Example: Here you have a free Rob Predator - Subboombass NFR and you can test it and sure we don't
    earn anything from it - you can also resell it. That would be business damaging - no company does that.

    Other companies will not and do not want to be prosecuted and will therefore be careful not to resell NFR's by mistake.

    My little story:
    I had received an NFR on request and created a soundbank with it and also sent this soundbank to the manufacturer.
    After that I could keep the product and can continue to use it, because it is also registered.

    If I now sell the product NFR privately to someone, I may according to EU law, but the license itself is not usable for the buyer. The new buyer can not register the product with the manufacturer and use it, because the license is unique and already assigned to me.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Same thing here, have a few NFR licenses, which i got for free for doing some presets and there its totally fine that i cant resell them, as i didnt pay anything inthe first place. Thats fair imo.

    But if you paid money, you should be able to resell it.
  19. Barmaley (covid edition)

    Barmaley (covid edition) Producer

    Oct 26, 2020
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    It can only be intended for you if you received your unique Redemption Code, which they have registered and is available in the license info. But most often this is not done. Just a label - NFR and that's it. )
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    After all, like me, you worked for free. One hand washes the other, as they say. Both parties have something from it.
    Sure you can - however, as an example, the license removal at the company FXpansion costs "40 EUR". The loss is already 40 EUR.
    That means the new licensing or transfer of the license requires a manpower and that is charged by the hour.
    Because it is a work performance that is provided.

    Another question: What do you pay for the product?
    The labor, the know-how, the office rent, the electricity of the production, the
    material value of the packaging and the CD, profits of the company and the VAT.

    Open Source - knowledge and prosperity for all.
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  21. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thanks for your comment.
    Sounds more like promotion, so the cost of, say, a CD + box and shipping, are probably listed under advertising.

    It is with Rob Papen for example, that when you want to update, you see in your customer
    account the NFR with the corresponding number. And the NFR you can also not transfer.