Waves H-Delay

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by royalcolours, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. royalcolours

    royalcolours Newbie

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I hear a ton of static when I use this vst. Only with this vst though. Is it because it's cracked? No other Waves plug-in I have does this. I hate it because I love the way this delay sounds.

    Any help?
  3. digrev

    digrev Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2011
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    its the analog simulation feature supposed to simulate analog gear by adding noise hiss...a few of their plugs have this feature like the pultec emulations and the cla 2a 3a and 76 .. to disable the hiss on h-delay just look for the analog button bottom right and turn off.
  4. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I can't see why this analog switch are on by default...

    it's like the insane delay+reverb on nexus.
  5. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hey, royacolours,

    it is (or at least might be, intended to be) quite useful if, when, you use this plug-in for those dub-esque endless saturated filtered feedback effects, even automated, it plays quite some important role in the needed colourisation, formation, of the resulting sound, of its distorted build-up, etc., together with the low fidelity option... *yes*

    if it is not needed, do as stated above by digital zero... *yes*

    hope this was, is, will be, somewhat useful... :bow:

    from all what is possible, wish you the best, keep up the good work... :grooves:
  6. digrev

    digrev Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2011
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    wats also interesting to note is that this noise can be even used for dithering!!!
  7. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hey, here, all,


    me thinks (or at least this spongiform thang instead of some brain in me cranium does), dithering, noise shaping, are two different levels, stages, for the solution of the self same problem... *yes*

    also, if, when, in the very rare case in which there comes up the need of noise shaping, me would use one dedicated plug-in, made with, for, the purpose of such task, meaning not necessarily this hybrid delay, good as it is for its own area of usage... *yes*

    me feels, thinks, the noise coming from hybrid delay is very beautifully shaped, manufactured, for its own use in this plug-in... *yes*

    noise shaping needs one rather specifically shaped, precisely tailored, weighted, in its intensity definable, noise, which is not present in the mentioned hybrid delay... *yes*

    all the best, as above... :bow:
  8. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Just stopped by to say,
    I really do like the style of your writing, nadirtozenith :mates:
    such language nobility...wish my English was that good. :thumbsup:
    It almost feels like reading Elven book about audio post-production, translated from Sindarin to English :dancing:

    Otherwise I agree with all of the above. For dithering and resampling, SoX excells above much anything else, noise shaping is however very aggressive. For that, SSRC with 'less dither amplitude than type 3' setting will work better
  9. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    And a quick note: Not every plugin uses the 'analog' button just for hiss / noise. The VEQ and SSL stuff for example use it for the harmonic distortion as well. So on some plugins it's just 'noise', but on others it's the whole 'analog vibe' so you might want to leave it on. Read the manuals for the plugs I'd say, they describe the difference. So on some you might want to turn it off, on others you'd want to leave it on.

    that being said, the noise is normally really really low, so I wonder what you hear is actually noise or some other broken problem. Can you post a sound sample of the static you hear?
  10. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hehe... *yes*

    thank you, Andrew... :bow:

    even if there always seems to be couple of persons thinking, living, as me, around, also even if one of these lives as one native speaker, native writer, the valence of me present here is not that one...

    this here me also did not want to pull, push, this whole thang into some kind of loose discussion of mastering, dithering, noise shaping, topic, as it probably needs its own thread to be opened... *yes*

    perhaps, me hopes, all of you will, pray do, excuse my twisting, if not contorting, of the language, with which me likes, verily, to play around... :bow:

    hello, also welcome here, dipje,

    very well said, written, about reading, generally, the manuals... *yes*

    as for the noise level, very true, me somehow thought that the original poster, royacolours, perhaps after accidentally hearing that mentioned noise, used unusually high auditing levels for testing purposes of said plug-in, that is why, then, me has not thought about other possible source of it... :sad:

    posting it is one very good idea, thank you... *yes*

    all the best, as even more above... :bow:
  11. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    You're right, djpje.
    Some plugs (mostly Tube preamps) will let you add even AC hum noise (50 or 60Hz) :grooves:
    Such analog features usually restore the 'warmth' of the signal altogether with the processing the plugin is intended for. Waves' emulations (Maserati, ...) nearly always has such functionality, and in most cases, this saturation can be turned off.

    PS: I stand corrected, not Sindarin. This is the way how Salarians talk in Mass Effect, especially Mordin Solus.
    Sorry for offtopic, this is the last time *yes*
  12. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    yes, Andrew, ot (off topic) level seven, at least, last time here, too... *yes*

    me has not read this one or about these ones, will do my research... *yes*

    me likes, me verily says unto you, the playfulness of th(os)e discworld series, by Terry Pratchett... :bow:

    all the best, as, mostly, above... :bow:
  13. digrev

    digrev Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2011
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    the noise is actually audible and visible on the meters i use headphones and the first day i heard it i went nuts trying to figure out where it was coming from...also if u plop a spectrum analyser it will register...a good visual way to double check for any unwanted low noise...
    it was mentioned in a previous post about sox for dithereing, i never been a expert on wat a good ditherer is so can u elaborate...is sox the best out there?
  14. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    LOL, been there as well.

    Noticed some noise in an analyser when the music was not playing, and wondered where the hell it came from.
    It was H-Delay :bleh:
    To hear it you would have to turn up your speakers so loud that the music would blow your head off when it plays.
    So I don't recommend it *no*

    That being said, all this noise from several plug-ins can really sum up, and thus becoming more audible.
    So it's not a good idea to leave it turned on on all those plugs, unless you are after a Lo-Fi mix :bow:

    Btw, I love H-Delay, and have a legit version.
    It's pretty much my standard delay, next to SuperTap.
    These two can really cover 98% of all my delay needs.
  15. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, digital zero,

    regarding your last question...

    this here me thinks, Andrew has to speak up in this matter, as his post contains the (somewhat coded) reference, but one guess from me would be the following,


    where the limiter plug-in of theirs is really very flexible in matters of dithering, noise shaping, also of excellent quality in every other, imaginable, regard... *yes*

    their equaliser, inflator, plug-ins are adopted on the uad platform, too, which fact might mean some level of quality guarancy, with strong assurance... *yes*

    from the site, one can download the user manuals for all of their products... *yes*
    these are also very good sources of general information, regarding processing audio in the field of the plug-in's intended usage... *yes*

    these plug-ins, nowadays, do use those much hated ilok dongles, are also quite expensive, even if worth their price (as usual, the tdm versions cost loads more than their native plug-ins), but one might always do some search for older versions, perhaps there are some possibilities in order to try them before buying them... *yes*

    hoping to help, as ever above, all the best... :bow:
  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Good starting point is this webpage.
    In those graphs, SoX excells in the resampling and dithering field using linear phase...
    But from these graphs and through experimentation, its noise shaping filter is very harsh, leaving too much audible noise in the end result.
    For that, high-precision SSRC with GUI is excellent, as it features ATH based noise shaping with fairly low, but sufficient amplitude.
  17. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, Andrew,

    sorry for thinking, even mentioning in publicised writing, that you would possibly, somewhat, encode, your references... :bow:

    this here me has never, somehow, heard before this time about these SoX thangs (my failure, will read everything there, after that will check, try, all their products, if applicable)... *yes*

    thank you for the information, pray do excuse, again, my (quite stupid, as it seems) accusation... :bow:
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