Categories on sister site?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Keyboadist, Jun 8, 2022.

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  1. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    God! This starts to be really annoying: 10 pages of shitty sample libraries just for today. Combine all this 50 meg pointless stuff in one post, put some respect to the blog users. Please?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
  2. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    The Site has a pretty comprehensive Search engine and the category posts are kept very strictly tidy. So I suggest you learn to use the search engine, after all, it is free
    You scrolled through 10 pages of sample packs Sample packs? Poor You, Were any of them the worlds tiniest violin?
  3. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I don't think I have ever given a downvote to an upload, as I don't know all the "ins and outs" of posting and likely wouldn't know if someone was posting in bad faith.
    But I have commented before about preset packs that are posted in the "Software" section.
    I thought, as presets need something on which to run, they ought to be put in the "Samples/Presets, Patches..." section.

    I was told that no, those presets actually belong in the Software\Windows section because they are used with a Windows plugin, and the the person who told me this was an admin.
    Well, I grant that I am no expert, but it seems quite clear that presets are USUALLY found in "Samples\Patches, Presets..."
    Very rarely presets end up in the "Software..." section.

    I still think I am right, although I dropped the issue then.
    Perhaps it is just a simple mistake in the labeling/tagging, as I see they ARE tagged as "Samples\Presets, Patches..." but they are tagged FIRST with "Software\Windows\..."

    They DO get posted in "Samples/Presets, Patches..." but also in "Software\Windows".
    But MOST preset packs do NOT end up posted in "Software\Windows".
    I think it is a simple mistake, but would like another opinion...perhaps and expert opinion...perhaps from an admin..

    This is not a complaint about the way the site is set up, but just a question of policy and procedures.
    I have never posted anything myself, so I don't feel a "need to know", but I would like to know.
  4. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Poor You, if you don't know that there are other ways browsing a blog except searching. So leave your "smart" suggestions to your self, please
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
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  5. jarredou

    jarredou Guest

    Searches on sistersite are limited to 10 pages of results, it's a very very limited feature, when 2 people can posts 20 pages of shitty samplepacks in 12h, like today.
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  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Ok, now people insulting posters, while most of them never posted anything... That's enough.
    Learn to have patience. The world is not turning around your belly-button.
    Post closed.
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  7. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    I don't know about anyone else but the plague of "construction kits" and/or "deep house" loop packs (or ANY loop packs for that matter) are essentially spam as far as I can tell. Virtually none of them are downloaded and they seem to be self-reproducing. Anything with "House" or Rare" in the title. Anything that implies that the author is "in da hood", etc.

    Is there any way to filter these out of the general page?

    ...or am I just another whining ungrateful S.O.B?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
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  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The purple text below Recording Studios in red. To the left of the feed.
  9. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Someone in another thread suggested doing the RSS feed. I started doing that a month or two back, and haven't looked back. I use QuiteRSS and set up some filters. It can be a bit of work to initially set things up properly, but I have set up a bunch of filters so that my main label is just the stuff that I want to see, and then there's separate folders for the other stuff in case I filter something accidentally that I shouldn't.

    It's taboo to complain about it, yes, but there's just so damn many of them that it overtakes and buries all the good stuff that I'm guessing a lot of people want to see... so it's easy to miss something. So some sort of filter on the actual site would be nice, but for now, RSS filtering works OK (as do the purple links on the left, but you have to probably open a few different ones to see everything you want to see).
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  10. recycle

    recycle Guest

    I love anything written in capital letters, anything 808, anything less than 100mb

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2022
  11. Those choices won't really help with this dilemma. What they need is a special section for 'Under 100 mb Sample Packs'. Unless you click that choice in that 'purple text' section you don't see them on the main page. If you do click on that choice, you can spend your whole entire day demoing the efforts of the eternally talentless :rofl: That would resolve this. And please, don't someone tell me I'm being 'ungrateful'. This is just being practical.
  12. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    You are NOT alone
    It is a FLOOD every month or so

    Especially in "samples" category

    Read this :

    Now it is Big Citi flood ... no one download them 0 rating, they even get -1 or -2

    YES a filter is a good solution
    Thanks for RSS suggestion @naitguy !
  13. recycle

    recycle Guest

    We all know that placing a person who evaluates artistic content and filters spam releases is impractical, it would be too much work and therefore unacceptable, moreover, he may not reflect everyone's tastes.
    I also noticed that for some strange reason, downvoting releases on AZ is severely punished by moderators (try it yourself)

    I actually have an idea that might solve the spam problem:
    My proposal is to add a star rating to every release, like tripadvisor with restaurants:

    5 stars: fantastic.
    4 stars: very good
    3 stars: so and so
    2 stars: try again
    1 star: garbage

    Each post would have a score in stars, Amazon and Google review also uses it.
    By doing this we could then create and show the ranking of releasers, in order to understand who provides the most popular material and who doesn't. The star ranking system could generate competition among the releasers, because all of them would like a high score (high score = users satisfaction = more download = more reward $$$). At this point a releaser would think twice before posting poor material and dropping his ranking.
    This means that the same releasers would choose what is appropriate to post to have a high ranking.

    Result: only good releases would be published on AZ.
    The 5-star rating could revolutionize the entire website and lead it to have the best releases that exactly reflect the taste of users

    I've already tried to propose it to Oly, but that guy wears noise canceling headphones and doesn't listen to anyone ...
  14. uhub

    uhub Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2016
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    I was about to create a thread about that yesterday...

    It's a sample pollution going on for 3 days now using bots & scripts.

    Nobody's other posts you can see even mine among them.


    He doesn't have "i" in his name, only 'i' enabled people will listen to and care for you :wink:
    Also Diggy loops :yes:

    It takes a lot of resources, i don't think @SAiNT will spend that much.

    Ofc but with oneshot filter, i'm on... :like:

    Shall try out, thanks :bow:
  15. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Hmm. Yes.

    That is for filtering out all except what you DO want.

    I want to filter out what I DON'T want.
  16. MichaelPatterson

    MichaelPatterson Kapellmeister

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Yeah, all of us who complain about it are probably a little ungrateful, but it IS a hassle, and if the data indicates that very few people are using those uploads anyhow, then it probably needs to be addressed at some point.

    I'm paranoid about using filters or sections, as I've missed some good/relevant uploads over the years that way. Now, I just bookmark the most recent entry, and the next time I come to AZ, I browse backward until I hit that entry. It takes a little longer, but it's thorough, and I can hardly complain about having to take an extra few minutes, given how much I gain from AZ.
  17. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    It is that the Postive / negative vote, is not a question of whether you like it or you find it useful. According to what I understand, the positive/negative rating would be applied in case of a failure in the publication. For example. If I published "Guitar pack" And instead of having a guitar pack, there would be guitar memes.

    Saying what is good and what is bad, I think, would be a fight for many, as has been said before, what is not good for you is good for me, and what is bad for me is good for you. When something is as versatile as this, putting ratings would be a war of tastes. ( I think)
  18. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Honestly, it doesn't bother me. I constantly check the sister site, so I skip what doesn't interest me.

    Maybe it bothers many others, like you.
    It may not be easy to implement some other system. But I don't know if as much upvote or downvote as @recycle said
    Perhaps showing the number of times downloaded or viewed is a way of realizing how "relevant" it may be.

    For example, when I see a publication that has many comments, I go to see what it is about.
  19. maxion0090

    maxion0090 Newbie

    Oct 4, 2021
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    At first this seemed like the typical boomer music-snob take but its touching boundaries I thought this community was immune from. Especially when most of the spam offenders are house stuff.

    We're better than that kind of rhetoric guys.
  20. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    we need a anti-spam rule. this crap isnt even remotely music related but makes for 99.999999999999 % of posts lately. 10+ pages per day of nothing but annoying useless garbage.
    a simple checkbox to show /(or better not show) all these fantastic wavs is my suggestion. this guy is really tireless. lets send him some pms to let him know what you think. he could open a forum of his own, but better not.
    listen to the radio if you want wavs
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