IK Multimedia ToneX

Discussion in 'Software News' started by vivelazic, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. vivelazic

    vivelazic Member

    Apr 25, 2019
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  3. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I've been hearing the "Real Rig" vs "AI" comparisons. I find quite different. Real Rig has more presence more realism. the "AI" is almost the same in sound, but to me, it doesn't sound the same at all.
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  4. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    I have a question: If the capturing is done via the line outputs, the power amp is not included in the modeling or am I missing something?
  5. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Interesting, I like the DAW plugin. That´s what I am missing from Rig player. A simple Rig player DAW Plugin with a good browser.
    I am curious how it sounds.
    By the way is it me or did Ik turn up the volume of the "AI Rigs" in the Real Amp vs AI Rig video? Really not cool IK multimedia. :rofl:
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2022
  6. ThorntonQ

    ThorntonQ Producer

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Could have easily been an add-on for AMP5 but obviously the boys upstairs, the sales guys who shift units, now working as "product development" seen an opportunity to re-sell you what you already have. That's the story across product lines no REAL innovation just incremental improvements to sell a "new" version of what you already own.

    Had IK really wanted to push boundaries and take No.1 spot they would have implemented Dynamic IR cabs. That is the secret sauce that's missing from all Gtr emulators.

    Even their own examples sound Meh!
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  7. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

  8. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Nope, it's not you, the AI Rigs have up to 2dB more level. :bash:
  9. ThorntonQ

    ThorntonQ Producer

    Jun 21, 2018
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    No as pointed out to me they are still static IR's with a little after manipulation, i.e. added saturation & harmonics by using the overload feature.
    Celestion currently offer "real" dynamic IR's in their speakerMix pro vst here: Celestion SpeakerMix Pro Demo | From Celestion Digital (celestionplus.com)
    But even these are surpassed by Gtr emulator of choice and Nebula N3 0r N4 using ownhammers 412-GTR-MAR-CB-Mix cabs library. Realism like no other.

    You can read a more in depth discussion here on the site: The Next Evolution of Speaker Cabinet IR's | AudioSEX - Professional Audio Forum
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  10. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I was not aware of this (too bad of me as a guitarist)
    I just downloaded the Celestion SpeakerMix Pro (Demo), I tried few because it is limited.
    But I did a quick comparison with a Dynamic Eq and the difference is quite audible. I'm going to investigate the nebula too and then I'll comment on the post you shared with me.
    Thank you!

    Edit: Sorry for quoting in Spanish, I use the translator that appears in Google and I forgot to change it to English before quoting, I will pay more attention.
    I already corrected it :wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2022
  11. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    And Quad Cortex
    And Mooer MNRS 2.0 (i love my GE200 loaded with Anthony Class profiles, GELabs is FREE ...)
    ... and a lot to come :D

    Neural DSP use the SAME tech than their Quad Cortex into their plugins ... but they sell them one by one :rofl:

    IK is just pushing the last LOGICAL button : a complete way to profile YOUR OWN hardware on computer ... and so it is an open door for third party without limitations.
    Like Kemper or QC hardware.

    The only thing missing from Overloud THU Rig Player (sadly) on the software side.
    Don't know why ... may be some fishy Kemper converter behind ?

    The REAL question is :
    Will Overloud and Neural DSP OPEN their profiling on PLUGINS too, due to frontal competition ?
    And what will be Kemper moves on it ? and Quad Cortex NDSP ?

    Depends on final sound AND open commercial usage.
    That's the summer question :rofl:
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  12. Lumberjack88

    Lumberjack88 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2017
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    Which Nebula IR loder are you talking about? Is it the Aero? I do have some Ownhammer IRs, but I don't know any Nebula plugin that lets you load these IRs. Could you explain the exact plugins involved in this signal chain?

    More On-Topic: Do you guys think ToneX will ever be available on the sister site, since it needs to be connected to IKs tonenet?
  13. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Nebula and OwnHammer Nebula captures.

    Sadly ... OH stopped them.
    Too much work for few clients.
    Tonenet is already running with Amplitube 5.
    It is not mandatory, for any IK product.

    Because a lot of ppl will not run those products over internet.

    But how Tonenet will work alongside sister site ... i don't know.
  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I have tested an OwnHammer library - Nebula. I didn't like it at all. However I have some Impulses called Rose AC 30 and ML Sound Lab ORNG IR Cab Pack. When used with TH-U - Overloud, they sound great.
  15. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    ......yawn. This kind of thing has been going on for a very long time with no real breakthrough
    innovation IMHO. A lot of it does sound good when setup and used properly but, at the end of the day,
    it's just static snapshots. Very useful for jamming, composing, re-amping etc. in the studio.

    But I'm not going to replace my tube amps and pedals with a laptop on stage anytime soon.
  16. Lumberjack88

    Lumberjack88 Noisemaker

    Dec 10, 2017
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    Can anybody that's using the Nebula Ownhammer library confirm if my settings zero latency settings are correct (I followed @ThorntonQ guide in the other thread):


    I'm using the latest Studio One version with a Apollo x8 audio interface and a 5950x CPU. At 256 samples of buffer, I still get around 8% CPU load for one instance of this zero latency Ownhammer module. Are you guys getting comparable CPU loads with this zero latency wrapper or did I do something wrong during the setup phase?
  17. ThorntonQ

    ThorntonQ Producer

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Yes that's exactly what I have.
  18. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    U're probably right, i would like agree 100% but i have not thousands of dollars to check it by myself :hahaha: