PA 25$ Voucher for July available

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by mino45, Jul 29, 2022.

  1. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Never heard of that. Can you provide any link or screenshot where it's officially announced?
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  2. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    Dirk made the announcement last month after buying out 78% of izotope and ni instruments, a new venture., in a year he says they will only be subscription based but claimed he did not know or had info on what the decision will be for plugin owners, meaning if no more updates will be available to them., but he removed this after people reported that the investors he joined exploited user data in the past, one of them even fled to israel..they even banned two people for exposing him as the board of directors and fown voted a number os users on reddit for telling people to have vaseline ready for whats next if you own bx_plugins., 78% of a company is more then Musk has with twitter and he is board of directors so there are holes in this story., especially info taken down about it, but read the user agreement as it was updated., very sneaky.
  3. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    You have a very weird read on that news article.

    "Your plugin licenses and subscriptions are safe"

    Which particular statement in the press release says that "they will no longer support offline plugins in a year"? (presumably, you are referring to non-subscription permanent licenses).

    If Dirk has made that statement, officially, outside of the above press release (which contained nothing alarming for existing users), then please post the exact words used.

    Otherwise, this is just FUD, imo.
  4. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    HE is saying they are safe but they indeed told the public they are moving towards the SUBSCRIPTION BASED MODEL.....

    Ill make a bet with you, when they do will you return all the money I paid for my PA plugs?
    Cause they def posted the info a month ago to legally protect themselves if the details about the company venture, who their investors are and Dirk been board of directors was removed? it can remain private but we know why it is now.

    your about to be SCREWED if you buy any of their stuff, btw I got IOS apps where developers also claimed you will never need to pay for updates for life! apps like one password....etc and they LIED and charged full price saying the new version is rebuilt from the ground up.

    here is something, when I have more time ill post pages of this where DIRK had said something too.
    im assuming this thread will be taken off since it threats the sale scams etc of developers like Plugin alliance and partners right?

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  5. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    "a few bucks per month" he said ...
    Like 30 bucks per month "Forever" (thats' the name) = 360 bucks every year to OWN NOTHING
    It is the price of Cubase Pro or Studio One !!!
    Come on ...

    It remembers me something ...

    "you will own nothing and be happy"
    WEF klaus schwab

    My life is not for rent
  6. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    Apple also claimed we dont own the computer and their user agreement is based on a lease, well, according to regulations a lease requires the leaser to agree to maintaining and even replacing the product if necessary like a car, you think apple will give use newer computers every year, its also way over priced as a lease for a product., in the end law makers in the US hide that these clause-lease of Apples is null, cant be applied, but if they do snoop on their leased computer they wont tell you unless they have something to blackmail you with.
  7. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    I agree with that noiseboyuk guy, there's hasn't been a hint to anything. Even the reply doesn't "hint" at PA moving to subscription only, it only shows them defending that there's a market for subs, which i think is bs but whatever.

    I don't like PA, i bought a few of their stuff but i wouldn't be that hurt if they suddenly decided to screw me up and it's perfectly possible that it'll happen at some point. But come on, this says nothing of the sorts.

    If people are worried about the "owning" part...well you never really owned anything in the first place, not even with perpetual licenses.
  8. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I have no doubt that changes will be coming, and I also have no doubt that Soundwide want a subscription-based model that covers all the NI/iZ/PA products. This has been reasonably clearly communicated, and investors like predictable income for a subscriber customer base.

    However, *very few* companies yet have moved to a subscription-*only* model - ie removed permanent license purchase options completely. Not Slate, not UVI, not PA, not iZotope etc etc. Some initially sub-only models have reverted and *added back in* permanent licenses (eg Roland Cloud) in fact.

    So while it's possible that Soundwide, including NI, iZotope and PA, completely remove all permanent license purchase options, I think it's unlikely, at least in the current economic climate.

    And even if they do, there is no way they can remove my activated, purchased PA plugins from my computer, even if they wanted to. My permanently licensed purchased plugins are reasonably safe. And if you're worried about updates - well, updates are pretty few and far between for PA plugins anyway, so even if that happened I wouldn't consider it the end of the world.

    If they don't (in a realistic time frame, say within three years), will you pay me the cost of my licensed plugins?

    In your opinon. As I already said, there is no way they can stop permanently licensed plugins working, even if they wanted to (which is just daft, they are not going to do that.)

    So then, let's revisit this in three years time, and we'll see whether a) all the PA plugins I bought are still working and usable on my computer (so, you know, "not screwed"), b), there is no way to purchase permanent licenses of PA products, and c) you can no longer update your permanently licensed PA products with more recent updates as those are only available for subscribers.
  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I like subscription models, in fact I hire a different one every weekend.
  10. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    your argument that Dirk never officially announced this is justifiable cause its true that kvr keeps removing the comments of people outraged at the idea, but seriously, the resale market is what dirk wants to kill now, very clever business tactic, you offer usb ilok type options, later limit how many times how many computers, then you no longer own them and in addition to this the $30 per plug a month deal kills the resell market cause of a $20 transfer fee., no more $25 vouchers either, unless you spend $75.

    so why do you want to own the plugs?
    No internet connection,
    Intellectual property theft,
    Paranoia with the net, sort of justified if your parents work with the CIA Etc,
    Who knows how many other reasons.

    why subscriptions, well why not, if we can find photoshop updates all over the web with hashtag verifications in less then 10 mins from their release Dirk will also find all his plugs and is glad he can after he gets his cut of selling the company, the only persons i met that regret not behind their desks where Steve jobbs and Thomas (something) from Emagic.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  11. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Yes, they've already pretty much achieved that with the various business changes they've made in the first half of this year, as you've outlined.

    Honestly, whatever Soundwide choose to do, the initial premise you were stating was that everybody who has bought PA plugins is "screwed" (which to me, means, your permanently-licensed plugins will no longer be able to be used and your ownership is taken away, and you'll now need to subscribe to use them).

    I reject this opinion as FUD, and I think it's highly likely that I'd still going to be able to open my projects using PA plugins on my machine in five years time without have to pay some sort of subscription free to do so.

    It's possible that the choice of being able to buy permanent licenses some years down the line is no longer available, but that's not screwing existing people who have bought plugins previously either. That's just changing the business of how they monetise their products in the future. If anything, this might be an indication that it might actually *benefit* or motivate people to go and buy the plugins they want permanently *now*, before that option is no longer available...

    None of us know how the future will shake out, of course. At the *worse* case (which as I've outlined, I do not think will happen) is that some EQ or compressor plugins, that can be fairly easily replaced with other stuff, might not longer be activateable on a new machine. Should that happen, I can deal with it then... all the rest is just FUD, imo. ymmv.
  12. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    you argument was justifiable only because you could not find the info about it,
    But now its clear to you that buying plugin alliance products means your screwed your trying to say its fud, what he originally said was already signed in a contract with investors, he is only waiting until the agreements terminate this year to screw you before you get vaseline ready

    question i have is why your angry at me, i was not making it up, you now see its true, i dont want this and suddenly you do?why argue in the first place…lol

    why not just admit it, tell people to save their money and subscribe because reselling anything wont worth it, next year people will offer $10 for 30 licenses instead of licenses for $350, is there something your not telling us all here?
  13. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    So stick with it, cause buying anything is onoy killing the resell market once the plugs are worth nothing
  14. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I don't follow you. Nothing you have shown gives me anything to change my opinions on the matter...

    Strange comment. Please don't confuse disagreeing with an opinion as "anger". There is no anger here.

    And no, as mentioned, none of your comments move me to a "you now see it's true" case. I have no idea where you get that from, and nor do I understand what you are trying to say here. My opinions on this are exactly the same in each of posts.

    I have literally no idea what you are trying to say here. Anyway, I have no desire to argue with you - your opinion seems to be, on the basis of a bunch of speculation, that people who have bought PA plugins are "screwed", and my opinion differs, for the reasons stated. When we all get more actual facts, perhaps then will be time to revise our view of what is happening. Until then, I see no reason to be alarmist about it.
  15. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    I proved that I am not basing anything on speculation, maybe you want to sell your plugins because they will be worthless, I understand that, but its over, lo0k, another move by Dirk just in the last 5 minutes!

    This means the forever29 is you in with us every month or out used to be that you can cancel any time, now your out your out....this is known as h0ney d1cking people

    buying anything from plugin alliance will be based on use butt end speculation type agreement , in fact you cant trust any of it, as change their plans at any time...for all we know they will announce the subscription only for a ex amount of time, the reason they came up with this forever29 is to screw the resell market, to get a piece of the action while at it then screw anyone who owns anything of theirs and charge $25 a month subscription plans (if they want to use plugs in newer computers....which you will want after they probably hack yours, (that I admin to be speculation) but based on the facts speculation is their game.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  16. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    The way I see it, PA are turning on the customers who helped to build the company from scratch, and now they are going to rent out the plugins that we have already paid the development costs for. I am totally not interested in any subscription models and I don't like the way that I have been backed into a corner, i.e. my plugin investment now has zero resale value, and the way I buy plugins has also been messed with.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  17. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Ok, time to stop the conspiracies.

    'For a few bucks per month you can use everything you need' is possible for years now with their Yearly Cash-Back Bundles. This not a hint, let alone a proof, that you have to have a subscription to use the licenses you already own or that you can't buy perpetual licenses in the (near) future.

    Any further posts in favour of this conspiracy will be treated according to the rules.
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  18. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Where are you making this stuff up from? I like my PA plugins, have no desire to sell anything, will continue to use them. In fact, I've never sold a plugin, nor factored in a possible resell value to any plugins I buy.

    Yes, I saw the Forever29 expiration warning earlier, many of us suspected this would probably happen, especially as Dirk a few weeks back was touting different subscription offerings to see how people felt about it... I think that deal was a bit too good for the customers, and didn't quite do what PA were hoping (for people to stay subscribed to it.)
  19. Justin-Cydeher

    Justin-Cydeher Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    so you dont speculate you suspect and expect plugin alliance to take peoples money then change their plan making anything they purchase worthless in the resell market right? I mean people like PA because of the resell market or did I miss something?

    You denied that Dirk was planning to screw over owners of plugins so those who thought about reselling get nothing, then when you finally see its true im still wrong about siding with people who paid for their plugs cause they had thought they had more resell value.

    Now anything Plugin Alliance does is ok by you, even if they are claiming to be a product of another company Dirk owns 78% of and is then board director..basically the owner., but im sure you will claim this is a conspiracy as well..wonder why...did you also attack anyone advising not to buy Pro Tools 6 months ago cause AVID will only be subscription based? lol

    lets end this, your wrong for defending greed, but your right to support companies for it if your an affiliate.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  20. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Let's calm down a bit. I already agreed with you above in that PA's recent business moves have already affected the second hand market.

    Now I personally don't particularly care about that market (I already stated I don't sell my plugins), but, as far as I can make out from your statements, if the main problem you have in relation to "screwing over people who bought plugins" is that their resale value has dropped, then fair enough, I understand that point. That's not imo "screwing over everyone who has bought plugins", but if some people feel their perceived value of owning PA products has dropped, and thus *feels* screwed over, I understand your point (I don't agree with it, but I understand it. For me, my perceived value of owning PA plugins is zero anyway.)

    No, I think you're getting your wires crossed here with some of the things I'm saying. If you were only ever talking about resale value in relation to being "screwed over", then I was talking about a wider general picture. Plenty of people have little care about resale value, they buy the plugins to *use*, not to sell. And dropping the resale value has already happened, it's nothing to do with your initial point of "not supporting offline plugins in a year" and other Soundwide future strategies and other such rantings.

    *sigh* I'm getting bored of you making up random things about me, and stating them as fact. I have no particular love of PA. I have no particular hatred of PA. They are just another software company I've bought relatively inexpensive products from that I use and enjoy, no more or less...

    Perhaps you need step away from the computer and enjoy some quality time with your loved ones, because you're clearly worked up about this. Perhaps you were thinking that one day you'd be able to sell all your 20 year old PA plugins and retire, and are now faced with the fact that they have been worthless for resale for a long time now. These tools really are not investments.

    For not the first time, I've literally no idea what you are trying to say here. If you think I'm "defending greed" somewhere, then either I'm not communicating myself properly, or you aren't reading my posts properly.

    I don't think either of us have anything to gain by continuing this discussion, so I'm out. Thanks for playing.
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