How do you create .nicnt files?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Snovv, Aug 6, 2022.

  1. Snovv

    Snovv Member

    Jul 4, 2022
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    So until now I had been using Nicnt Generator(Provided by Bob Dule's Kontakt Patcher), but for some reason it just stopped working - throwing the error: Unhandled exception.... Can't write to registry.
    Unfortunately, my windows crashed so I installed Linux and ran everything through wine (FL, Kontakt, Spitfire etc). I tried the generator again and i still got the same error (Makes me wonder if it's the software that's the problem, but I digress)

    I've decided to just manually make the .nicnt file but I can't find a tutorial out here. Most of the links that I can find are dead, and the ones that exist are dead. So if anyone can help me out I'll greatly appreciate it.

  3. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    the problem is generally the user cooking
    originally, you should move the mini nicnt generator to your library root folder before generate a nicnt.
    if not it can show this error.(the file is geneated even with the error alert)

    usually you can move the generated nicnt file from the temp folder (kontakt button still opened) to your library root.
    and don't use special caracters for library name/folder/reg key.

    you can also use total commander to make nicnt files, simply reproduce the original structure from a valid nicnt.
    the tutorial is the original files. use the same structure/folder/image name/content before pack in .nicnt
  4. Snovv

    Snovv Member

    Jul 4, 2022
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    Thanks for the reply. So after digging around, I finally managed to create a perfectly working nicnt file for Alicias Keys (The one provided by rollerball's lite version wasn't being read by your add library tool.) I also came to the realisation that the reason the .nicnt generator wasn't working was that the library in question (Cinesamples Kalimba) had been long discontinued. Of course the nicnt gen doesn't work on linux for me (Mainly because of issues regarding wine).

    At least now that I know the problem, my perfectionist half can rest. Thanks again bob.
  5. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    you can use "play on linux" for ableton, kontakt, nicnt generator, keygens to get them working as in windows.
    it create a fake virtual machine wine based for linux. you need a complete system emulation to make all working together.

    you can try others os virtualiser but this linux addon works for audio stuff. Ni tools generally also use Native Access, you should install it to get the xml part working.