Reaper 6.71 with Official C.L.A.P Functionality

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by quadcore64, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Time for applause?

    v6.71 - November 28 2022
    + API: process hook functions for actions that are executed via WM_COMMAND or KBD_OnMainActionEx
    + Batch converter: attempt to preserve original image metadata if possible
    + Batch converter: do not override user-added metadata when preserving source metadata
    + Batch converter: maintain converter-specific metadata rather than using project metadata
    + CLAP: add support for CLAP plugins
    + CLAP: support "cockos.reaper_extension", which returns a reaper_plugin_info_t structure for REAPER API access (see reaper_plugin.h)
    + FLAC: fix occasional failure when embedding image metadata in rendered FLAC file
    + FX: add project setting to auto-bypass plug-ins that report tail length, with user-defined silence threshold
    + FX: add per-instance setting to auto-bypass plug-in (uses automatic tail detection if plug-in does not report tail length)
    + FX: add compatibility setting to force automatic tail detection, allowing plug-ins to opt-in to project auto-bypass
    + FX browser: improve configuration for hiding duplicate plug-ins of different types
    + FX browser: when hiding duplicates, ignore trailing channel counts
    + JSFX: add ext_tail_size in order to support auto-bypass
    + JSFX: update many built-in FX to support auto-bypass
    + Linux: improve keyboard handling for plug-ins
    + Localization: support localizing layout category names, wiring diagram labels, etc [p=2599980]
    + Localization: support longer action names in action dialog/custom actions editor
    + Localization: fix UTF-8 in time-signature marker editor combo box on Windows
    + macOS: fix various incorrectly displayed keyboard shortcuts in menus [t=273068]
    + Media explorer: greatly improve search speed with large databases [t=270722]
    + Media import: ignore numbers that look like sample rates (e.g. "48k") when attempting to interpret tempo from filename
    + Media items: arrange overlapping items by the order the items were added to the track [p=2613674]
    + Metadata: fix possible mislabeling of generic metadata in source properties dialog and media explorer
    + Metadata: optionally include metadata in render and batch converter presets
    + Metadata: support embedding ID3 tags in .aiff files
    + Metadata: support displaying embedded metadata images (cover art, etc) in MP3, FLAC, WAV, AIFF source properties dialog
    + MIDI: fix recording of multiple takes via retroactive record [t=272770]
    + Preferences: add rendering option to disable auto-bypass when using offline render/apply FX/etc
    + Project bay: add FX menu item to toggle auto-bypass
    + ReaPlugs: support silence-processing optimizations
    + ReaScript: improve get_action_context() (see documentation)
    + ReaScript: add GetEnvelopeUIState()
    + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String MARKER_INDEX_FROM_GUID: support [t=272406]
    + ReaScript: add param.X.[learn|lfo|acs|plink|mod] to [Track|Take]FX_[Get|Set]NamedConfigParm capabilities
    + ReaScript: add VIDEO_CODE and vst_chunk/vst_chunk_program/clap_chunk to [Track|Take]FX_[Get|Set]NamedConfigParm capabilities
    + ReaScript: add SetTrackUI[Volume/Pan/Width/Mute/Solo/RecArm/InputMonitor/Polarity] with grouping options and fewer side effects than their CSurf_ equivalents
    + ReaScript: add support for numerous keyboard/action-related APIs that were previously C-only
    + ReaScript: allow accessing envelopes for FX parameters that have modulation but no envelope points
    + ReaScript: extend SetProjectMarkerByIndex2 to allow deferred re-sort of project markers [t=272406]
    + ReaScript: update InsertMedia/InsertMediaSection to support modifying RS5k on arbitrary track index, improve docs
    + ReaVerb: fix deconvolution tail trimming
    + ReaVerb: support deconvolution of more than 2 channels [t=272747] [p=2600567]
    + Render: do not automatically set render source to render matrix when opening region manager [t=272752]
    + RS5k: fix undo state issues via RS5k manager script [t=272617]
    + Sends: optimize processing when sends are effectively inactive
    + Video: fix resource leak in WMF colorspace conversion [t=269797]
    + Video: make action to clear cache/re-render frames asynchronous from decoding [p=2614512]
    + Video: restore 6.69 and earlier behavior of _0 in gfx_evalrect() [t=272800]
    + VST: do not use VST3 bus silenceFlags if buggy compatibility mode is set
    + VST: activate/deactivate VST3 busses on the fly in response to pin mapper changes
    + VST: move more of PDC buffer initialization to playback start
    + WAV: prioritize displaying higher-confidence text from embedded cue data [t=272956]
    + WAV: support reading/writing BW64 files (ADM metadata is ignored)
    + Web interface: fix fancier.html record armed track detection with a single track [t=272428]
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
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  2. mrichi

    mrichi Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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  3. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Have to say that from the CLAP launch announcement the uptake has been really encouraging!

    Having a solid format that's multiplatform and very liberally licensed will be a really good thing going forward. I'll take my Ubuntu install for a spin w/ Reaper soonish, but it's looking good .
  4. Genoveva Bernhard

    Genoveva Bernhard Producer

    Jan 31, 2022
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    I'm taking bets on if Steinberg is going to adopt the CLAP platform.
  5. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I would say this to Steinberg and others...Adapt or, be left behind.
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