How to best set up an Audient ID14 MkII?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Bunford, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    So, following a recent thread, I just purchased one of these and now have it. However, having some issues in terms of setting it up and would welcome views/advice.

    Basically, when I have my laptop's Windows output volume set to 100 (max), it is virtually constantly clipping and distorting on the Audient's iD Mixer software, as well as audibly in the headphones, even if I turn the headphones volume down to -6dB.

    I realise I can turn the laptop's Windows output volume down, but prefer to have it at max if possible so that I head the true, full fat and non-dimmed sound outputting from Windows. However, the iD Mixer software does not appear to allow me to reduce the actual output, e.g. to reduce the DAW 1+2 fader so it peaks at -6. It allows me to take down the DAW 1+2 output fader, but the signal is still showing as clipping/in the red on the channel, and this simply seems to just be reducing the volume feeding through to the Master rather than reducing the actual output of DAW 1+2 (I would expect to see the clipping metering to reduce on the DAW 1+2 channel by lowering the fader for this channel).

    There are then separate speakers and headphones volume controls on the Audient, but again, these simply just turn down the Master volume level, so have no bearing on the clipping according to the metering.

    Is there any way to control it in a better way, or am I being stupid and missing something, without having to turn down my laptop's master volume down from 100 (max), which then potentially masks audio/music production related output sounds due to being at a lower, more dimmed, and more 'padded' (for want of a better word) output level?!?! I'm having to to turn down the laptop's output to something like 30% to be at 'normal' levels without clipping in the DAW 1+2 channel metering, which doesn't seem normal.

    There's nothing wrong with the device, it just seems a tad illogical in terms of how to best set it up, or illogical to my way of thinking anyway :yes:

    Here is an example, where you can see the level is so loud, and the 20 second look back in top right shows the red hot/clipping output, and this is listening to a fairly quiet-ish track on Soundcloud. The second shows that reducing the DAW 1+2 fader does reduce it's feed into the Master, but has no bearing on it clipping within the channel DAW 1+2 itself:



    Only turning down the Windows volume to sub-30% is what affects the DAW 1+2 metering:

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022

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  3. recycle

    recycle Guest

    how can you control the laptop output? If you use Audient as the main audio interface, the internal interface will be disconnected. There is something unclear: are you sending audio signal from laptop out to audient in? There is no point in doing this, but maybe I misunderstood.
  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I mean Windows' volume control and the laptop's hardware volume controls, rather than the laptop's actual audio device.

    As with anything, playing something at 30% sounds very different to playing it at 100%, so just confused that this may mask/dim/pad some things due to having to use at such a low volume to prevent clipping.

    It just seems to make it unnecessarily difficult it seems to gauge whether the distortion/clipping is coming from the input (the laptop audio into the Audient), the output (the Audient's headphones output), or a mixture of the two as the Master Mix metering in the Audient's iD Mixer is small with no dB references and goes amber super early it seems, meaning difficult to gauge on a very small, unclear meter.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
  5. TheRiddler303

    TheRiddler303 Kapellmeister

    Jul 24, 2020
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    i have the id44 and also confused, that you can even control the volume of the computer, when the audient is connected. when the audient interface is connected, i can't control my computers volume over the keyboard at all. i need to turn the volume knob of the audio interface.

    just connected it over usb and i think i put up the daw faders in the software also. that's it. no clipping issues or whatever, unless the DAW is clipping :D

    but i'm on a mac. never tried on windows.
  6. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Exactly as @TheRiddler303 says

    What audio source are you using? For example, if you use VLC it allows you to turn up the volume above 100% and therefore you can generate clipping.

    the zeroDB on the audient mixer is analog, It actually corresponds to -18db digital. Real clipping occurs at full scale
  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I'm just playing audio on my laptop, using a browser on YouTube, Soundcloud, Beatport, and so on, using the Windows volume control to turn up and down, as shown in screenshots in teh OP.
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Sound - Settings - As default device

    To avoid problems, you should strictly separate Windows music/videos/Youtube/movies etc. and DAW recording.
    This is achieved by correctly assigning the audio devices in Windows.

    Windows Music/Videos/Youtube/Movies etc. See photo in file attachment:
    - Set as default (for example "Realtec Digital Output")

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  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Example: Audient iD14 - 256 samples/44.1 kHz

    The main volume is best controlled on the audiointerface with the two "GAIN" controls.
    I have set to level 6 or 190 degrees. Then the slider in the software to 100% !
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022

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  10. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    hi there, why is it better to separate the two things? it's often handy to have windows audio coming from headphones out of the interface

    just curious about this
  11. recycle

    recycle Guest

    If your audio signal comes from youtube (or other streaming platform) it cannot be clipped.
    Note that the 0db you see on Audient mixer belongs to the cursors: you are not clipping if leds go beyond that limit. I know it may be confusing...
    if you really want to know why, you should deepen the concept of db and dbFS

  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Windows sometimes adjusts the values of your configuration depending on the file and sometimes the output of the sounds is incorrect. Windows has its own priorities when playing Windows sounds and applications and it does not follow the DAW.

    Optimize the audio interface
    If the system is equipped with an onboard sound chip, you should configure it as the default output device in Windows if possible (Control Panel ▸ Sounds and Audio Devices) so that Windows system sounds, for example, are output via the onboard sound and do not affect the audio signal of your audio interface.
  13. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    :unsure: From Audient iD14 MKII Manual V1.pdf, iD Mixer App, Input Channels - Channel Features, Meter: The meter shows the current signal level in dBFS. Should the signal level exceed 0dBFS then the peak indicators will illuminate red to indicate a peak.
  14. recycle

    recycle Guest

    What you say is absolutely correct.

    The point is that on the side of meters there is a cursor marked with a standard db scale (not dbFS): that scale has nothing to do with led meters and it can be misleading. Even when led colors start to light in red, signal not distorted: the real zero db for meters is at full scale (when the last led turn on).
    I guess this is a graphic fail

    Yes, I own an Audient interface and I deal with that mixer app everyday
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I also have an Audient iD14 and the settings on the audio interface and in the associated software are always the same and fixed. It's like with the monitors, once you choose the right setting - you keep it. All other problems etc I regulate in the DAW.
  16. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Even if the LEDs are lit above the zero indicated on the cursor, this is not clipping:

    This is clipping:

    In any case, you have more than 120db of dynamics, there is no reason to go hot: keep it low when tracking (using physical gain knob, not any on-screen volume), you have plenty of options then to raise the level in the mix.

    I noticed that the Audient mixer will report clipping even if you are still in safe zone (-0.1 or even -0.2db): that's why youtube output can turn on the overload led on master. Yes, it is definitely a lame meter: you don't have to rely on it too much

    About system sounds via Audient:
    You don't need any Windows sounds - just turn them off in the preferences panel
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2022
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