Why do so many people remain anonymous?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ryck, Jul 30, 2022.

  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    You don't see mine? Besides, this isn't in a humor forum. I'm asking a serious question with a serious purpose
  2. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Ok I will explain this to you. You are anonymous asking why people remain anonymous. Get it?
  3. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    It's obvious.....because bitches be crazy!

  4. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    and go back to the beginning or to what I said before.
    I said this with a constructive purpose, to be able to make music in community, for AS to be something bigger. I was hoping for answers more in line with the question. Half of them take it as a joke. It's okay, I'm not offended, but it makes you feel a little bit excited when you propose something nice and they laugh at you.

    Last time they made a joke about a photo of the universe in a humorous post, I hadn't seen that it was humorous. So I answered in a serious way what the photo seemed to me, and not only me, others too. Then others came to say that it was humor and that we were distorting the post, they even sent me private messages.

    Now I ask something serious and they take it as a joke. OK, everything's fine
  5. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    The insult is about the ability to read. Again I explain.
  6. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    many people know who I am, I have shared in the past my songs that are on public platforms. Another person taking it personally. As if this post were to know who each one is, and that is not the point.
  7. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I explain again, he made an ironic joke, he answered ironically. So I would have to take your "joke" as an insult, when I'm asking something for a serious purpose? let's see explain...
  8. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Let's see, tomorrow you ask how a vst works, and we're all going to put humorous memes and you laugh, but you're left without knowing how the vst works, was that the end?
  9. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Why do you?
  10. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I did not understand
  11. zadiac

    zadiac Producer

    Jun 9, 2022
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    My real name is Jon Snow
    I rode a dragon once and I stabbed a beautiful queen with a dagger, but she was crazy, so I had no choice. Never saw the dragon again. Pity. My life is a very sad story.
  12. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Well, anyway, my initial question was serious.
    I am not interested in knowing who is who and what they do with their lives. I was only interested in being able to do something in community, and not necessarily knowing the identity of each one, but the way to achieve it since many people I saw did not want to share music for fear of knowing who they are.
    But very few comments were constructive or giving arguments. Most are jokes, teasing or criticism. As if I was forcing someone to say who they are.

    Too bad, could this be the reason why many people are no longer in AS? It will be that they got tired of the teasing and the unconstructive responses.

    It's quite frustrating when you want to do something nice and they laugh at you, or criticize you for it. In fact I see it on the sister site many times, giving negative likes because they don't like the publication, criticizing free libraries, etc.
    There's a lot of hate and troll here, and it's not good when you mean well.
    A forum is not made by an admin or a mod, it is made by people, they moderate and manage, perhaps they should think about whether they want the forum to be something constructive or a small group of people who are dedicated to making fun of everyone who says something they don't like.

    My question has already lost all seriousness, thanks to those who responded constructively.

  13. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Using your real name on the internet is like having a TV crew follow you around all day, they see where you go, who you talk with, what you want, who your connections are, it goes on and on. Not only that, this data is held indefinitely, sold to the highest bidder to people who have no moral compass or ethics, accessed by governments (not just your own). The fact that you have nothing to hide is neither here nor there, you are a commodity.
  14. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    This is a pretty silly question to begin with (thus the obvious part). That is far from asking about a vst. It is obvious why people are anonymous. It's silly from the get go. I can continue explaining these obvious things to you. In your original post you acknowledge it is probably obvious. Yeah that's a lot like asking about a vst.
  15. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    LOL, and LOL again. You didn't intend humor but it is very humorous.
  16. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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  17. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Just because someone posts a fun little joke, doesn't mean they are laughing *at* you.

    We all laugh together, and I would have thought the OP would find it mildly funny too. A joke doesn't have to be, and certainly wasn't intended, at your expense. If you don't get my sense of humour, or have a different sense of humour (or no humour at all!) that's fine too. There was nothing inherently insulting about the little bit of wordplay directed to you personally, so just move past it (just like I did when you directed your personal comment to me.)

    And neither does it prevent discussion from those that wanted to get into it more seriously.

    It's a community of people, all interacting. You can recognise the humour, have a laugh, and continue to talk about your topic, without making it such a big deal, when all it was was a simple little fun wordplay joke that I see a few others also seemed to enjoy.

    Not gonna lie - that was kind of what I was hoping for... ;)
  18. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    The truth is that it doesn't bother me that an idiot like you laughs at me, this is very common on social networks. When you don't give them the head to respond, they do that, make fun of you. So I'm accustomed to idiots. The only sad thing here (for me) is that AS could be a more interesting forum if it took more seriously when someone asks something in good faith. I am not the first person to be mocked or the last. In fact, I have been following the forum for years and 80% of the people who participated no longer participate. Maybe this is the reason, I don't know. But as I said, I am not the first nor the last to feel a little disappointed by this. My life remains the same, what I can't do here I do elsewhere, it's simple. My plan was for a good purpose. And I know that some understood it, you obviously don't, you're full of shit.
  19. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    Police Are Using Newborn Genetic Screening to Search for Suspects, Threatening Privacy and Public Health


    Nearly every baby born in the U.S. has blood drawn in the immediate hours after their birth, allowing the baby to be tested for a panel of potentially life-threatening inherited disorders. This is a vital public health program, enabling early treatment of newborns with genetic disorders; for them, it can be the difference between a healthy life and an early death. But recent news suggests that police are seeking access to these newborn blood samples in criminal investigations. Such use of this trove of genetic material — to hunt for evidence that could implicate a child’s relative in a crime — endangers public trust in this vital health program and threatens all Americans’ right to genetic privacy.

    A public records lawsuit filed in New Jersey this month details how police subpoenaed a newborn blood sample to investigate a 1996 cold case. While law enforcement’s desire to use these blood samples in criminal investigations was always a possibility — and one the ACLU has opposed — the increasing use of Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) has only increased the government’s interest in easy access to people’s DNA.
  20. m.sarti

    m.sarti Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    At the outset (say, 20-30 years ago), online discussion forums were almost entirely anonymous, except if they were some well-known figure presenting themselves. (I recall that Billy Idol was on The Well as "William Broad," his real name - ironic, maybe.) Then social-media platforms came along, encouraging people to make celebrities of themselves and divulge their personal lives. Fecebook was designed and intended to capture as much real-world information about users, and their associations, as possible. YouTube had originally been tacitly anonymous, but after a while it encouraged people to use their real-world names (especially if they want monetization).

    I know from experience that opinions expressed candidly online can socially backfire. It's not a matter of doxxing, but of being already exposed enough to be a target of people going psycho over something I'd posted, because one never knows how someone might take it. I've lost longtime friends over simple online statements of straightforward opinions; I probably have lost potential friends and fans because of such. Now that everything is micro-politicized, I'm probably going to be seen as a "white supremacist" because I express my love of British rock. (I got banned from a subreddit for saying that I think Filipino women are beautiful, despite that I'd intended it to be a compliment.) I see the need for a partition between the realm in which I publicize my music and the realm in which I discuss topics online. In the former, I have particular parameters; I try to keep it so that no one might be predisposed against (or even in favor of) my music because of my messed-up attitude toward this or that.