Missing content files (samples) (mac) have spent many many hours trying to fix.

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by pianowaves, Jul 24, 2022.

  1. pianowaves

    pianowaves Newbie

    Jul 24, 2022
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    HI, I'm new here. Hope all are well and enjoying making music. I'm new to Kontakt and Plug ins in general and learning.

    I have recently installed Kontakt 6.7.1 MORia for mac (Is this the Bob dule version?) I didnt get it from Bob's site, I think I got it from this sister site but have been downloading so many Kontakt related things over the last week I lose track. (Special thank's to Bob for the work he does and everybody else too)

    What led me down this path was a library called 'Ventus native american flutes' I downloaded it from RU tracker and extracted it to my documents folder and it all seems legit and looks like how a library folder should. I created a nicnt file and tried multiple nicnt creaters, all found on here and have used the kitty script too and ta da the ventus flutes shows in my library on Kontakt.

    The issue I'm having is when I click the instruments I get a pop up saying Missing content and basically it seems all the samples can not be located as there is nearly 7k that shows as missing. I have tried batch resave etc but nothing has fixed it so far. I have tried multple nicnt files and had a go at editing it through txt edit and hex friend as I read on here to edit nicnt files through hex friend but still I havn't managed to fix it.

    What could be causing the missing sample files problem? Is it to do with the Nicnt file? Is it this certain library that can't be done?

    I have the same issue with other ventus instuments too because I downloaded the pan pipes version too but the same thing happens regarding missing content. I did download from ru tracker the ventus duduk and managed to get that one to work (but that came with a nicnt file already in the library) However today I opened it up and have a seperate issue saying duduk.nki could not be loaded the file format is not supported or could be corrupt. Anyway I'm not to fussed by the duduk as its the native american flute sound that i really want to get to work :)

    Sorry for the long post and If anybody could give any insight as to what the problem is I would be so thankful, any tips as to what the problem could be, I have been at this for must be over 20 hours trying to fix it. Thanks :)
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I barely ever use Kontakt and I'm not going to install any of this so mine doesn't work alongside yours. But, I looked on the other tracker and almost 300 people have downloaded the Ventus release you are talking about. 1 person mentions it crashing a different daw software. I really doubt the problem is with the libraries or people would comment this info. So I think the issue is your version of Kontakt. It does mention the minimum Kontakt is 5.7 in the info; did you try adding it as a 5 library or with Kontakt 5 first?

    It's going to be something dumb. Don't go dl the big libraries again is my point. :)
  4. Meric

    Meric Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    Missing samples has absolutely nothing to do with the nicnt file. When you are batch resaving are you making sure to select the proper folder? The source folder must include both the nki and ncw / ncx files. Batch resave will throw a warning prompt for missing samples upon checking all of your nki and then once picking the directory of the library it will locate missing samples and resolve the issue
  5. pianowaves

    pianowaves Newbie

    Jul 24, 2022
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    Hi :) Thank you for helping, I have attatched a pic of the folder, the NKI files ar ein the instruments folder, and the ncw files are in the samples folder and then loacted in folders inside the sample folder etc (is that normal?)

    I'm certain I have done batch resave correct and have tried it multiple times, I locate the correct folder (check resolve all possible) and it begins to scan and takes a long time and when it eventualy ends its as if nothing has happened, it still says missing files but when i close down the batch resave pop up it does do something like it says saving patches and lists the intruments but once its done this nothing has been fixed still, I click the instrument and its as if nothing has changed and i get the missing files pop up. The number of missing files is exactly the same as before I tried.

    Thankyou for replying and I'm glad to know its nothing to do with the Nicnt file, its strange cos I have had this happen now with 3 of the 5 librarys i have tried to do, all of them i get them to show in my kontakt librarys but I get the missing content pop up when i click on the instrument.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2022

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  6. pianowaves

    pianowaves Newbie

    Jul 24, 2022
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    Thanks for replying :) Oh yeah I read in the comments too how it has crashed for a few people, when I was first downloading kontakt etc I downlaoded the free version of Kontakt 5 and when I tried to add the library it said the version of Kontakt was too old or soemthing to those lines, but this was the free demo version. I should download the full Kontakt 5 still anyway and will try on there, I'm not sure where to get the best version of Kontakt 5?
  7. pianowaves

    pianowaves Newbie

    Jul 24, 2022
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    My mac is catalina 10.15.7, I just read a thread how this can cause issues, do you think it could be the casue of why I'm having this issue? Thanks :)
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I doubt it. But people frequently mis-install Kontakt. I don't remember the version of 5 we used to use, but the Kitty scripts were supposed to take care of even needing to do that anymore.

    Do you have other libraries that are scene releases and work correctly in your current Kontakt installation? Usually when it is not installed correctly, it is because the user has not code signed everything correctly. This causes very strange errors.

    I will pm you a link for the Codesigner Beta application to try it. It can't hurt anything if you happen to code sign something twice if you aren't sure you did it already. You need to codesign the Application, the AU, and any VST copies of the plugin. (any of them).
  9. pianowaves

    pianowaves Newbie

    Jul 24, 2022
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    Hi :) Thanks a lot for getting back and helping :)

    I'm not fully sure what scene release means but I have downloaded a few libraries from various places, some from bob dules website and some from ru tracker, the ones from bobs site have worked fine but I have had more trouble with the libraries downloaded from ru tracker. I think 4 from there have had the same issue (I can get it to show in kontakt but when I click the instrument nki I get the pop up saying missing content and its all the sample files) I did download a library from the same person who put the ventus native american flutes one up, this was a duduk flute Library and it worked as it should but strangely the next day I'm now having a different issue saying the nki is not supported or corrupt :S

    Another point is the ones that have been having this issue are all librarys created by impact soundworks. Maybe its somehting to do with this?

    Thank you for sending the codesigner application :) I have downlaoded it and dragged the kontackt application into it and was prompted between deep and simple, Ive tried twice and did both deep and simple. When you say the AU and VST do you mean the folders of the libraries? I dragged the whole library folder in but was given this message (attached image).

    Its strange how kontakt cant seem to find the files, in the missing content pop up it says where it assumes the files are but when I search the folder or do batch resave its as if nothing happens like it knows where the files are but can't seem to find them.

    Thank you for all your help :)

    Edit- I think i did the codesign wrong with the vst's before, this time i dragged the files and not the actual folder across and it proceeds to codesign, I did all the nkr nkc and nki files and a large portion of the nkw sample files, I then tested in kontakt to see if It can find the files that I codesigned but it still cant find them, is it worth codesigning the remaining nkw sample files as there is around 7k? :)
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2022

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  10. pianowaves

    pianowaves Newbie

    Jul 24, 2022
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    I dug out a old windows laptop and installed bob dules kontakt and downloaded the same ventus native american flutes and its working on there :/ but the laptop is too old and slow to be worth using, it barely could play the flutes without sounding crackly and poppy.

    Could it be a issue with my kontakt install, should I try reinstalling it or the previous version of kontakt?

    Edit, I uninstalled kontakt to the previous version and same thing so have reverted back to the newest one now. Stuck what to do next :S
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
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