Have bots ruined SoundCloud?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Snare Gel, Jul 24, 2022.

  1. Snare Gel

    Snare Gel Kapellmeister

    Jul 20, 2022
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    So I took a decade hiatus from posting on SoundCloud and decided to upload some tracks from my new sample packs I'm gonna release and..woah Black Betty! It was Attack of the Bots and scammer promotion sites as soon as I uploaded. A very different experience than 10 years ago when it was actual people commenting on my tracks. Is SoundCloud died? Or is there a workaround to avoid these Bots and scammers?
  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    The first thing that came to my mind, reading this topic was

    How, should a band from 1974 should ruin Soundcloud ?

    But more to the real question
    Yes, since 2019 for me :
    With the 15 Tracks limit, I just saw how stupid they are.
    They are shameless businessmen, not musicians.

    Bots and Scammers are just the peak of it
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2022
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  4. Snare Gel

    Snare Gel Kapellmeister

    Jul 20, 2022
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    Yeah, I researched the alternatives and they're not much better. On top of that these damn algorithms don't help either. If it's free 'service', I'm the product.
  5. Voidhead13

    Voidhead13 Guest

    It felt like SoundCloud became a ghost town overnight after they really started pushing the ads a couple years ago. But what's the alternative? Usually when something as huge as SoundCloud dies something else pops up, but nothing really has taken its place yet.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The 2h limit was crazy from the beginning, so people started work around, meaning uploading 1mins demos of tracks and full version was uploaded somewhere else (eg yt, you name it).
    Other idea was to create multiple soundclouds for different things, you get the idea and this was very easy.

    Next step was introducing their SC App, which is very limited and they wanted to get in the range of Spotify after they went nearly bankrupt a few times.

    15 Tracks limited aimed at the demo idea with 1 mins uploads. Honestly with that they destroyed their own uniqueness, because who would use it now with that limit? I wouldnt and have long since moved on ...

    I am not sure how getting signed to labels works nowadays, but as SC was big, it worked that you sent the Label a SC link with information about you, motivation of the track, this was around 2010ish. It was enough for them to work through SC links that way. So far there is no real other service, which had this. Also you could see if they had checked your track out and you could move on to the next label. THis also was the time were so many new labels were formed - it was a growing industry i guess back in the days.

    After people leaving from SC around 2015 something, more and more bots showed up, it was crazy you could get pm of porn stuff, your new uploads were liked and commented on by bots, it was like SC became a new G+.

    So SC was runied long before any bots showed up, because otherwise you wouldnt had noticed that many bots, because real people had commented and interacted with your uploads.

    Ohh they pushed Ads now, i didnt notice. The problem with that is that they tried to push and put pressure on their free users with ads, Track limit and upload time limit and on top of that bots.

    I would had been tolarable to have ads and lets say 10 or 20h full of upload time without track limit. But with that majority moved on i guess?
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  7. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    same as twitter : unreliable business model and bot factory.
    they're now bragging that they are "bringing more equity and fairness" royalty-wise but it's the same as Spotify : raising funds based on the number of clients - which most of them are actually users, following an exponential curve but in the end we're back to the old system of " major labels screw their Artists" now that they've reached an agreement

    the best thing that could happen for us would be a collaborative model based on crypto, but as long as crypto is just what it is now : speculative capitalism backed by FIATs , nothing's really gonna change.

    I'd suggest you stay pragmatic : try to make it and be successful according to your standards.
    Give alternative models a chance, but as long as our Human nature doesn't change, the system won't either.

  8. Snare Gel

    Snare Gel Kapellmeister

    Jul 20, 2022
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    Tonight I uploaded a track that was mastered using best practices, high pass everything below 16Hz and set limiter ceiling to -1 dbFS to allow headroom - to no avail, I"m still hearing compression artifacts in the kick drum sporadically throughout the track. This thread pretty much explains how terrible of a site SoundCloud is now:


    best comment, "I have resolved this issue by not using SoundCloud."
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