3 questions about kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by toshfox, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Hi People

    1) Automapping
    As I was converting myself Symphony of voices Akai for kontakt I got bothered by the auto mapping of the audio file (edit : the problem appears in kontakt )
    I had to go to the mapping editor to adjust and assign one key for the sound
    How can I tell kontakt not to do auto mapping ?

    2) Different tempo
    In a project (studio one) , with kontakt I want a sound played with a different tempo than the daw
    So I uncheck the button "ext" and adjust the tempo, but it doesn't affect the sound, why ?
    (i have tried to change the source ( sampler, dfd, beat machine ...) Maybe it's a bug.

    3) Kontakt versions
    When you want to load projects using kontakt4 but with kontakt5, what's the solution ?
    I have read in forums that some people just rename the dll but it doesn't work
    I am surprised that Native instruments doesn't think of that

    Some questions sound newbie, I did made a research on google, but it's the jungle, (old posts,not working technique ...)
    maybe you know :]
  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I can help on number 3)

    Kontakt 4 and 5 are recognised as different programs, and Kontakt 5 will load Kontakt 4 instruments

    This should do it:
    (a) Load the project in your DAW
    (b) Save the Instruments as Multis
    (c) Delete Kontakt 4 from the project
    (d) Insert Kontakt 5 (and re-establish the routing)
    (e) Load the Multis
    (f) Save the project, with a different name

    Note that this will still use the Kontakt 4 Library.

    Don't delete anything until you are sure that all is OK.

    For some hosts, it is easier (Reaper): the project file can be edited to change references to Kontakt 4 to Kontakt 5.

    Thanks to Evil Dragon for the tip

    I just tried number 2)
    It work for me using FL11 & Urban Groove from Studiolinkedvst

    for #1) Have you used CDXTRACT 4 before it work amazing for this type of thing
  4. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Hi Introninja,

    thanks for your message
    The problem I have is not really to load the instruments but to load kontakt in a project ( with another daw)

    Situation :

    My first daw was fruitlyloops, I used kontakt3 and 4 in my projects

    Now: studio one2 ( i love that dawwww) I want to have a studio one2 version of my other songs that I composed with FL

    Because project files are not compatible I need to convert the project to a midi file and import it to Studionone2

    But i don't have kontakt4 anymore , fruitlyloops requieres kontakt4 or it loads the track without vst/plugin
    If i was not a messy composer, it wouldn't be problem coz i just need to remember the instrument I used ... it's not the case my tracks are named like silly ( ex: cello or kontat4 2 bla bla... which cello patches did i used??)
    so to reproduce the sound, i really want to load the very soft with the used preset

    At final i will just get kontakt4 and load them, but I was wondering ...

    About 2), the problem i have is with the lib BELA D MEDIA - Diva Revamp
    the samples are not affected by the kontakt tempo but it follows the daw tempo

    about 1); there is no choice to use cdxtract :), it's what I used to convert akai for kontakt
    i don't have problems with that

    thanks for your help !
  5. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    you bad boy you should never change a daw in a middle of a unfinished project!!!! lol, did you you try to run Diva in Kontakt standalone and reproduce the same problem??
  6. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    lol @ bad boy

    actually the projects are finished since long time
    There are projects i have done many years ago
    I just want to have a .song file version ( studioone2 extension) and remove the flp files

    I will check with standalone
  7. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    SHOW OFF :bleh:
    Let me know how standalone works out?
  8. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Ok i am lost lol
    it seems that the tempo of kontakt doesn't affect the speed of the sample :s
    or am missing something ? am i stupid? lol
  9. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    what instrument is it ill test that same patch with my kontakt 5???
    and are you sure that instrument is Tempo-synced or not
  10. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I have tried with wav files ( like drums samples or vocals)
    and with ewql symphonic choir ( the patch S ALTO whiswords)

    I really expected kontakt to tempo-sync automatically with the tempo value I set

    so u mean that the samples have to be compatible ??
  11. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Not really ..but check this out


    This may solve your problem
  12. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    ok thanks ! i will
  13. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    1. when you convert another format kontakt will take the keyrange of the imported instrument. so somewhere in the akai format, the keyrange is embedded. unfortunately you cannot tell kontakt to ignore that when importing. you have to manually go in and adjust the keyrange. fortunately there are some short cuts that can help such as auto mapping and set keyrange via midi. Also the converter in kontakt is very basic, you may have better luck using a dedicated sampler converter such as Chicken Systems Translator or CDXtract. I use CDXtract all the time and sometimes it works great other times its a pain in the ass. really depends on the library you are trying to convert.

    2.the ext button controls the tempo sync between kontakt and daw. when enabled, effects, modulators and time based source modules are synced to your host. when you disable it, you lose tempo sync globablly across the entire kontakt instance.

    if you want one zone (sample) to have a different playback speed then the rest of the instrument, the best way is to move the zone to its own group. then change the source module mode to tone machine, time machine or beat machine and adjust the playback speed. Playback speed is a percentage of the orginal speed speed so increasing it to 200% doubles the playback speed. Set it to 50% and the playback speed is slowed down by half.

    3. Kontakt and battery dll's have the version number in the filename so different versions can be installed on the same machine. In your vstplugins folder, you will find Kontakt 4.dll and Kontakt 5.dll as well as the 8 out and 16 out variants.
  14. toshfox

    toshfox Noisemaker

    Sep 15, 2012
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    franknitty69 ,

    thank u for this long explanation and the link, i appreciate it
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