Maschine 2.15.2 R2R Demo Mode [Bob Dule Release]

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by Wildfyre, Jul 16, 2022.

  1. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Hey everyone,

    I recently updated to Maschine 2.15.2 (Bob Dule release). I've been using Bob Dule releases for quite a while now (you're the man bob!), but this latest update has left Maschine 2 on demo mode.

    One major change, that might be the cause of this, is that I now have Native Access installed alongside a Mk2 S-Series Keyboard (which I have linked to a legitimate version of Komplete Kontrol). With that being said, I have taken steps to avoid the player default that occurs when Native Access sees a cracked Maschine 2 license (ie. I put all of my Maschine 2 licenses to read only mode after running the R2R keygen). Here are some other things I've done to try and remedy the demo issue:

    1. Uninstalled both Native Access and Maschine 2, deleting all of the registry keys (I have them backed up in case), and subsequently reinstalling Maschine 2 + keygen - it's still running in demo mode after all that.

    2. Reinstall + keygen offline, added Maschine 2 to firewall before running it (blocking inbound and outbound traffic). Also, please keep in mind that I've been making sure that the Maschine 2 licenses (including expansion licenses) are in read only after each keygen attempt. Still running in demo mode after all that.

    So, I have a couple ideas, I'm hoping I can bounce them off of someone who knows more than me about ras3 and registry keys for Maschine 2 (which is pretty much anyone lol):

    1. Are there any keys that I might be potentially missing in the registry? I've noticed that programs like massive have hard coded keys in their registry (KEY, SNO, SYSTEMID), but for some reason Maschine 2 doesn't:

    Maschine 2 Registry Entries: Maschine Registry.JPG Massive Registry Entries:
    Massive Registry.JPG

    2. I've seen other users, on the sister site, note that you need to clear the Native Access cache. I couldn't find any information about the location of the Native Access cache, so I decided to try uninstalling Native Access (and deleting the registry) to accomplish that. That apparently isn't working, so are there any additional files I need to delete? Where is the cache located?

    3. Are there any additional ras3 licenses that I need to set to read only, to protect the Maschine 2 install?

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated, and as always - thanks for your time and consideration!
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    When you say you uninstalled, and removed registry keys; did you do this manually or did you clean up after your uninstallation using Revo? (or a program like it)
  4. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Manually, should I use Revo?


    I used Revo to do a complete uninstall of Native Access and Maschine 2, including additional registry entries, and various files (I noticed that this time the Native Access cache was deleted, thanks to Revo). Sadly, it's still in demo mode

    Any thoughts from here?
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2022
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You had a prior version before the update version you just installed, and that one was working correctly? I would reinstall that version, and make sure it is still working for you. That way, you know the new failed installation is either an issue you are having with this specific BobDule release, or how you installed/firewalled it. Remember to firewall both the Application and the Plugin copies of it also.

    Did you remember to run it as standalone prior to opening in your DAW? (They all need to be run once as application first). Did other people comment about the release on Sister site?

    That's about all the tips I can offer you, being a Mac user and whatnot ;)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2022
  6. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    That's always worth a check, luckily I do keep backups of previous versions I've used, and I've also installed them once this problem started (no luck, the demo mode is now affecting them sadly). I'll keep playing around with the firewall, but my guess is that it won't help out that much (since past versions didn't need to be firewalled)

    Yeah, all of these demo errors were in standalone. The only comment I saw on the sister site was with regards to erasing the native access cache (which Revo should have theoretically done this last time around)

    Thanks for the help, I appreciate your efforts! I think Revo took me one step closer to where I need to be. My best guess is that the cache needed to be cleared, but now there is some additional roadblock (maybe a missing registry key, or maybe I need to set every ras3 file to read only?)
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I would not assume that Revo addresses the particular issue you mean. I would definitely try manual clearing of NI cache like was recommended in the comments for that release. There are no other reports of the release not working from other users, and usually there are if the actual release is problematic. (But I also do not find 2.15.2 listed on UPAWG or another site). Be that what it may, I was just looking to see if it was nuked. To me it sounds more of an issue on your install end though.

    Another approach might be at the point where you keygen/reg it. So the sequence of events would be 1. install 2. run standalone/daw and close again. 3. rerun and reg.

    if very few people have problems with a release, usually it is just a logic puzzle.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
  8. Wildfyre

    Wildfyre Newbie

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Gotcha, I'm only thinking Revo did because I had checked the cache folders under NA when I ran it. Defiantly better to hunt for these folders yourself though, considering that NI might hide files - I just don't know where to look on windows, aside from where Revo already showed me lol

    I gave that a try, and it sadly didn't work - but not all is lost! I decided to try activating Maschine, since I own it, and from there I installed the various expansions under read only licenses. I'm still keeping everything under a firewall, and as of this post Maschine and it's expansions are running again - projects, kits, and instruments! It would appear that Maschine runs kind of like Komplete Kontrol, in that they are both wrappers, I think Maschine just has a couple additional layers you need to control for. I've seen other people say you can't run cracked expansions with legit Maschine, but apparently if you read only all of the cracked licenses then you can make it work!
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    well it's good you can use it with the official stuff, but something like a release I know should work correctly would drive me a little crazy.
    The comments from users do not indicate this should be a big ordeal to get working. Maybe now that you have detailed all these steps trying to fix it; @bobdule or other pc user will give you some insight to where it is hiding files, or whatever cause it turns out to be. I've formatted and reinstalled windows over less than a non-working physical device (years ago). lol
  10. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    this is a bad way to proceed

    simplly use komplete kontrol unlocked, even with the legit license.
    the database is shared with maschine.
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