Mixing/Mastering with Apple Airpods Max

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by VisionSierra, Jul 16, 2022.

  1. VisionSierra

    VisionSierra Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2019
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    I know it's not very conventional, and "industry" but I don't care. I like to break the rules. Because I'm a rebel with a cause. I've been mixing and mastering with Apple Airpods Max's for the past few months ever since I got them. I use them in conjunction with Rogue Amoeba's "Soundsource" which allows me to route any app on my system to any output I have connected to my system, they get routed to logic Pro (my DAW of choice... sometimes Studio One), so my interface output stays intact in my DAWs audio preferences when I use the interface, it's there. Anyway, here's a song I recently mixed/mastered entirely with Apple Airpods Max. What do you think?

    - I hope I wont regret this post later. :winker::bleh::unsure:
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2022
  3. Cardamom

    Cardamom Platinum Record

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Hey there. Nice to hear worship in another language - what is it by the way? Polish? I think your mix is pretty great to be quite honest! Maybe a bit of mud in the low end, but not much - you could run the master (near the end of the chain, just before the limiter/maximizer) Gullfoss and see what gets auto-cleaned up.

    Are the singers being auto-tuned a bit or are they just that good? I know the singers at our former church could really use the live-Waves Tune big time.

    Well done, I say!
  4. Cardamom

    Cardamom Platinum Record

    Jan 9, 2015
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    Here's a different take on your music. I realized I over-compressed it some, but what I used was TONAL BALANCE CONTROL to give me an idea of what sat right and what didn't.


    Your mix is great, but if there's something you like about what I did for the mix, let me know and I'll tell you how I achieved it. Noticed there is some phasing (out of phase) issues with the snare drum when I tried to do ANYTHING to the already mixed track. Seemed to not be noticeable in your mix/master.
  5. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If you are only concerned with translation (how the mix sounds) on similar types of devices, sure, give it a go. Translation to normal speakers & headphones is where things get tricky. Best of luck on your audio journey!
  6. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    I have the pro earbuds and the pro over the ear phones and both are very forgiving with mixing mistakes. In various circumstances they didn't showed the bass was uncontrolled, didn't showed harshness in the high hats and didn't picked up harshness and resonances in the mids. I suppose is possible to get a decent tonal balance, but I'd never rely on them just because everything sounds so good (and often times, mixes that are not ok can sound deceivingly good)
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  7. VisionSierra

    VisionSierra Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2019
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    The language is Romanian, you were close tho. Funny enough I did use Gulfoss on the master, its the one before they released the mastering version. I might have to try that one out on my next project. I just guess not a lot of people have my taste of a tiny bit of mids. Taking out too much mids for me feels like I take away the "meat" of the song... Yes, SOME of the singers were melodyned.. The lead singer not too much she got the least of it, she just has a great singing voice naturally, just a few syllables hear and there, I mean name one song that isn't tuned these days :). We all have those singers that need a touch of vocal correction. Thank you for the advise :)
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2022
  8. VisionSierra

    VisionSierra Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Sounds great!. Thanks!!
  9. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    First of all don't take this as a complete negative feedback, but a constructive one at least from my point of view,

    Before posting in a public forum, there are few steps that should have taken place which are the following,

    before trying to mix on a "consumer" grade headphones, you should establish a solid foundation with "trusted" hardware from Studio grade headphones to Studio monitors to even a car speakers or any other system that you know you can trust, once that's done, you could compare those mixes of yours or even professionally mixed songs that you like to the new headphones, once that's done, you should take the time to acclimate your ears.

    Second point is this,

    i don't get your point what cause would that be? i mean those airpods aren't cheap, and you could have spend half of that on a way better studio headphones or even more than one pair.

    Third point,

    if the cause is to use consumer grade "monitoring" systems to mix you need to understand one thing, Bluetooth devices tend to distort real fast compared to wired headphones, especially on old 4.0 system which apple still uses with most their Intel macs even with 5.0 system it still distorts and will certainly glitch...

    Now to the muisc side of my feedback:

    Drums, they simply are phasing how didn't you pick on it is kinda weird.
    Acoustic guitar is inaudible.
    Vocals are ok but they're kinda mono-ish panning a few left and right might be helpful.
    the whole mix sound a bit scooped and over processed.

    what i would suggest is you re do the mix using a "trusted" system then compare the two will probably help alot especially with future mixes...

    Good luck friend.
  10. VisionSierra

    VisionSierra Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Ohh no, please, I love the criticism, good or bad. I think it helps us grow as engineers.. I've been mixing for quite a while.. It was just my first time mixing on Airpods Max So I wanted some feedback.. Is all. This was more of an experiment for me to see what can be done with different "gear"... I own the HD 650s. and a pair of JBL LSR305's. As I mentioned above. Not everybody has the same taste in "tone" and "balance" The "rebel with a cause" thing was me being humorous. I am not always in ideal mixing environment. Planes, Cars, Hotel rooms, small untreated bedrooms. The Airpods are my choice for mixing for now, quite honestly, because they're convenient.

    Thank you!!
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