Choose a DAW?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Pablo Cordal, Jul 6, 2022.

  1. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
  2. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    Yes, that's what I understood. Everything can be done, but may be there are other DAWS more MIDI oriented. Thanks for your comments
  3. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    In an ideal world, yes. Let's see what is there in the real one : )

    Thank you for all the info. Cubase.. I see what you mean, but somebody posted here that in Cubase you can present the same plugin in different Cubase folders... so I understand that if you rename the real vst name (the dll itself) the same name will appear in every folder... if that's the case, I'll need and extra .txt to store the comments and posibilities of each plugin.
  4. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    Thank you, but Cubase seem to have rename limitations.
  5. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    +1 again to Studio one, the preset trick is great, thank you for your clarity!

    Thank you everyone, it seems Cubase and Studio One are the ones!

    I'll read carefully the Cubase issues thread (thank you Ryck) and if the issues are easily solved I'll go with these 2 DAWS.

    Best regards for all
  6. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    I can't speak for other DAWs
    I don't know how other DAWs approach this topic, but Reaper allows you to do whatever you want with the plug-ins. Here's, for example, how I grouped my VSTs:

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  7. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    fl studio is modular in its gui and in program browser window settings .
    you can organize in fl studio and within windows file explorer window .
    set vst file paths ,rename ,label , create vst presets and savestates.
    rearrange the top panels,reskin, color code , use rewire , 32 bit bridge .

    i do like ableton and sonar , but fl piano roll and modular workflow keeps me with it.

    reaper would be my next best after fl for organization for sure though .

    if you want to record live audio fl studio is definitely not what you need:rofl:
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2022
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  8. Lorrislehorse

    Lorrislehorse Ultrasonic

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Studio One is my fav but it lack of instruments so it's better to have Arturia/NI stuff aside with it
    Ableton is godlike for mixing because you can easily find FX chains (grouped effects)
    FL Studio come bundled with everything you need but the UI is a gas factory
    Bitwig is very similar to ableton and you can do crazy sound design if you like modulations (with the grid)
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  9. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    The piano roll of Fl Studio, is unique. Many try to imitate it, but it is not the same
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  10. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    They're rumored to have addressed this is FL21 :wink:
    ...but may not see the light of day until 2023 :dunno:
  11. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    What do you think others have done to find their favorite daw? I guess most ppl have tested and tested untill we found the right one or like me just used what was available at the time - and their were actually very few options when I started.
    Most todays daws can do what you need for making music whatever it's mostly about personal taste, the right workflow etc which daw you throw your love on - they can basically all do the same thing.

    I gave a personal list of 3 daws I actually have used over the years and I can recommend:
    -Studio One

    Quote: "For example, Cubase is extremely complex. Despite having used it for years, I never learned all its functions. That is why the experience of each one is important".

    All daws are in their own way complex. Cubase is not significantly more complex than other daws if you ask me but it may be because I have used cubase for many years and have not spent too much time finding the holy grail?!?
    I certainly do not know all the features of Cubase either. why should I waste my time on it. I know the features I need and if I need to learn a new feature it is based on my needs and not an idea of having to know all the features many of which would be superfluous to know in my case - it would be complete waste of time.
    So if you want to find the Holy Grail - "the world's best daw" - you must of course test them all, find all the features in each of them and make your decision based on your acquired experience with each of them. It is, of course, a time consuming and in my opinion a bit pointless process unless one finds it an exciting intellectual challenge to perform.

    Basically I do not think there are many people in this world who know all the features of their daw but I can of course be wrong :yes::unsure::winker:
  12. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    In principle, I would totally agree with you if the question were: Which is the best Daw? . So yes, I would have also told him "Try each one, and choose the best for you"
    But here is a specific question and it asks for our experience as users. Everyone knows the Daw they use, so one could say "Cubase can do what it needs, or, it can't do that, or just if you don't know, skip it". But giving a list and trying it yourself... doesn't convince me, and I'm not saying it exactly for you, I'm saying it in general. I see several times in other posts that they ask about something specific and the answer is "go and find it yourself".

    No, not all Daw are oriented towards the same thing. If you are going to make classical music and use FL Studio, you will go crazy, because it is not designed for that. Are they all complex? Yes and no. Compare Audition for example with Cubase and tell me that Audition is as complex as Cubase? right? Audition doesn't support VSTi , for example, so I don't agree with you that all Daw can do the same thing.

    Why should I learn more functions? well that's a personal thing. But let me tell you something...
    By not learning more functions I have lost a lot of time, since there were things that simplified my work. Now every time I see a new tutorial I look at it, because I say... What am I missing? like what i already do in my daw can i do better? do you understand me? I think that is the purpose of learning to handle the daw to the best of your ability.

    And finally, you say "The best Daw in the world" "the holy grail".
    I repeat what I said at the beginning.
    He's not wondering which Daw is the best.
  13. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Nah, most of the DAWs have that. Try Reaper, Studio One, idk. You're expecting people to choose stuff for you because you don't want to waste time but here you are wasting time arguing about people that are trying to help you not to waste your time.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2022
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  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    If that were to happen, it would be too interesting. Since many of us want the comfort of recording multitrack, but with the functions of Fl Studio. It would be a delight:winker:
  15. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    FL Studio allows you to organize your vst2 or vst3 in every possible way, you can make folders, subfolders, you can choose how to show them and you can name or rename the dlls as you want in the daw, you also have a quick plugin picker.
    The updated browser of the FL studio beta allows you to organize your samples/folders, you can use its search box and make favorites and so.

    You can do all of that but some ppl found mixing/mastering so tedious in FL (for me its ok) well just try it.
  16. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    For studio work, Cubase 12 Pro pretty much does everything I need it to. There are a lot of features built in which saves you purchasing third party plugins. For example pitch correction and auto aligning vocals.

    For Live streaming, you can't beat Presonus Studio One with it's Scene Recall features.
  17. def12

    def12 Producer

    Nov 6, 2021
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    You can do it how you want to do it. The files are called .fst and they redirect to the VST, you can organize them in different categories either through your windows-file-browser or inside of FL
  18. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    I see you narrowed it down to two, Cubase and Studio One. I personally ran Cubase from the eighties when it was available on floppy disks up until version 9, I realised that Steinberg were using its update system to write there own money, selling a product that in reality was unreliable and overrated which crashed on a regular basis, I switched to Studio One and have never looked back, nor had any crashes.
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  19. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    For the record, Adobe Audition and FL Studio didn't start out as a 'DAW'. Audition (Cool Edit Pro) is an audio editor on steroids and really always will be. FL Studio (fruityloops) was an ITB sequencer on steroids; now has implemented DAW-esque features in the Delphi-crazy GUI. Protools, Cubase, Bandlab (cakewalk), and Logic have defined the traditional DAW from late 80s to now. My observations. :)
  20. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Adobe Audition is not a daw imho it´s more like an advanced sound editor.

    Different ppl different approaches...... I watch tuts when I need to solve a specific problem. I could never find myself sitting and spending time looking at a lot of tuts that might / might not contain useful information.