Cannot install Team V.R. releases "Out of memory" error

Discussion in 'Software' started by Mikey_mike, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Now the impression of V.R. is created again. Software would definitely be bad, that's wrong and not true.
  2. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Man i am not blind. I saw the message... I had that couple years ago with VR installer, i think it was SWAM installer with 20mb....
    I tried to decompile and to upload for OP so he can use it normal installer, therefore when i decompile installer, and repack it, all files would be extracted where they should be, and that is in "TEMP" folder, from where installer starts, then that Out Of Memory error would not happen at all... That is how all installers work... Now since VR installer are hard locked and he want to prevent users to "steal his crack" he is doing deep encryption and often here is the result....
    VR is "obfuscating" his installer with wrong version of Inno Setup module, so they can not be ever decompiled... And that leads to erros we see here...
    I didnt like that, because that i dont trust him...

    I have uploaded newest eLicenser from him, and yesterday i researched that script, guess what, he deleted all registry modification he did earlier in all versions of that keygen, because i have clearly said that is not important to install license...
    To cut it short, he is not knowing what is doing, and when he does he ruins your PC i many ways, maybe bacause of that he is locking installers....
    I have good intention to help OP and other users....

    That version of Inno Setup doesnt even exist

    eLicenser b24
    elicenser b25

    And still, he is installing his certificate in hidden way... :thumbsdown:
    So my friend, that is not impression like you said but the whole truth...
    And all of that is related with OP problem...
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @Hennessey, ah now I understand. Even if you write it in red, I disagree. I think it's great that you help others.
  4. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Okay you have right to your opinion, and that is legit... I am glad that you understood what i was talking about... :)

    p.s. I would like that all i said was not the true, and VR to be competitive in warez world, because as many of crackers we have at disposal more things would be available for us... That is the whole point of warez competition, who is better etc...
  5. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    All I can say is best of luck. I feel like the "out of memory" error is fairly generic. Not sure if it's related to file locks / permissions, or what. The suggestion I had (which you already tried and eliminated as a solution) actually worked for several of us. We all had Windows 20H1 pending in updates, and installing that fixed it for us. I only re-iterate this, because to me, having to install those updates to get the VR installer working just confirms how dumb and generic the error is. My best guess at the time was maybe the VR installer used in my case was trying to update something and pending Windows Updates were blocking that from happening.

    You'll have to really think outside the box a bit to figure this out, unfortunately. I will say that this is probably the biggest frustration with VR. The installer tends to work well, but if it doesn't... "good luck!!!". And that of course is just one of the problems faced with VR releases.

    Have you checked the Windows Event Viewer for errors around the time of when you ran the install/had issues?
  6. AudioTee

    AudioTee Kapellmeister

    Oct 19, 2018
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    Some people were getting a similar error and were advised to modify Windows desktop heap size. Looked like something to modify in the registry.
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    What is Java Heap Size?
  8. AudioTee

    AudioTee Kapellmeister

    Oct 19, 2018
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  9. Gizmoz

    Gizmoz Producer

    Oct 20, 2018
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    When I was trying to solve my "out of mem" error with VR, I came across a way to increase the memory allocated on the desktop.
    It didn't work for me, I reverted it back. (several months ago), then I tried many things with no luck

    I've solved my stupid "update pending" issue, and the ugly OofMem was gone.
    Now the problem is back, and I have NO pending update.

    Yesterday, the installer worked, I have no real clue why.
    Today, Out of Mem AGAIN.

    The only change on my system is an Ansys product installed, witch installed also VC redistribuables.
    So, I wiped ALL VC redist from my system and replaced them with VC redist AIO v53 (I forget where I found them, I'm completely de-organised)
    It works !

    I have nowhere the skills of @Henessy, so if this anecdotic info can help, it would be great.

    I'm on win 10 21H1 - ryzen 5
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  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  11. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    subtext: Is this proposal real, or just symbolic? :rofl:
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
  12. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Hi. I read this thread some days ago because I had the same issue with BFD3 new verson from InMusic Brands and some others like Augmented Strings. In the second case, it was clear there was some problem with installer, because initial version from Augmented Strings worked perfectly, not the update. I checked all possibilites mentioned along this thread and none of them worked for me as for other users. There was no sense in some of them. I don´t know if this is outdated for people and everybody can work with the new BFD version (really doubt it), but anyway I will type the solution I found and it´s working for me at this time. If you think about, it´s logic, but it was almost a casuality.

    BFD3 new installer for version didn´t worked for me. Only double click on installer made appear the "out of memory" message. Nothing new, nothing to do. It´s not system, not memory, not pagefile. As it was suggested in other posts, it´s installer. Would be interesting to contact russians to advice, but suppose will be so difficult like contact with R2R. R2R installers have not this problem. What I did:

    -Uninstall previous BFD3 and BFD Eco with Revo Uninstaller and pass CCCleaner (previous version before being acquired by AVG, latest versions are a disaster) and restart the system deleting pagefile in my case (with 64 GB RAM it´s not necessary).
    -Go to OTHER computer running under Windows 7 64Bit 7601 Service Pack 1, so, latest version. Copy the installer on this computer.
    -Excute the installer on this computer. Surprise. The installer works. It was only for Windows 10? So it works under Windows 7. Because installer works and Standalone GUI is shown after installation.
    -Nevermind. Delete the full installation and execute installation program again. As most of them, what program does is creating a temporary folder in \User\AppData\Local\Foldername. It´s the folder that appears when installer crashes with "out of memory".
    -DON´T execute the full installation. Go to the folder previously mentioned and copy the folder when you want.
    -Back to the computer running Windows 10 (in my case 21H2 19044.1766) and copy this folder in the place you want.
    -Execute BFD3 Installer.exe, block the access to internet and follow the steps until it´s installed. BFD3 icon appears on desktop and the rest of options as you want for your system.

    This procedure has worked for me. Actually scanning for existing libraries.

    Last edited: Jun 27, 2022
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    One can install VirtualBox and Windows 7 in it just for installations like this. You don't have to have a 2nd computer. :wink:
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    BFD3 Operation Manual

    Streaming Engine section

    RAM buffer

    This value, in sample frames, is the size of the portion of each sound held in RAM to enable low latency playback, circumventing the inherent latency involved with disk seek times. The portion held in RAM plays while the streaming engine cues up the rest of the data from the hard disk. A larger value gives the hard drive longer to deliver the data, but is more demanding on RAM. If the setting is too low for your system, you are likely to suffer from dropouts and other audio artifacts.

    This value determines the length of each sound played when the Preview RAM audio only option is enabled.

    Settings of 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 and 65536 samples are possible, selectable via a drop-down menu. A setting of 16384 or 32768 is fine for most systems, while fast newer machines may be able to run with settings of 4096 or 8192.

    Stream buffer

    This is the size, in sample frames, of the buffers of data being streamed into RAM from the hard disk for each voice. Generally, hard drives are more efficient at reading fewer large chunks of data than many smaller chunks. However, a larger Stream buffer uses more RAM, and may be inefficient if not all the data is used, such as when notes are choked.

    Settings of 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 and 65536 samples are possible, selectable via a drop-down menu. Settings of 8192, 16384 or 32768 are fine for most systems.

    Load all to RAM

    With this setting activated, the entire kit is loaded to RAM and no data is streamed from the disk during playback.

    Please ensure you have enough RAM before using this option, and that you are running BFD3 within a suitable environment with the other engine preferences set to suitable values. Unless your system is fully 64-bit (64-bit plugin within a 64-bit host in a 64-bit OS) with a high amount of RAM, it is unlikely that you will be able to load full detail kits with Load all to RAM activated. In 32-bit environments, 16-bit mode should be activated and the Max velocity layers setting reduced to a much smaller value.

    16 bit mode

    In this mode, sample data is loaded into RAM and streamed from disk at 16 bit instead of 24 bit. Because 24 bit data is stored in memory as 32 bit floats, using 16 bit mode effectively halves the memory footprint required by BFD3.

    Max voices

    The Max voices setting dictates the maximum number of voices the BFD3 engine can play simultaneously. If the voice limit is exceeded, an intelligent voice-stealing system is applied, based on the oldest voice which is still playing.

    The number of voices required for a performance can be much larger than anticipated. For example, decaying cymbals and toms can raise polyphony requirements very significantly. 64 is a safe number to use for this setting - voices do not consume a large amount of RAM when unused.

    Max velocity layers

    This setting limits the number of velocity layers used for each Drum articulation, thereby reducing the strain on the hard disk and RAM but at the expense of detail.

    If a Drum is loaded that has more layers than the number specified with this setting, only selected velocity layers at proportional intervals over the range are loaded. The Drum's natural timbral variations are still heard but with less 'resolution' over the velocity range.

    Smaller values can be useful as an efficient preview mode while composing, especially with other RAM-intensive plugins and instruments in your host/DAW project.

    Simply increase the value and restart the engine before performing a final mixdown with full quality.

    To change the setting, click the field and enter a new value between 1 and 256.

    Note that the Detail section in the Engine Preferences allows further Detail settings for each Drum class - these operate as proportional reductions of the Max velocity layers setting.

    Max cache buffers

    This setting represents the maximum number of disk streaming buffers cached in RAM. If the same velocity layer is triggered repeatedly, it is possible to avoid reading from the disk by reusing the disk streaming buffers with the same data. This parameter determines how much RAM to devote to storing layers to play again.

    With any kind of dynamics in a performance or when using the Anti-MachineGun functions, layers do not tend to be reused very often so this setting can be reduced if you wish. Each voice does still require 1 cache buffer.

    Preview RAM audio only

    This setting forces the engine to play only the initial part of the sounds which are held in RAM without streaming the remaining parts from disk.

    This mode may be useful while composing in order to avoid disk usage, and reactivated during mixdown. The actual amount of each sound stored in RAM is determined by the RAM Buffer setting.

    Restart engine

    If any of the following settings are changed, it is necessary to use the Restart engine button in order to make them active:

    • Load all to RAM

    • 16 bit mode

    • RAM buffer

    • Stream buffer

    • Max cache buffers

    • Max velocity layers

    If any Drums are currently loaded when this function is used, they are automatically reloaded after the engine is reinitialized with the new settings.

    Enable BFD3 extended channels

    When this setting is deactivated, only the OH, Room and Amb3 ambient channels are active - extra Mono and Comp channels are ignored, meaning that kits use much less RAM.

    When the setting is activated, all channels possessed by a Drum are loaded.
  15. minanapil13

    minanapil13 Newbie

    Aug 9, 2017
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    so the selution is installing windows 10 21H2 build 19044.1766 ?
    NOT 22H2 or win 11 :D
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2022
  16. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Have you tried relocating the folder you're installing from to the root folder and removing any spaces in the folder name?
  17. Droplet 2

    Droplet 2 Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2022
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    I've been getting the same out of memory thing with R2R stuff for a few months now. tried everything except getting a new computer.
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  18. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    Time to clear up this information no one is doing anything untoward to anyone.
    All the setup builder is trying to do is acheive maximum compression to make the release smaller for the enduser to download.

    There is at this time no way to circum navigate this error once the setup has been built with LZMA2- Ultra64 for the end user that has come to fruition that is why innosetup recommends caution to the Setup builder to be mindful of the end user who is going to use the installer package.

    the problem lies within the compression level selected when building the innosetup
    V.R and developers have control of the selection at build time but they choose LZMA2 - Ultra64 to acheive the maxium compression
    unfortunately this compression level throws out of memory errors on the end users machines due to resource , btw before you say your machine is a power house the setup will throw out of memory error on even the most powerul machine due to massive thread and memory alloction of lzma2-ultra64 compression
    it would be adviseable for these inno buliders to go back one level to LZMA2- Max to ensure end user compatibilty


    As for V.R having there own encrption within inno installers that is totally untrue.
    all they do is set the version Data to 8.1.0 so that inno unpackers do not recognise Data to decompress

    take your hex editor and change 8.1.0 back to 5.1.0 and unpackers will then recognize the inno setup Data and unpack the build

    Example : Overloud TH-U Premium v1.4.14 (64-bit) CE


    once you have the V.R install_script.iss unpacked change the Compression=lzma2/ultra64 TO
    Compression=lzma and Rebuild :wink:

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2022
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  19. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That's very interesting. I've never had problems but my geeky-techy instinct makes me want to mess with that stuff
  20. Droplet 2

    Droplet 2 Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2022
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    I found a fix for the R2R - out of menmory problem.
    install using WinPE then manually install the files.
    this works for some , not for all. for example Vaporizer 2 I don't have the registry files, so I can't use the key gen.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2022