Internet desert island - What to grab before going offline?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by macros, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Sorry that this is in English, but you can certainly find these explanations in your language too.
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  2. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
  3. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I have seen several videos of this in Spanish, not only with potatoes, magnets, infinite energy, they are all fake. But hey, nature hides so many mysteries that it wouldn't bother me that something like this is possible.

    Edit: this is very interesting, honestly I had not read something like that, on the contrary, they said it was a lie.
    With a friend we always thought that if we could create something that produces infinite movement, that is, something that does not stop, infinite energy could be created from movement, but thermodynamics and gravity always get in the way. And as I was saying before, when you look for information, you find a lot of fakes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2022
  4. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    In the 'old' days, simply not paying a bill to renew some service told a company you don't want them anymore, and at the last day of what you already paid for would be the last day of service. Clean and simple, end of story.

    For the past 15-20 years maybe, companies pull a trick of continuing their service... unasked for by you the customer... and then they send you a bill for that time you didn't ask for. I've had several fights over this in the past and one or two sent to a collection agency cuz i refused to pay the charge, lol.
  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    With the arrival of Bots or self-management, all this type of management has become hell. Both to realize low or if you have any problem. It has happened to me with Movistar thousands of times. You write to them and a bot attends to you and gives you options. And the excuse is always that the system doesn't take it, or that the system crashed, you totally can't argue with a bot. This is an "ingenious" move by companies to evade any kind of responsibility. I have already claimed about three to consumer protection, after all you end up getting tired because it seems that sometimes they are also arranged with the companies.
    Some time ago a man went viral who took the modem to a cable company because he spent months waiting for them to unsubscribe and they didn't give it to him and they kept billing him. The man grabbed and said "Here's your modem, boom, on the floor, I'll destroy it" and began shouting indignantly. And it is understandable because they play with your patience. But for those who are there and see it, they say "oh, this man is crazy" but they don't know how much he had to put up with. So what does society end up doing? Paying and shutting up. Because if you think about it, either you end up getting sick of your nerves or you pay. And the companies know this perfectly.
  6. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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  8. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Be aware that after canceling any plan, you will still get a bill at the end of the month (sometimes it's a bit later). And it's totally correct, it's the payment for your last month that you still had the plan. You always pay afterwards, unless it's a prepaid contract.

    When you cancel anything on phone, you should keep the reference number of that call, they usually say that number at the beginning of the call.
    Companies are so dumb that they sometimes forget to disconnect you from their network.
    A recent experience, I canceled a phone line with internet and IPTV (because fiber became available in my address by other provider), tv plan had HBO included, it was supposed to stop access to HBO MAX, and guess what, after many months it's still working on those devices that I logged in previously.
    In the past, a decade ago I also had situation when I wanted to cancel cable tv, they always ask you why you intend it, I explained that I was not really interested anymore and was going to travel abroad for a few months anyway. Then they recommended me not to cancel but suspend the plan. It was supposed to be for a few months then they would turn it back on automatically. So, what happened? they forgot to suspend the broadcast and as I didn't cancel, instead accepted to suspend it, they didn't take the settopbox back, and it was working for about 2 years with an expensive plan with the feature to record 100 hours of program, for free.
    Nowadays I don't have cable tv, I just watch almost any channel on Kodi for free.

    I recommend you this comedy video about canceling a plan. It's in Portuguese, I don't know if the auto-translator for the subtitles works correctly on your language)
  9. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I think he's gone. At least we didn't tell him there is no life beyond the internet. RIP.
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  10. macros

    macros Guest

    surprisingly/not surprisingly the internet is still working lol. ahhhh as i just confessed to on rycks gratefulness thread, i kinda lost my temper and left a shitty comment directed at some guy, who was most likely joking in retrospect. which is embarrassing, especially on a forum with like minded cool musicians. so i've been doing what i'm really good at, avoiding things that i don't like to face haha.

    some VERY good advice RE comcast, the idiots. it might be because i used my own router that they haven't turned it off... i'm not sure. ive got the email confirming the cancellation- and IF they hit me with a bill (very likely) down the road it looks like I'll be employed like... by tomorrow haha, so i'll just pay them for it. if i get it for free i wont! if they try to charge extra or add penalties it'll be war.

    interview went well, something i can do in my sleep pretty much. i'm excited about the prospect of $$$ so i can move to somewhere remote/quiet so I can practice singing without that stupid shame thing (also i live by trains currently that just squeal every 10 minutes, makes recording even more irritating. I don't need help messing takes up!), so i can buy monitors with a subwoofer- i've had 8 inch monitors but never a sub. i make electronic shit 90% of the time... it'd be cool to hear and feel the bass. and then after i know i'm stable with stuff and have an emergency vet fund saved up i'm gonna get a dog for sure.

    already feels like i'm getting some momentum and formulating a plan out of this living nightmare, into a lesser nightmare. sounds good to me. maybe i can finish some songs finally. i'm blown away by olymoons collection too- like i'm not being sarcastic when i say i respect the discipline. sounds like oly is using a bunch of actual instruments to record, so a slightly different situation im basically 100% ITB, but i can't help myself i download like anything i MAY want to try someday. you don't NEED a lot to make amazing music, but there is something to be said for the excitement of a new toy to play around with making a song.

    that's my update! it's like i prepared for a desert island trip, but then it turned out i just went to the peninsula instead and never stepped off the mainland. thanks comcast! i love the idea of wrapping my computer up in lead and having a renewable energy source. That's REALLY preparing for a desert island lol. maybe if i'm ever wealthy enough i'll build a separate rig just for that, take it with me if i ever go camping hahaha.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    @macros Bro, I'm in a pretty similar situation except that I'm 52 now and have heart condition and can't work anything heavy duty. I also have unemployed wife and a unemployed dog. ;) Well, wife's got some money from "Aussieland" recently but it won't last long. I feel pretty fucked and the worst thing is new wave of Corona has come so it will be really hard to find concerts to record again. damn. :sad:

    One positive thing about the whole situation is that I've got almost everything I've ever wanted [I'd love to have some analogue synth like Matrix-1000 or similar] - my studio and I can do anything I want without any cravings for some piece of equipment, either audio or computer related.
  12. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    if im on that deserted island no internet but there at least electricity and food & water
    i would be fine
    i just need my 8 external harddrives of movies and tv series big tv + pc and electric outlets
    and i would invite the islanders to watch movies with me everynight and i would form a choir group and let them sing

    maybe there are also pretty islander girls there to spend the night with

    who needs internet ? no me hehe

    ok if theres no electricity no internet ?

    im still interested if theres a food and water there and plenty of islanders pretty girls to marry
    and make the island population go up hehehe

    no internet electricity food and water ?
    damn this island turned me to a thief already ,lets hope they they arent in to cannibalism hehe
  13. macros

    macros Guest

    Hani's last words as the cannibal island girls take him away are "I think they said something about eating out?! I'm totally gonna get la-aARRgghhh!!!"

    well, I'm typing this from my phone, and with limited cellular data. Comcast caught on. it's ok, I've been prepared for a week. but I will be on a lot less, also I'll be working so I can buy shit again.

    Yo SineWave- you take it easy man. my pops has like some shitty cancer that makes it harder to produce enough oxygen- which then makes his heart race because he pushes himself stubbornly. it's upsetting to watch knowing he could go down just because he didn't want to ask for someone to get him something. Im not sure if your heart troubles are more recent thing or not, but it's a one two three four punch with that, being broke, covid, no concerts.

    not to be a bummer ( I do that) but just saying that I know your wife and dog want you around a long time, plus taking it easy is a great excuse to keep sitting in the studio and jamming! I'm projecting a lot there clearly lol but I know covid sent me into a spiral, and being cooped up and angry isnt like a vacation for your heart. and if you're now limited from what you were able to do that is... hard. like I got diagnosed with celiacs, the no gluten thing (like an autoimmune disease not a Karen at a bar on a weird diet) and it's not nearly as serious as the ticker in your chest but it's just a big life adjustment to suddenly have to watch everything. sidenote- if you're not taking fish oil pills look into, supposed to be good for the heart and your mood because it's an anti-inflammatory. basically there is no downside as long as you make sure they were purified of mercury. definitely don't trust me btw- def like talk to your doctor haha but I take 3 huge tasteless pills a day because at 1000-2000 mgs of EPA (fish oil is like multiple things- EPA is the one you want a lot of . sorry btw I'm giving health lesson, but I'm pretty certain of my sources) its been shown to help with multiple things.

    that's my well meaning rant

    between the wife and the dog though you're set for awesome beings to be around- maybe it's time for another dog! and you can ask your wife and train your dog (don't mix those up) to help you out and then say, "I'm only asking you to do this because I love you." has anyone trained a dog to jam yet? if air bud can play basketball why can't an unemployed dog play synths? maybe a theramin?

    it's awesome that you've leveled up on gear addict phase you've hit yoda Jedi master- or sith Lord status ha considering your avatar. I consider myself an aware functional addict with gear now ha. restrained but Id still have a problem if I had the resources.

    ok off to this job after not sleeping later yall
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  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    If there are pretty girls, you don't need anything more than that:winker:
  15. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    I would just download a copy of Wikipedia. It's small enough to copy as it is only 20.69 GB compressed. Great value and you could never read ít all.

    ...I have what I need on my disks already. Manuals, documentation, music making software and all the MP3's I can listen to (a couple of years of listening time).

    Actually, it would be cool to try to COMPLETELY avoid Internet for a month just to see if it is possible during vacation time. Just one Internet application allowed: the bank. Cash isn't accepted at most places here now.
  16. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    I would just copy Wikipedia. It's small enough to copy (Wikipedia right now is 20.69 GB compressed).

    But the Internet is only nice because it has updated information. It would be pretty useless otherwise.

    I have what I need on my disks already. Music-making and all the MP3's I can listen to (a couple of years of listening).
    Actually, it would be cool to try to avoid Internet for a month just to see if it is possible (during vacation time).
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You mean there are other people who binge Wiki? :suicide:
    What a relief.
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Here are some simple and cheap ideas from me to eat a little healthier and live a happier life:

    - max. 2 cups of coffee, better decaffeinated coffee or green tea, herbal teas, water.
    - Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E (cold pressed rapeseed oil - 2 tablespoons daily)
    - Vitamin A (carrots, tomatoes) Vitamin D deficiency (vitamin D supplements)
    - Less sugar and meat (avoid acidity)
    - 1 whole raw garlic clove daily

    - Get enough sleep, laugh, dramatize less, wonder and marvel at what is out there, get back to nature.
    - Walking, hiking, biking, swimming, Tai Chi, yoga, meditation and autogenic training
    - Reduce stress
  19. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Let me add something to what you said:
    Make music or any kind of art.
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  20. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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