Internet desert island - What to grab before going offline?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by macros, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Almost 20 years ago in London I just turned the wifi on on my laptop and connected to the strongest signal in the neighborhood. In that time hardly any wifi was password protected. And a little bit earlier, 20 years ago to be more precise, I had still been compelled to go to internet cafe (EasyEverything) almost every day. (well, I managed to buy the unlimited monthly pass, in advance it was just a few pounds, the price of 1-2 hours pass) It was mostly if not exclusively for checking e-mails, reading news sites, browsing for information and sometimes listening to radio channels or streaming tv channels from abroad. But I rememeber seeing other people playing games on those pcs.

    The idea of looking for stuff to "survive" when offline I can imagine when someone goes on a trip, vacation and can't or doesn't want to have internet access there, for a few days or max. 1-2 weeks. Just like the title of this thread indicates (the OP's post told a bit different scenario though).
    If it's near the beach, you know you won't need internet anyway. However in the middle of nowhere, like when I was in the country-side on a farm 70 km far from the closest town, no internet, not even mobile signal, we could just hunt armadillo in the forest (in reality it was supposed to be the dog hunting and we were following the dog, at night, with some torches with limited battery supply), drinking and having fun socially.

    I think the question of this thread is more about what would you grab that is available right now that would be with you for long term without missing the next actual things.
    About books, movies, series and music the past probably has better options than stuff from the present, so you couldn't actually go wrong.
    About software, you can stay with the recent releases for long time. The evolution from the last decade has seemed quite huge, I'm not sure where it can improve significantly. Unfortunately what everyone would wish, having more reliable gears and software is not what developers concern about. And the real threat is the subscription model that more and more companies are choosing. That way you would be f*cked up for sure.
  2. macros

    macros Guest

    ahh you guys are so cool. i clearly didn't fall asleep. @Crinklebumps (ps your profile pic is inspiring. my end goal of getting to a healthy spot- for me- is to get a dog. an older rescue dog who's been at a shelter a while. but i need to be in a better spot before i do that) i GENERALLY dislike using my personal drama to make people uncomfortable- but the exception to that is when I get pissed. i have comcast, which is pretty much considered one of the most awful companies in the world to deal with, so have no fear I will be VERY firm with them. I was surprised/not surprised they didn't cancel it. I've lived with being super crazy my entire life- the retention agent on the other end of the phone trying to not get me to cancel has not. It will be a short conversation- like it was the first time lol. only maybe this time they'll do what they say.

    Lois Lane- thank you! if/when i run out (i grabbed my old kindle, the first generation one, to charge up) of vonnegut and some various others I'll hit you up if I'm in need of some new stuff! I used to read voraciously (you can tell because I used the word voraciously) but dunno, being this messed up mentally just.. ruins everything. hahaha. at least it's easy to type out hahaha or lol!

    yes jazzzz- i didn't word it very well haha. BUT at the end of the day.... I got a ton of good advice, and maybe in the future if someone else is going on vacation or something they'll be able to find some good advice on here too. So well worth it!

    Well, i just yawned, so now i'm gonna go lay down and still not be able to sleep. take care everyone!
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  3. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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  4. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Digital hoarding has been an addiction problem. When I think of all the stuff I've accrued, that alone fills me with anxiety and dread because I'd need at least another thousands of lifetimes to consume it all, lol. If I was 20 years old maybe not so much, but from middle age on, it can be one's 'die any day now' moment, because of course, I'd then realize I had downloaded all that shit and wasted that time for nothing, heh.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2022
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  5. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Very funny, I like it : )

    AKAIBOY Member

    Jun 7, 2022
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    Is the codes from putins briefcase!
  7. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Dogs are more loyal than humans, what's difficult is that they don't live long, I've been through two dogs lifetimes and it hurts more than I can say when they die - a third, a brother of one of them, died within 10 weeks or so of its life. The rewards are incredible though.

    It sounds like you're at the stage of negotiations when you should tell them that you're cancelling your direct debit right after the phone call, you've already experienced their reluctance to process your disconnection, you need to force the issue, give them an ultimatum - actually tell them that this is it unless they give you an offer you can't refuse, you're gone. I would try to sound angry, put them on the back foot.
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  8. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Bark down the phone at them...
  9. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I'd be curious to see your list of plugins-to-the-end-of-time.
  10. macros

    macros Guest

    @Crinklebumps down side of today was waiting on hold 3 hours to talk to the state so i can hopefully feed myself properly while i try to get a job and a paycheck. it's kinda torture having to listen to smooth jazz that long...

    ON THE OTHER HAND- I called Comcast. Remember how I mentioned they're like the worst company? WELLLLLL that might be working in my favor- you see according to their records my internet WAS cancelled the 17th. Soooooo.... the last week I've just been getting internet for free. And I came in so heated to the phone call (I was literally screaming FUCK YOUUUU at the robot voice who was trying to get me sign up for another plan at a discount- like they do- when the actual person picked up, i felt a bit guilty about that) that I think the poor minimum wage worker was just happy that i suddenly wasn't interested in talking any longer when she told me it had been cancelled a week ago. I was like... I've got internet right now, it's hardwired into the wall- it can only be your internet... and she said,"well it shows cancelled as of the 17th."

    "well alright then! have a great weekend! bye!"

    and now i'm here telling you about it like a minute later.

    i'm dead tired, i'm gonna some sleeping pills finally and go to sleep... at 2:45 in the afternoon. whatever. i have a job interview on monday, its a manual labor job starting at 5 in the morning at a warehouse an hour away, i'll have to basically flip my schedule anyway. be worth it if i can get a dog someday.

    also- to the admin who edited my post cause it was all caps- that's my bad. i need to reread the forum rules.
  11. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    These people are very slippery and selective with the law and rules, they told you they cut you off on the 17th but you can't prove they told you that and you have evidence to the contrary, they could still hit you with a bill for three more months three months from now. With these people you really need to get everything in writing, which itself won't be easy - I think the alternative is to notify them by post with evidence of sending the letter to them, signed delivery maybe. And keep a copy of the letter of course. They know that most people won't bother, or it's all too much, or too expensive so they persist with their dirty tricks to extract money from you. If it isn't in writing you can't prove anything.

    If you're using direct debit and cancel it and they keep supplying you with a connection you might find yourself on the wrong side of the law.

    It's tempting to keep using it but when you're struggling it's important to keep within all of the rules, any kind of unexpected bill or fine could be devastating.

    The last thing you should do with the internet connection is research the law regarding your situation.

    I hate these companies.

    Good luck with the job interview!
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Companies like that can be very slippery indeed. Especially when the name of the company starts and ends with Comcast. I wouldn't even trust something I had from them in writing. If I noticed they were still supplying a service they were supposed to stop charging me for; I would stop using it. At least until they had absolutely no way to bill me for it. I think if you died, and left your laptop connected; they would figure out a way to send you a bill.

    I'd just get an alfa, an antenna, and check out their claims about their routers. they are still wpa2-psk. so that would take about 20 minutes.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
  13. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Yesterday I was thinking and I was going to tell you. Hey don't you have a dog? you can go for a walk with him. And now I read that you say you don't have it. I can't say that the dog is the best thing that could happen to someone, because there are relatives, friends, etc. But if you're as crazy as me, a dog can stand you haha I'm kidding. No, but seriously, a dog is an unconditional company. I have had one for ten years now, and they are great friends and accompany you for incredible moments. They are beings capable of perceiving when you are wrong or right and always be there for you, but not only dogs. All animals in general. Parrots, too, are very sensitive, intuitive companions. I speak of these animals because they are the ones that most people have as pets. I've only had a dog, and my mom's friend had a parrot that climbed on my shoulder and we sang songs together. My aunt has like 7 cats. But I think cats are more independent. But hey, if you can have a pet, you will see that your life changes. You say you don't want to come here with your drama, but hey, we are more than musicians, we are human beings created from music, creators of art, and I think knowing how to listen and understand each other is part of our art.
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  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    It's short. VPS Avenger, Synthmaster, Reveal sound Spire, Parawave Rapid, Kilohearts Phase Plant, and the effects that comes with them + Fabfilter complete. As for plugins I don't need more to create new things until I die.
    (We're speaking about being disconnected, so I would still have all my guitars, basses drums and effects)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
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  15. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Hey come on, force. This life is to fight it. According to what I read and interpret, you are going through a moment of depression. And if you don't have a job it's logical.
    You are going to get ahead, you are without internet it is not death, I assure you, I was a long time without internet. If you are out of work, the internet is secondary, focus on the most important thing. I hope you get that job and stay there, but it all depends on you and your willpower. If you can stay away from drugs, over time they will bring you dependency and depression, my mother took drugs all her life and it only brought her more depression.
    Forgive me for giving you this advice without your asking me, but sometimes I think it is necessary for someone to tell you "hey come on, fight or nobody will do it for you".
    Don't lower your arms for anything in the world.
    " If you can dream it, you can get it"
  16. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Well, you have my respect monsieur :yes:
  17. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    I've created a lead lined reinforced cement safe box where I keep and extra computer with Reaper and all my favorite vsts. I've also got some potato seeds so I can quickly set up a potato battery system to run it. I'm ready for the new stone age.
    Potato Battery Sound System:
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  18. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    sorry I don `t understand much English.
    is getting electricity from potatoes?
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Internet desert island - What to grab before going offline?

    I take a solar stove, a crank radio with cell phone charging function solar and a power generator gate with 10 000 liters of diesel.


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  20. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    please don't ban me

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