How to make 80's drums?

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by adrian88888888, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    There is a Paul McCartney album called "Press to play" where Phill Collins is invited, this album is one of my favorites and it was my favorite when I was a teenager.
    and my favorite song was "Press". It was the first song on the "B" side of the Cassete.
    Well in a part where there is a drum rhythm and Paul says "Press". The drummer that I think you say is clearly heard. I loved that part.

    Edit: This part
  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Nomad Factory Drum Tools. This is one of those ones I even snoozed on. Your thread reminded me of it, and yes I am going to be re-evaluating the decision not to use it more frequently. Damn.

    Also, did you know you can import a sample onto the "Click" areas of Kick2 GUI, so you can add the two samples you want to compare as "Clicks", but if you switch to "Click View" with both selected; It displays the two samples overlapped. Very neat.
  3. Barmaley (covid edition)

    Barmaley (covid edition) Producer

    Oct 26, 2020
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  4. adrian88888888

    adrian88888888 Noisemaker

    May 23, 2022
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    5 think i did it

    I never done parallel processing, I never heard about sidechain-gate in my life (thanks for that Blu), so it took time

    About the reverb:
    • all I did was to use Relab Sonsig-A, and the preset 80s Reverb 2 (Long)(I couldn't find the preset Showtime 1 as Blu did) I modify the preset a bit and worked perfectly
    • but I feel like I didn't learn: why? why that VST reverb? why that preset works well? what made @Blu choose Showtime 1 preset instead of another one?

    About the Snare tail:
    sidechain-gate was the key

    I attach the result:
    I think its good, any comment about it, it's welcomed

    Now I started to make the kick:
    • Any starting sample in particular?
    • If there's a Snare Ludwig Black Beauty(the one that Kiss used) in AD2 I was expecting to find the Kick Ludwig Black Beauty, but I didn't, it doesn't work like that?
    • I didn't say this but I only have the core library (250gb) from Superior Drummer 3, and im not willing to use 100gb+ for an expansion, I don't have more space

    And thanks again to everyone, i'm learning so much
    And thanks Blu
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2022

    Attached Files:

  5. macros

    macros Guest

    yo- i mostly mess with electronic styles of drums, so i can't speak much about different snares on classic kits. i can say that certain drum machines definitely have an 80's style to them, like the Linndrum, dr rhythm, roland cr-78... cause they were in a lot of songs in the 80's. If you search for something like 80's drum machines you should be able to find samples of those (and other machines used in the day. i might google bands you like from their and drum machine, see what pops up. like depeche mode i know used the linndrum on some of there songs.)- using the same process you did with your snare you'll get some pretty 80's sounds.

    i listened to all those snares- all sound 80's to me! at least isolated like they are. btw- i looked, on the sonsig -a: that preset is under "device", then showtime 1.

    to ME i think that snare sample and the reverb are secondary to the processing. like- i just put a really fat hiphop style snare on a track, eq'd the bottom so it was thinner, slapped a 8 sec long reverb on it that i cut off with a gate. its the thin snare and the gated verb that is 80's IMO, so personally unless i was trying to recreate a song 1:1 i think that's the lesson i would take away. my snare ended up sounding still "bigger" than your guys but the essence is there, if you threw some other 80's sounds on i'm guessing it would fit fine.

    i feel like most verbs would be fine (depending on taste)- just as long as they're long enough and then you have that hard cut off with the gate. and that being said you'll probably want to eq both the reverb and the snare to taste.

    i just jumped onto the parallel processing bandwagon recently as well, despite producing for a long ass time. i use it so much on my bass that i now have a send on my default template- that can really add some weight to your tracks, and i just make sure it's all mono and cross my fingers it doesn't destroy someone's speakers if they listen to it.

    also- if 80s vintage drum machines sound interesting to you (i WANT to say they were layered on top of acoustic kits quite a bit, but dunno. most of my experience drumming is on rock band...which surprisingly translated to a real kit way better than i though. i wouldn't recommend it for learning guitar though haha) there is a lot of VST's out there that have a like 20 in 1 or whatever vintage machines, and they're not very big because they're not hyper sampling a bunch of acoustic kits.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2022
  6. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    You're welcome, I'm happy that I was helpful to you in some way!

    I just choose that preset because not having much time to craft a preset from scratch I just listened to various presets from valhalla vintage verb and relab sonsig till I found the more similar sounding to the reference track.
    I listened to the tone of the reverb (frequency spectrum), the density/diffusion of it, the early reflection build up, the stereo wideness and the length and I quickly choose that preset but it's in no way the perfect match for the reference track. It's a quick approximation made with a Linn drum snare sample from Ableton's stock library. With a more scientific approach the results could be much more similar. Starting from the snare sample and processing and then the reverb choice and settings but as I previously said I just don't have much free time these days, working pretty much 7 days a week.

    I listened to your last snare sample and you nailed the gated verb technique as a general technique but the snare sound and the reverb sound still miss something for me. The original snare has more bottom end in the 60 hz region and a dip in the 250/300 hz. It's also fuller sounding in the mids 600/800 hz region and has just a bit more of top end from 10khz. You reverb has more diffusion while the original has a little more grainier buildup and the original has less top end. Original more top end on the actual snare and less in the verb, yours the contrary.
    Note that there is an hat sound in the original sample(it can be heard more on the left channel) that can influence the perception of the snare and there is compression going on in all of the drums.

    One important thing that i forgot to add: the isolated sample was the reference to my attempt but listening to the whole track the decay sound is not abruptly gated and has a more natural decay like Trurl and me said a few posts ago.
    I still think that a gate can be used to fine tune the shape of the decay part of the reverb (hold and release parameters) instead of simply turn down the reverb length and re-adjust other parameters accordingly (if starting from a classical gated verb) but it's not necessary (if starting from scratch).
    So keep in mind that the sample you isolated has a truncated decay but that is not how it's sounding in the track. Not a big deal but worth mentioning given that I didn't think of it when doing my attempt LOL

    For the kick drum: Eq is key here. Nothing fancy, just shape the kick with the right eq curves (boost 80 hz area, cut 250 with a narrow bell, cut 400 to 800 hz area, boost 1.5k to 2k region, low pass or shelve from 10k, right values depend on the sample of course) starting with a suitable sample and add a subtle non gated, not so short grainy reverb (diffusion 4, character 2, ensemble 2/3 max should get you in the ballpark of that grainy sound in sonsig)
  7. adrian88888888

    adrian88888888 Noisemaker

    May 23, 2022
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    Its being 7 days of me trying from absolute scratch, I surrender....I will probably come back, but don't want to start to hate this
    Thanks to everyone, there's no way I would learned all the specific advices by just googleing around