How to make 80's drums?

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by adrian88888888, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. adrian88888888

    adrian88888888 Noisemaker

    May 23, 2022
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    How do I make these drums? min 0:04 :

    Probably its obvious, but i'm a complete noob when it comes to drumms
    I heard them in all 80's music, its a specific drum?
    I have addictive drums 2 and superior drummer 3, can I archive this with one of those plugins?
    And if this is the wrong thread tell me, I still don't know how to delete a thread :(
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  3. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    that snare and the kick had my keyboard on the drums. I think they used the drums of the synthesizers. There is a konakt battery that has that snare. If I remember correctly it's the studio drummer one, but I'm not sure and then it's a very wet reverb. In the audio it is heard that both the kick and the snare have reverberation.


    If you like 80's drums Slate digital released a free 80's audio pack some time ago
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2022
  4. rdr62

    rdr62 Newbie

    Feb 9, 2021
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    you should be able to easily achieve this with addictive drums 2 and some reverb
    if you have AD2 you should have the retroplex kit, which can give you a retro rock sound, other kits could also achieve the same thing as well

    you can also just use the pre-made midi patterns in AD2, which makes it easy.
    the key thing about the drums in that video was a ton of reverb, which was used widely in the 80s, lots and lots of reverb.

    if you want even more authenticity as well you could try applying vintage and analog modeled plugins as well, tape plugins, stuff like waves cassette, j37 tape, kramer master tape, sketchcassette II, other analog modeled stuff, anything you have that gives vintage sound
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  5. obi-juan

    obi-juan Member

    May 29, 2018
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    It's more of a technique rather than a specific drum kit/sound imho. Try looking up how to set up a gated reverb on your snare.
    I believe with the right amount of processing you can get that type of sound with either AD 2 or SD 3. From past experience, I usually set up a send with a wet digital reverb (something like/close to stuff like the Roland SRV-2000 or SPX series if you want that vintage 80s feel), then add a gate after. Set the gate's parameters where you'd want it to naturally cut out the reverb just before the next snare hits. You want the snare hits to sound big without muddying the whole track and/or losing the detail and punch.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This DrumKit was used during the KISS "ANIMALIZE"
    tour. It was made with Black Hardware.
    (Only one Ludwig ever made).

    The Black Hardware, was taken from left over Marching band drums, which were at the LUDWIG warehouse. Eric thought it would be better for the Hardware to be Black, because he was using a Panther head on his Bass drums. This was one of his favorite kits.
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  7. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I laughed & threw up at the same time.... I'd look into who recorded it, where it was recorded & what kit was used. Then look for the closest thing in your plugins.... Prob some AMS reverb going on in there too lol.
  8. macros

    macros Guest

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  9. adrian88888888

    adrian88888888 Noisemaker

    May 23, 2022
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    I used the snare from this kit:
    And added a vintage reverb(with a preset for snare):
    I attached my snare and the one from the song

    What I can't archive its that the snare from the song has a low note or something like that, has a low something...I tried lowering its pitch and adding low frequencies with eq(not in the attached file), but I still can't manage to get that "thing"

    I repeat, I have 0 experience with drums

    Also, the reverb does not worries me, I can make it better

    And thanks for the info until this point, there's stuff I learned
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022

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  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Is AD2 like the Logic drummer, so you could pick a man to play it? That's about the sonic difference at the moment. Your original hit is like a tap. Do you just want to process the sample externally as a wave file, or the entire thing in AD and then reverb?

    If you look at how the transient in the original is; you can see it compress after the transient spike so it's not that fast an attack. I think it is pitched down a few semi tones. I would pick another starting sample, personally.

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  11. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Wrong setting in the verb and sample choice: here's a quick attempt with a stock ableton Linn Drum (LD in ableton) snare sample pitched down a little bit and a quick EQ followed by Relab Sonsig-A "Showtime 1" reverb preset gated with stock ableton gate sidechained to the snare. Not a clone but more in the ballpark of what you're looking for, I guess.
    This is just an example with a Linn drum sample and a quick preset reverb + gate, if you find the right snare and the right verb you'll be able to match the sound you're looking for pretty easy. Now I ain't got time to do a more appropriate job but if you'll find yourself not able to achieve the result you want I'll be back to you for more help
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
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  12. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Just try Legacy of rock or the rock foundry or the rock warehouse for superior drummer. Dive in the demos, if you find something close download it
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If you look in Addictive Drums 2 snares, there is a 14x6.5 Ludwig Black Beauty. Maybe start there.
  14. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    If I'm looking for a specific sound in ADD, I'm using the standalone version, play a beat, switch the instrument to solo and go through the presets of those kits which seems to be most fitting.
    For snare try Reel Machines - Linndrum Paisley, switch off Flexi 3, turn pitch up one step, choose Ambience and Hall reverb, medium Decay, Damp and send amount. It'll get you at least closer.
  15. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Look for the RMX16 "nonlinear" impulse response. That's the machine they used in countless 80's tracks to get that punchy snare sound.Valhalla Vintage Verb also has a nonlinear mode that gives you more parameters to tweak.
  16. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    I tried it as a first choice with vintage verb and sonsig but it sounded more similar with other settings ("showtime 1" sonsig preset followed by a gate. Maybe they used a gated (a reverb followed by a gate) verb in this particular case?
  17. adrian88888888

    adrian88888888 Noisemaker

    May 23, 2022
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    I am freezed by all, I have too much confusion-info, I've been trying to google everything, bare with me

    Question 1:
    First of all, what should be the order of the fx chain?(imagine right now that the snare its the only thing that exists)
    like this?:

    or the reverb should be compressed?, therefore in the position 2?

    Question 2:
    If everything has an exaggerated reverb, what happens with the the room mics level? the room mic was also exaggerated in the 80s?

    Question 3:
    Where the gate should actually be? if I put it in the master of the drums, and there's a full groove playing, the reverb never stops and the gate never activates, what is the point of the gate then? does not make sense

    Question 4:
    after trying to improve the snare for hours, and after reading what you guys wrote, I think I have a better snare
    but when it comes to reverb i'm still stuck
    for some reason the snare hits and then the reverb sounds, its not an "elegant" tail

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  18. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    There's TWO 80's drum sounds- there's the original one created by Phil Collins and Hugh Padgham on the 3rd Peter Gabriel solo album and then used by Phil through the 80s- that was done with real room acoustics and an accident. It's well documented, you can Google it. There is a fantastic plug to help you get it called TalkBack Limiter. Then, there is the copy of that sound that EVERYONE else used, which just involved non-linear digital reverb. I haven't listened to KISS yet but I already more or less know that's what it is Use a low tuned kinda dead snare, use a gated reverb, done. I'll listen to the KISS example when I can and see if there's anything else specific to say about it..
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  19. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Oh, Heaven's on Fire! I should have looked first. Ignore everything I said, no gated/non linear stuff there. There is a VERY specific kind of weird-ass almost ring mod thing they did in the 80s on snares, I know exactly what you're hearing, and I don't know what the FREAK it is. I'm gonna figure it out though. It's some kind of short plate high-passed. Possibly the famous AMS digital.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
  20. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    I agree this is not the usual non linear 2 AMS verb. I think is more of an ambience then a plate. The width is very wide and the sound is more similar to what I hear in ambience verbs than plates. (EDIT: I was thinking about large ambiences and real plates but it could very well be a digital plate like AMS as you were suggesting. Definitely not an EMT 140. Just to clarify my misunderstanding).
    Using a gate (with a not so short "hold" setting and the right release to shape the decay) can be helpful but it's not essential.

    To the OP:
    Eq and compression as inserts in the actual snare channel (I usually go for eq first but it's not a fixed rule).

    The gate (if you want to try it) only on the snare channel reverb return track and not on the drum bus.
    You have to put it after the reverb.
    You have to sidechain your gate with the snare sound itself, so put the snare channel as the input for the sidechain of the reverb.
    The concept is that when the snare volume goes below a certain threshold the gate will close after x milliseconds (the gate "hold" parameter plus release for more shaping of the decay of the verb) so you can have this strong reverb with a very abrupt decay.
    I don't know what DAW you're using so search on google how to setup the sidechain for your gate in your DAW or write here what DAW you're using and I'll help you.

    The snare sample you're now using is much better than the previous one. The verb settings are not right yet but better than the previous one: you're going in the right direction.

    Unfortunately I don't have the time to look for that specific snare drum in my drum libraries, same for reverb, but as soon as I have a little free time I'll try to find something from SD3 + VVV that will be a more than passable match for that Kiss' snare sound if you'll still be stuck with this problem. I think that you'll eventually nail it alone very soon though.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2022
  21. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Yeah, it's not the reverb that sounds like a reverb. There's a... thing. Very metallic. It might actually be some kind of horrible abuse of BBE Sonic Maximiser. It was everywhere for a few years. Or Aural Exciter.