Categories on sister site?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Keyboadist, Jun 8, 2022.

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  1. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    It seems to me that this division between people who want sample floods and those who don't may be an opportunity to have two successful sites, each strengthened by their more focused speciality. I have no idea how much work is involved in running or what the rewards are, maybe it's more a labour of love and adding twice the amount of work maintaining two sites is a terrible idea; this is a conversation for the people who run But maybe there are enough positives for another site?
  2. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Will someone please tell me why there are no sample packs listed in the Windows software sub category. It's fucking exasperating. It irritates my tinnitus and gives me diarrhea. HELP!!!
  4. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    What a dummy - :facepalm:
    See settings - you obviously forgot to uncheck the newly implemented Youtube-style AI brain-cull algorithm.
    - the one that simply gets rid of everything IT thinks YOU don't want.
    Stop complaining - it's just respecting your right to live and decompose in a personalised dumbed-down silo.
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  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    It is incredible that some people are dissatisfied and bother to lose how much? 5 min of your life turning pages?
    I bet many waste more time on social networks looking at nonsense.

    And worse still, that if they publish something that is not of their interest, they vote negatively, and say "oh this is shit".

    It is assumed that the negative vote is because if the publication is wrong, that is, if it says "samples" and inside it has a porn video"
    Well, the negative vote would be understandable there. But why don't you like to underestimate someone else's work? because that is what they do when giving a negative vote, they are undervaluing the work of that person, who as I said before, does it for free, or for a few coins for a coffee.

    And there is something very curious in all this that happens to us as a society, and I include myself because it has happened to me, and then I reflect.
    I think it is very important to take this into account or at least meditate on it.

    In the last 10 years (more or less). What society used to do to earn a few pesos, now they do it for free, for a few coins, or with the illusion of making something big out of it, which is just a few.
    For example, today you can go to youtube and watch thousands of FREE tutorial videos, and I say free also because you don't pay anything. And on top of that I read comments of "This video shit", etc.
    Also on movie pages to watch movies online. This is incredible, when sometimes there is a defect in the movie, they complain and insult as if they were paying for the service. "Hey, this shitty movie is in Spanish and not in Latin." wow bro! as far as we have come, to complain about what is free. I have done it with youtube videos, because this shit leads you to think that you have the right to complain about something free. And then I reflect, what an idiot, it sucks that a person took all his time to make a tutorial, I criticized him.
    Well I think this is exactly what is happening here right now.
    We have free content, a free website, where there are all kinds of variety of things, it's like being in a world of sweets where there is something for everyone, that's the beautiful thing, the amount of variety. I think we have forgotten to be empathic, this is an important point, I see it every day, we think of ourselves "I like this", "the other does not work" serious mistake, that also divides us, because this is transferred to everything in the life.
    We must value what we have, as I say. A totally free service, which has constant moderation, I always see Oly who is moderating the messages on the sister site when someone wants to distort a publication, that is also work, I see that sometimes many content publishers are updating links, answering the messages. Team them as R2R, VR, among many. God, how much joy they give us. And joy should also be when it's not your turn but someone else's.
    I am a PC user and when I see a MAC program that does not appear, I am really happy. Like for example the UAD Spark plugins, I have recently seen that you can download the demo, but only for MAC, but that's good! what the hell does it matter that I don't use MAC, it's good news.

    Ultimately, the idea is. Let's not forget to be empathic. You lose 5 minutes of your life every day on things that make less sense than turning 10 pages. today for you tomorrow for me, today my tomorrow for you. I think that's the idea. And I think the sister site is perfect just the way it is. Let's learn to value what we have and not what we don't have.
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  6. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    as usual we avoid discussing the real problem.
    10 pages of samples are great, as are endless pages of libraries, vsts, tutorials.
    problem is i have to go thru these same 10 pages again and again. because the newest releases can appear anywhere in between. instead of on top, because the sorting is seemingly done by release date (when the releaser put it online) instead of when it gets ok-ed by the staff. very unusual.
    and then the fact release dates are listed inconsistently resulting in a post dated 10 june at the bottom of page 1 today, then starts with the current date on top of page 2 which goes back to june 5 while page 3 starts out´with the current date once again and goes back even further. (i know not everbody has this issue but if you do it really sucks)
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  7. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    in other words there really are no 10 pages of the samples released, they would fit on 3 pages if the sorting was as it should be
  8. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    I look forward to new implementations such as an advanced profile custom filter, or advanced customizable front page as to being able to filter out certain companies/keywords. I don't think it hurts. But I also think it's as trivial as it gets. Meanwhile you can use QuiteRSS, it's great.
  9. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Good RSS Reader! I am using this one now. I like how customizable it is. A bit clunky of a UI (like how you have to go in the menu to add labels, for example), but once you're used to where things are, works great.
  10. recycle

    recycle Guest

    very poetic, unfortunately, nothing in this world is free, everything has a price.
    When you think you are not paying it is instead the time that costs you much more (e.g. women)
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    That's the real thing. :yes:
  12. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    IMO those sample packs from "" should go in the archives column/category (Like those reason refill releases from years ago), so it could satisfy every kind of users.

    Same here, In the last days I was scrolling down about 10 pages to find some libraries, producer loops samples (decibel) or R2R/RET new release, I was tired of those under 50mb sample packs but fortunately you have the advanced search and the tags, they work almost all the time.
  13. DonaldTwain

    DonaldTwain Producer

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Best Answer
    Someone posted a browser script not too long ago which can filter out sample packs:

    You need to add something like Tampermonkey to your browser add-ons, add the script to it,and it will hide everything in that category (which you can add to/delete as required via the box on the left) and the hidden posts will appear at the bottom of the page like so:
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
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  14. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Hey, this works really well! Didn't even know such script existed. Thanks!
  15. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Is it just for the sample/loops category? How can I change the category filter?
  16. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    If you look closely the default category is editable.
  17. northwinds

    northwinds Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Seriously brilliant! Many thanks for this!
    Just very sad that some members get so incensed about a carefully worded post asking re the options - which you, sir have fantastically answered, many thanks! - and resorting to swear words and insults really shows up some attitude problems or maybe a bum dealer selling you a dodgy batch of whatever is your choice!
    For those of you who reponded to my query with thought out, sensible answers - thank you!
  18. northwinds

    northwinds Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Can I just query, this line:
    const filteredCategoriesInput = (_a = window.localStorage.getItem("AZFilter.filteredCategories")) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "samples/loop,";

    If I want to add a second category, would I just make a space between the comma and enter another category name - within the " " or does it need to be within a second set of " " or on a new line?
  19. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I have to agree. It's not the end of the world and there're workarounds. But if we also consider the search is also limited in features... I understand the limitations in the technical side cause it's what I do for a living. But there's no harm in asking politely for a solution and there're
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  20. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I mean changing the main category (for example "kontakt instruments")
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