What Was The Last Track You Heard That Impressed You?

Discussion in 'Music' started by remix, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. MdB

    MdB Guest

    snarky puppy - lingus / tio macaco / what about me / outlier
    from the live recorded album : we like it here
  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I thought that miniscule gall stones that are naturally excreted from the bladder might irritate and cause him pain which in turn would make his eyes tear. I wasn't drinking tea but rather coffee.
  3. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    That's german slang for getting wet eyes but not crying.
  4. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Easy this.
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  5. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    007 : James Bond : Theme
  7. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Uplifting trance fans rise up!

    This is what I call perfect, the bass, the drums, the mixdown and most important the arpeggio
  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

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  9. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Nina Miranda‘s Voice still is so unique…still a underwater mermaid vibe in this art although i cannot really say why.
  10. gurujon

    gurujon Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2012
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  11. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
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  12. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Unfortunately i dont know any other folk groups really , all i know is that due to a old friend that played their music since months over 20 years ago, and after some time, i had to buy their catalogue, couldnt resist. And i normally listen mostly to electronic Genres or some indie stuff. But their music is so organic & vivid, we listen to both albums (links above are the first tracks of the live cds) since years when going on vacation or a little journey with the whole family, even the little ones sing the melodys of the songs and love it (they normally love Ninjago, old Ghostbusters theme, kraftwerk & star wars lol)

    ps: if u got a group with same strong feelgood vibe & also depth & musicality, and they even got a live album, PLEASE share the title with me!
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
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  13. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2022
  14. macros

    macros Guest

    lol do you realize you've become the angry old man you most likely mocked as a youth? or were you always missing the point completely? the music you linked is good, is played skillfully and in no way at all is similar to EDM. You might as well compare going to see the symphony to going to a rave- that's how LITTLE YOUR ANALOGY MAKES SENSE. You're comparing apples and oranges, and then declaring oranges better. If you're serious, it's honestly really sad.

    How the hell do you OUTPLAY a DJ I ask you? Hmm? How the hell does a band with individuals playing instruments live compare to someone tempo matching songs on turntables? I play guitar, I play piano, I know how to produce music with my computer, I know how to scratch, I've played shows doing beats 100% live on pads, I've DJed and I KNOW there are massive fucking differences between one end of that skill set to another.

    I'm not hating on you disliking a genre, I dislike plenty of genres- hell I dislike plenty of EDM. I'm hating on you because you're being absolutely pretentious, while not providing any backing argument besides "bla bla shit" AND THEN you post a song with NO FUCKING BEAT TO DANCE TO THAT'S MOSTLY GUITAR NOODLING. You'd have to be on drugs I've never experienced to dance to that like you can dance to a song with four on the floor. Then again you'd have to be on drugs to think you could somehow outplay a DJ with your guitar. LOL. It's like a tennis player challenging a race car driver to a spelling competition. It makes no fucking sense.

    The closest thing to an instrument a turntable can be involves scratching (which I'm GUESSING you've never tried- it's fucking hard. you might be doubtful, you're wrong if you are, its not as easy as moving your hand up and down on a record), otherwise DJing has almost nothing to do with being skilled at an instrument, or composing, or literally anything besides curating a selection of songs and working to seamlessly arrange them. You know... like DJ's do. They've been doing it on the radio I'm pretty sure for a few years now... not sure how you missed what role DJ's play in society. Do you also think Liquid Tension Experiment outplays your local radio DJ spinning classic soft rock hits too?

    Anyway, if I were you I'd seriously reconsider if not my point of view, at least how I shared it. If you were trying to get people to check out the music you like, a terrible way to go about is talking shit about...music that has computers involved in their production. AKA most fucking music nowadays. It's a form of gatekeeping, and collectively as humans I feel like we've decided that being inclusive is superior. Here is your memo. I'll even rewrite it for you for next time, as perhaps a helpful hint.

    "These guys are amazing, I can't stop listening to their jam. side project started by the dream theater drummer, badass musicians playing badass music."

    Ehh it's not perfect- because that noodling style has never been my personal preference so I can't truly write about it with passion, but I hope you see there are perfectly easy and acceptable ways to promote music you enjoy while not undermining your message by being stupidly cranky. I don't mind the cranky- I'll always mind stupid.

    Do you have access to a DAW? Make a house track, post it. I dare you. It should be easy to make something that people like, because by your argument if I understand it- you don't need TALENT you just need a computer. I can help you start, set the tempo to 120 give or take, put the kicks on every beat, a clap on the 2 and 4 and an open hihat in between the kicks. That's the basis of the formula. Go do it. It doesn't take TALENT as you've said- so there should be NOTHING to stop you from making a 6 minute house song that the majority of people who like EDM think is good. I know I could shit out a shitty corporate country pop song despite loathing it, so you should be able to make a house track. If you can't, then you must be negative in talent, which leads us back the part where this is really sad.
  15. macros

    macros Guest

    This is for guitar maniac, clearly its not real/no talent/soulless music- as it all involved *gasp* COMPUTERSSSSS OOOOOHHHHH. lol

    this song doesn't impress me because it uses 22 microtonal scales or a 5/4 beat- it's because it manages to still sound poppy somewhat and approachable while doing so

    have fun recreating the atmosphere in this with a band.

    or this with a band

    and lastly- there isn't anything wrong with a simple dance song where the beat and bass are easily approachable to the masses. sometimes you want to be challenged, sometimes you want to shut off and not think. I'm antitheist and this shit gets me pretending i'm at church on sunday.

    I'll stop. I could fill up 25 more pages with songs I think are interesting/good of all sorts of genres- perk of getting into making hiphop at 18, stealing samples exposes you to a lot of shit.
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  16. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    This burial tune is outstanding. Connaisseur & producer of boombappy hiphop, and into electronics of all kinds since 90‘s. Appreciate more posts of your favs, u seem to have impeccable taste!
  17. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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  18. macros

    macros Guest

    first off.... i'm sorry for my angry rant, that was dumb. ironically i internet yelled at them for saying shit they didn't need to, when i did the same thing with my stupid comment. my bad. yuck.

    Second though- thanks retro! if you haven't gone through Burial's discography, you are in for a TREAT. he is unique to be sure, i could write an essay out around him but others have already done it better than I could. it is kinda worth looking him up to read about, crazy story. his first two albums are fantastic, and almost all of his ep's are too. later (which of course i don't fault him for, it's just not my thing) he made a few more experimental tracks that were just ambient... i've never been into that, at least made by someone else. i've got reverb plugin's for that! He also collabed with four tet for a song called Moth, Nova, an untitled track, and a collab with them and thom yorke. he's amazing... apparently all made on sound forge, which means no grid and every time he add's something he has to flatten it. thats insane.

    cause you mentioned boombap i'm dropping a prefuse song from stones throw, a stand out of his imo. also his album Everything She Touched Turned Ampexian is pretty great iirc.

    and the second is andy stott. i'd put him up there with burial as far as atmosphere, different but just dripping with feeling. hard to pick a song.... best to go through his albums if you're digging it. some of his songs are more experimental and meander, but... yeah he also has a very unique voice imo that rings through his production. the older stuff is more techno-y, the newer stuff he's just been refining his sound even more.

    i made hiphop exclusively for years with my mpc2000xl, novation ks5 and a turntable. ya gotta love that boom bap! and those pads. nowadays i just make whatever, but i still have my ableton 7 slicer because it's the closest i've found to the mpc. i was just listening to this a few days ago randomly-
    . best sp1200 album?

    AH- ok, like i'm obviously narcissitic cause i love talking about music that I like but HERE (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mq2YeoBhaELMuFiMYJykgQDkrUcq6LV9U) is a GREAT album that unless you live in my city and were in the underground scene i'm guessing you or anyone else has never heard of. i basically just listen to my own music nowadays trying to think about lyrics and spicing shit up etc...but this album is still one of my go to for sunny days- gogh I specifically. I'm a moody mofo and that song makes me smile. i used to know specs, he's a true artist who has been living the art grind for decades. super chill guy, was always super nice to me (when he didn't need to be, he was basically like top tier cool dude in the hip hop scene a decade ago here, and before and after- he had nothing to gain besides he's just awesome.) this album is definitely raw... like mpc to tape i wanna say. anyway, obviously i'm biased but almost a guarantee you won't get this recommended by anyone else haha.
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  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The Legendary Pink Dots - Just a Lifetime (1990)
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  20. macros

    macros Guest

    very very cool song, great sounds, interesting and super well put together mix. they did an amazing job fitting all this together imo, thanks for sharing beat16!