Audioz and Pro Tools?

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by kfay, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. kfay

    kfay Newbie

    Nov 9, 2013
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    I use pro tools 10....and I have been trouble downloading Kontakt. I came across this comment yesterday

    That's because all AAX plugins are wrapped with PACE protection. If the plugin is cracked, Pro Tools will reject it. You will NEVER use cracked plugins inside Pro Tools. The best you can do is to purchase either Nomad Factory Magma or Blue Cat MB-7 and use that to host VSTs inside Pro Tools.

    So does this mean that Pro Tools will reject every plug in from audioz (all plug ins in audioz are cracked right?) Of if anyone knows how to load something other than AAX in pro tools let me know (choosing what type of plug in format to open, because Pro Tools automatically does AAX for me.

  3. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Unless someone free the Plugins from their protection you wont be able to use them in ProFools, its that easy.
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Since you're using ProTools 10, just use RTAS and VST plugins through a VST wrapper of some kind and chillax. :) AAX has been made just to squeeze out more money from the people, as is everything in and around AVID and DigiDesign.

    Having said that, there is a chance when/if someone cracks PT11 you could use cracked AAX plugins with it one day.
  5. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    just use RTAS,besides pt doesn t automaticall select AAX,it loads them when they re avaiilable otherwise while loading it tells u u can t use AAX format and if u want to move them to the unused folder,then when it finishes loading ,PT lets u open the RTAS format plugin
  6. leytos

    leytos Newbie

    Nov 13, 2013
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    as others say , use RTAS ... in case of kontakt delete the AAX version so ProTools will automatically load the RTAS version witch works perfect
  7. Codo

    Codo Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Something´s just not correct in all those roumors.

    I think the Pace Anti Piracy they´re talking about is the iLok software protection. Avid themself use iLok, and some of the 3rd party software developers use iLok, too.

    On my Mac system, I don´t think I´ve seen any [k]´ed AAX plugin from companies, that use iLok.

    On Windows, there are several [k]´ed AAX plugins from developers, that use Pace/iLok protection. But I haven´t tried to run these in a legitimate (Windows) Pro Tools...

    But for OSX there are plenty of 3rd party plugin [k]´s, that never have supported iLok. And they work fine in legitimate versions of Pro Tools. I´m actually running 120+ AAX64 [k]´s in a paid PT11HD (OSX).

    I suppose the reason, why companies like iZotope, Spectrasonics, PSP, IK Multimedia etc. etc. do not use iLok could be, that Pace are expensive to deal with. But let´s NOT start any dumb roumors...
  8. oprah

    oprah Newbie

    Apr 29, 2014
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    this, though you can always just move the plugin to the "unused" folder.

    you can install 10 and 11 alongside each other. i actually love the limitations. 10 is great for my personal music, and 11 is ideal for work gigs.
    that's because on 10 you can use all the pirated software you want,
    but on 11 you're forced to only use what you have a paid license for - plus the benefit of offline bounce & overall faster workflow. when you are being paid to do things like post production mixes and stupid edits, it's a joy to be able to bounce them much faster.

    it's a shame about the AAX issue since running PT in 64 bit is a real joy
  9. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    For pro tools 10 there's no much difference between AAX and RTAS. You might be downloading the latest kontakt update. You might want to check first that is pro tools 10 compatible. It might also be a 64 bit AAX while pro tools 10 only runs 32 bit.

    I believe most companies discontinue AAX or RTAS compatibility with their newer versions. I believe it was RTAS. don't quote me on that.

    About audioz plugins, I used pro tools 10 like 2 years ago. You might have a better luck with plugins that are a little outdate for like 2 years. It won't mean the plugin is bad, it might just miss like the waves bundle the new 3/4 plugins. I used to have izotope, nomad, soundtoys, etc.. there's a lot of plugins out there that work on pro tools 10.

    I used to have pro tools on my laptop but i switch out. I installed a mini axiom keyboard, which ended up messing up all my plugins (non legit). I was fed up with the constant crash, so i went ahead and install studio one. Now that was as a "free user". I have used legit pro tools on a good computer and it works flawless.
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