Upgrade to Pro Tools 11 or not ? (Mac)

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by MARJU GRLYO, Nov 17, 2013.


    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hi everyone !

    I own a legit PT10 with my Eleven Rack, but since a few years Logic is my main DAW. Now, as I'm in a sound engineer school I must learn Pro Tools...

    And as I'm in that school I'm eligible to the student discount. 94 Euros for PT11 upgrade, that's a good deal !

    BUT ! I figured out that ONLY AAX (64 Bits) is available on PT11, (RTAS + AAX 32/64 for PT10). That's really a shame !

    Plus there's a very few plugins cracked at that stage. (I always buy the ones I use regularly but I like to try a lot of things) Do you think they will come up ? Or AAX is too hard to be cracked ? Are Win and Mac AAX the same thing ? I mean can we use Win stuff on Mac ? (They are both named .dpm, VST have different names on both platform for exemple)

    Do you think we should wait ? Or PT11 is definitely a must have ?

    Thank you very much :mates:
  3. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I don't even think teams wanna even waste their time on AAX. And PT 10 doesn't support AAX64. Only AAX32 bit. If I were you, I'd get the PT11 update. With the student purchase, Avid allowed me to keep both licenses for version 10 and 11. PT11 isn't a must-have, but it's very efficient. Even more so than 10, but 10 is more stable right now. Your best bet to get your AUs and VSTs to work in version 11 is to get Maschine 2.0 and run them through that, since Maschine 2.0 is AAX64 format.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Hi !

    Thanks for your answer ! :)

    Why that ?

    Yeah I forgot it was 32 only... :sad:

    I got Maschine (MkI), I just discovered the V.2 is not free... 99 more Euros...

    I think I'll wait a few weeks before to buy the upgrade but I don't think that will become my main DAW !

    Thanks again :mates:

    EDIT : A lot of legit stuff I own aren't AAX 64 yet... Slate (Except the VBC), Kush, I guess BFD2 will never be AAX, etc... I just find it totally weird that they don't include any other format than AAX 64... Not sure that's a great move !
  5. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I was told AAX look for the Pace protection. Without it, it won't work. Not to mention, the popularity with using Pro Tools isn't that great with more of the composers/producers/beat makers. People aren't fond of Avid's ways.

    I feel your pain. I also like to do some projects in PT and developers aren't in any rush to upgrade to AAX64.
  6. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Wild West
    Hello Marju
    Yes you should get the student upgrade . Then , if you only invest in one other thing, make it Blue Cats PatchWork or Blue Cats Mb7 bMixer. With either of these AAX versions you can load any VST into Pro Tools 11 - as long as it is 64bit. With a bit of help from jBridge you can load 32bit VSTs. All of this opens up to you the wealth of plugins downloadable on the sister site.
  7. Majik

    Majik Newbie

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Just got this from Pro tools experts about Pro tools 11.03

  8. Codo

    Codo Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Well, I had to jump. Desperately needed the 64bit RAM access. And furthermore, went from HD3 system to a HDX system. On a Mac Pro with OSX 10.8.5 (Pro Tools HD 11.1.1)

    Among the most important things ready as AAX64 [k] is:

    Sugar Bytes, Omnisphere, Stylus, PSP, Amplitube, Superior Drummer, Xils Lab, EZkeys, some Nomad, some iZotope, 2 or 3 new unknown brands with quite allright reverbs. And of course there are complete lines of cheap ones, like for instance Plug & Mix.

    DDMF makes a nice VST to AAX loader, it´s called Metaplugin.

    But I had already payed for Blue Cat´s PatchWork, which does the job just as fine as MB-7.

    No matter how you load VST´s, they must be 64 bit versions to load in PT11. So, for now, I´ve lost access to Sonnox, Lexicon and a couple of other favorites.

    The Nomad Factory Magma AAX64[k] will load VST´s as well.

    But by now I got used to having presets going in BC PatchWork, and mainly it´s running NI Kontakt VST [k] and NI RC48 VST[k].

    Long time ago I decided to buy Nexus2 (+ 5 expansions). Switching to PT11, I right away bought SynchroArts Vocalign Project 3 and upgraded the AutoTune (allthough there are other options, for instance the iZotope Nectar PS2 AAX64[k] has a fine intonator).

    Used to be hooked on Sonnox Limiter for master-brickwalling, but doing new experiments with others like FabFilter Pro-L VST[k]

    I was afraid that I was going to miss some of the nice warez, but actually it rocks to be forced to use new creative tools. If I need Trilian or Massive etc., the VST options are available [k]s.

    Just do it!!

    And by the way:

    No Windows plugins can never work on OSX and vice versa. The compilers are completely different, even though they have similar suffix´: *.dpm

    If you get the upgrade for the PT10 (that you had with your Eleven Rack), I think it´s a PT10/11 "bundle" upgrade. So you´ll get "never expiring" iLok licenses for a PT10/11 bundle = you can run both programs, and actually you can start them simultaniously. The bundle can never be seperated - so it´s impossible to move one of the licenses to another iLok.

    When my friend upgraded his (Eleven Rack following) PT10 last summer, he got the bundle as described above.

    And with OSX 10.8.5 you can run the newest versions of both PT10 and PT11.

    That´s why I have 10.8.5. But i quickly realized, that I´ll never go back. Unless I have to watch some plugin (most likely virtual instr.) settings for a plugin, that I haven´t got on PT11.
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