You really should get into LINUX ! ! !

Discussion in 'Linux' started by 0on3, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You might want to check your timeline.
    The first MAC was in 1984 and POSIX did not come out until a year later in 1985, which Richard Stallman wrote to be compatible with UNIX software. Look it up. Jobs did not take it up immediately either. You might want to look that up too.
    DEC VMS was primarily a UNIX system - See the fifth and sixth paragraphs - written to try and compete with Sun Microsystems.
    This is the system Microsoft took onboard and rewrote code to suit themselves in the 90s.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2022
  2. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    So macOS wasn't POSIX pre-OSX? I know that and you know that... so what's your point? Nothing to do with Jobs or Stallman.

    Tell me about VMS being UNIX, because it never was. You're using this as an argument to somehow prove that Windows has UNIX underpinnings, which it does not.
  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I can only go with what I know through one person I worked with 20 years ago who saw up close the 4 million lines of Windows NT code and how it was rewritten. I do not have anywhere near that kind of skill so I guess I cannot prove it. Last I heard, he writes code to catch people who try to break into banks on the Internet somewhere in Langley, Virginia. If I knew how to contact them I might have a chance but I guess I cannot prove it without him.

    As for this
    What's my point ? That's obvious in response to this inaccurate ambiguity - It never had its roots in Next Step so what's your point? It's roots were FreeBSD - NextStep wasn't even around in 1984 and 1985 - that's where it went, not its roots. MS had its roots in XENIX (Variant of UNIX) and went to DOS due to IBM (and AT&T causing them to abandon Xenix) then NT.
    You can find all this if you look in real history books and not Wikipedia. As for VMS(VAX) systems never being or using UNIX, you obviously did not read the link because it is there in B&W. That's from Encyclopedia Britannica, Not Wikipedia.

    To save fatigue
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2022
  4. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    I'm talking about OSX onwards, and I guess you never dealt with it, the whole amount of classes in the UI starting with NS? Wild guess what NS stands for?
    OSX or something else? OS9 beforehand had absolutely nothing to do with any *NIX system. OSX cribbed the userland from BSDs but nothing else was particularly *nixy.

    Xenix postdates DOS by quite a big margin, and at no point did MS consider it to follow up DOS (or later Windows).

    You might save yourself some breath and actually read this. It does not (because it wasn't) say VMS was a UNIX variant. It does say that Digital worked on a UNIX workalike on the same hardware. How you figure this to mean VMS is UNIX is beyond me.
  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I can actually answer all of those because I was around then, but then again anything I say you'll ignore or turn around to serve your own narrative.
    However, I'd have to work really hard to do a more inaccurate ambiguous comment than "macOS was not UNIX either originally, having it's roots in NeXTStep which it is still today."
    I thought all musicians knew what the term "ROOTS" means. Obviously NOT.
  6. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    You might brush up on your reading comprehension, Mac OS (OS 9 beforehands) is not OS X (these days macOS). So I know my ROOTS really.

    But I've worked on VMS, HP-UX, AIX and such legacy systems so I've been there. And your statement about all (Win/Mac/Linux) being UNIX is just plain wrong.

    *edit* A really patronizing as you were here.
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    My comprehension is great actually. Next time, see the bit in brackets you left out everywhere after Mac OS, as even the Apple MacIntosh still used a Mac OS - abbreviation meaning 'Macintosh Operating System' - It does not specify anything other than Mac OS. Not a date, a period in time - All in B&W" - basic comprehension 101 says if you are ambiguous and speak of something as a whole, that is exactly how it will be read. Not patronizing, just dismayed that you saying I am are unaccountable for the very thing you just did with that incredibly ambiguous statement.
    Based on the ambiguity, anyone is justified in saying it is inaccurate.
    Me brush up on reading comprehension. Don't you mean mind reading?

    "macOS was not UNIX either originally, having it's roots in NeXTStep which it is still today." I am looking for -
    Nope, not there.
    I am surprised you did not tell me you worked on an AS400 as well, though you got close with AIX.
  9. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Ok this is just silly now, I was reacting and correcting your original statement, basically "It's all UNIX", which is plainly wrong, not to mention things like clicking equals "running a command", which it isn't.

    If you can look aside your pedantry and misintepretation then do so, otherwise this is a waste of time.
  10. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    Ubuntu studio is the definition of bloat
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I can get past it. I did. I simply wanted to see if you had it within you to acknowledge that if you do not want someone to misinterpret you, that you need to be specific, and you did not. Based on your statement, misinterpretation is normal. If we were in the same room in a conversation I probably would have asked "Which period?" as a reflex action. Actually it likely would have been a normal conversation. So yes, it is a waste of time and silly to continue. :)

    Which comes to an ON TOPIC question to change the subject. Do you have a Linux preference? Debian? SUSE? Fedora? ....Another?...
    (Just putting it back on track) :)
  12. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Since this is a forum for musicians, sound engineers, bedroom producers, creative minds in general, I imagine that the thread should be focused on the evolution of Linux for music production, because this is basically our interest. I agree that for some purposes Linux is the King: phones, web servers and, more recently, networking gear such as car stereo, TV media player, etc. from what I read, it is also used in avionics, NASA uses it to manage satellites.
    My opinion is that Linux has never been dedicated to multimedia production (I have never seen a recording studio that uses it).
    As for my personal experience (I'm more into creativity, music composition and sound engineering than being an IT expert) Linux is out of the question: just installing the audio driver for the interface is a nightmare and hoping to have low latency is a myth (been there-done that). Above all, the lack of availability of specific apps and plugins makes it a not viable path. I'm not a fan of either Bill Gates or Steve Jobs: so in the event that an alternative, not nerd-oriented OS is ready to step in, I would install it immediately, I'm ready to change my mind.
    Drop me a message when Linux is finally ready to use in the recording studio: I'll be happy to install it
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  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I agree with recycle, the main problem is the lack of dedicated vst (or how ever it's called under Linux) for Linux.
    I really would like to try it, but if I look at my most used synth, Parawave Rapid, Kilohearts Phase Plant, VPS Avenger, none are prepared for Linux, only one: Vital is prepared for Linux, so its impossible.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
  14. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    That will never happened. All the Linux distros are just for hobbyist and will never be ready for prime time. Linux is horse and cart while Windows is Rolls-Royce

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
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  15. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Yeah, and Windows 11 an edited version of Minecraft because Microsoft purchased Mojang.
    There's no need to grab citations from well-regarded academic research to state the fact that Windows uses the NT kernel, while Linux uses the Linux kernel, and macOS uses the XNU kernel - which are clearly different things.
    And VMS has nothing to do with Unix. Duh.
    What does it have to do with Windows NT being "practically Unix"?
    And you clearly have no idea about Mac capabilities in a network, including server software (SSH, VNC, SMB, AFP) built into the OS default install.
    And? You mentioned macOS and Windows are no different from Linux except the GUI and you've just admitted that this was wrong.
    There's much more important issues at hand than me using a particular resource, as clearly you can be using proper encyclopedias and still spreading utter BS
  16. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    The problem is, there's no real Android device to code for, since Android tablets basically don't exist except for Samsung. And even then, 80% of audio software is iOS only, including the cue mix/editor apps for various digital mixers, synths and the like. They were way too late to the party and the train has left years ago.
    Eh, I don't see many people using Web Audio and WASM, except the people involved in creating the standard. And you can't put everything in the browser, really. I don't see 60GB Kontakt libraries being streamed over Internet from a browser in real-time, and I don't see a web app using like 2TB worth of browser's storage API for your sound libraries.
  17. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Since there's clearly a brain issue we're dealing with, "also helped develop a version of UNIX for VAX" doesn't mean the VMS system was a version of UNIX. It means VMS was *not* UNIX, so they had to make a UNIX-like system that runs on VAX because people wanted it.
  18. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Tbh, the only way to do audio on Linux is if you're okay with your stock plugins, because there's barely anything available in terms of 3rd party plugins that weren't written by amateurs for their enjoyment. There's a severe lack of professional tools. You'd have to look at u-he, who supply all their plugins for Linux, and Reaper most likely, though Bitwig is also an option.
  19. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I have Linux on thumb drive and it runs from there just fine on my windows machine. I am a user of all 3. Windows, Mac , and Linux, although I have not really given Linux much attention. I think I was told that one of the DAWs on Linux is actually the heart of a well known windows DAW. Not remembering it clearly right now but this little nudge has me wanting to put that thumb drive back in and play with it some more. I don't see why anyone has to just use one OS or the other, and I for one like being able to jump in on all 3. If I had to choose one it'd probably be windows, mostly because it's what I cut my teeth on. That and it has gotten so much better in recent days. No reason not to use more than one. Linux will run well from a thumbdrive. I've done the thumbdrive thing from both windows and mac.
  20. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    But there are also no existing iOS tablets except for Apple. :unsure:
    And it's not like the market share of iOS is significant higher:

    Screenshot 2022-06-12 Tablet Operating System Market Share Worldwide Statcounter Global Stats.png
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