Plugin that keeps perceived loudness @ same level

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by paraplu020, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sewers of Amsterdam
    Hey y'all,

    I'm wondering whether there is a AU plugin that keeps the (perceived) loudness of a signal at the same level… let me explain a little bit more/better

    I want to edit (EQ, Compress etc.) a signal while having a plugin compensate (keeping it at the same level) for the (perceived) loudness that this editing might cause so I am 'really' hearing whether my edits are 'good'.

    Are you guys aware of something like this available? I've seen A.G.C. (Automatic Gain Compensation) in some plugins and I'm looking exactly for that, but then as a 'standalone' plugin *yes*

    Also if you know of some other tips/techniques that might achieve the same goal I'm also open for that, it's all about making sure I can make the right mix decisions without volume changes affecting my judgement.

    Hope someone can help me, thanks in advance!


    P.s. sorry for posting in the wrong section!
  3. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Not sure whether there is a plug in that works in the way you want.

    I guess the usual work around is just to A - B before and after. Some of the more advanced analysers might give you a visual representation.

  4. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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  5. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sewers of Amsterdam
    Okay thanks anyway, but about the A-B comparison… I don't know how to get it to be EXACTLY the same (perceived) volume, somehow the Logic X stock 'Level Meter' just won't do the job. Any suggestions?

    Thanks for responding, but HOW exactly will this be useful for me? It seems like it's 'just another' limiter. I might be wrong tho, I checked the site quick and globally. :dunno:
  6. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Most recent Mepdaproduction Plugins (V7+?) have an AGC switch at the bottom.



    iirc it's a 'post' algo so it takes some time to react.


    EDIT: I just reread your question and it seems like you want a standalone plugin to do that job.

    What you could do is try to measure the volume of your current track via say, Nugen VisLM or Izotope Insight, then use a rider like MAutoVolume or Waves Vocal rider to meet/set that target, and make EQ/changes while your riders are active.

    Each plugin may use different units
  7. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Mate check the Hornet plugin too,
    maybe it would help you .
    Using it in a different way may do the job …
  8. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sewers of Amsterdam
    Hi all, I haven't tried it yet, but from what I've read so far I have found a solution that is

    A. keeping the same level

    B. comes in plugin form

    It's Blue Cat Audio's Gain Suite.

    You place one in the first insert slot of your track, then insert an FX plug to edit the signal and after that place another Gain Suite plugin on the following insert slot.

    It will then check what levels are coming in on the first Gain Suite plugin and compensate for any changes in the second one. :wink:

    Hope to see more of these handy plugins, ideally something like Gain Suite's functionality with iZotope insight's metering/visualisation, that would be pure gold for me *yes*

    I really think it's an underrated function and it's a shame this isn't supported out of the box in most DAW's (except Reaper if I recall correctly)

    Ofcourse not everybody needs it, but it CAN'T be wrong either, I truly see no reason why not to implement it. :dunno:
  9. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Keep in mind the manual AGC (2nd) approach i described above will destroy all long-term dynamics.

    Blue Cat Audio's Gain Suite may or may not do what you want it to do. From my impression, you have multiple gain controls which are linked. It might not do any analysis or measuring by itself. You may need something else to do the analysis like Blue Cat Analysis pack to do that job.

    For your Compression scenario, what you could do is have multiple gain plugins.

    regarding reaper, I don't think it has AGC OOTB. What I did find however, is . ReaEQ has a flip EQ curve fn and a Master Gain fn. I think some voxengo EQs have those fns as well. Reaper also comes with 100+ free JS FX which I haven't got the time to test through.

    Reaper also has parameter modulation: linking two parameters of any FX within the same track (or across tracks with an external JS), or ACS - controlling a parameter with an audio signal. These may or may not be useful in this scenario.

    Reaper also has multichannel capabilities so you can DIY multiband , multichannel , wet/dry etc. What you could do with this, is output the wet mix of a VST to a seperate set of channels, and then use another VST to measure & match the volumes of the two sets.

    And we're back to finding a plugin to match & measure volumes automatically.
  10. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sewers of Amsterdam

    I have time to test Gain Suite later on today, their site stated that their plugins communicate with each other to keep everything the same volume wise...

    Will let you know how it went and please don't hold back to send me a P.M. when you do find something useful, it would be very appreciated!

  11. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Some Waves plugs (specifically, their analog-modeled stuff) have a Trim function. In other words, you insert a compressor or an EQ with this function onto a track. Then, after making the setting you want (or selecting a preset), you play your track through it in its entirety in real time, allowing the plug to monitor the peaks and/or reduction in overall volume in the track that are being caused by the plug. Then, after stopping the track, you just hit the Trim button, and it automatically adjusts the output volume of the plug so that your track's maximum peak output is -.01 dB. With Waves, you get an A/B setting, so you can then switch to "B", perform this all over again with a different preset or user setting, and you now have two different settings on the same plug you can switch between (in addition to simply bypassing the plug altogether to hear the original, unaltered sound) that aren't going over 0 dB, but have also been boosted or cut, volume-wise, so that it's theoretically at the same level as the unaltered original audio (assuming your track has been recorded at 0 dB). This is a great way to hear how certain frequencies alter your sound -- and no matter what else is involved, EQ or compression or limiting is going to alter your perceived loudness, even though the levels are theoretically the same. That's really the point of using those kinds of processors. You're either cutting or boosting certain frequencies with EQ, or you're altering the dynamics of the track with a compressor or limiter.

    Your best bet is to adjust your output by ear, whatever plug you're using. Use the meters to make sure you don't clip, and use your ear to adjust the output so that the overall volume is close to the original as you can get without going over.
  12. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    not sure if Slate Digital FGX comes in AU flavor, but i think it might help you man
  13. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    It does, and you can download the demo from their site. However, I don't think it does anything close to AGC. By the way, to the original poster: AGC has a tendency to cause "pumping and breathing", like a badly-set compressor or limiter. You're better off using the methods I described above, or taking any of the other posters' suggestions.
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