Winhttp web proxy auto-discovery, started by Ableton Live? (Windows)

Discussion in 'Live' started by qubriq, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. qubriq

    qubriq Noisemaker

    Mar 6, 2022
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    Can anyone shed light on why winhttp web proxy auto-discovery service, seems to be getting started only after I launch Ableton Live? (Win 10, AL 11.1)

    I've turned off the auto detect proxy setting for windows, it doesn't appear to be a start up service now. but lo and behold once I launch AL, there it is. It typically hovers constantly at about 5% of processor, and while it's not horrific I'd like to reclaim that as part of optimizing.

    EDIT: I may have been wrong, Winhttp IS in the process list prior to running AL, but at 0% processing. Jumps up to 5% when running AL.

    Currently offline, adaptor disabled. Simplewall blocks AL but that's irrelevant at this moment. As stated above auto detect proxy is off, so this shouldn't be starting itself, then in services.msc right-clicking it (winhttp that is), option to stop it is greyed out, its status is running :(
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
  3. BigM

    BigM Guest

    From Microsoft forum,

    It's always better to block internet to AL if you use a k'd version.
  4. qubriq

    qubriq Noisemaker

    Mar 6, 2022
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    It is blocked. That wasn't the question.
  5. BigM

    BigM Guest

    There's nothing related to ableton since WPAD is a service that's controlled by your operating system. This process already runs on almost every computer that uses windows operating systems. It's it purpose to work together with client apps to provide certain network access. If you still have a doubt about the behaviour of that service you can disable it or contact microsoft support.
  6. qubriq

    qubriq Noisemaker

    Mar 6, 2022
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    As I said, I have disabled it, insofar as it appears to be disableable via turning off the auto detect proxy setting. But it still runs quietly, until AL then runs when it jumps from 0 to 5%. The generic advice is not useful, but thanks.
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I have seen it too. AL, i think- uses it to ask for an update at the Ableton servers. This always happens before everything is opened in Live.
  8. BigM

    BigM Guest

    I checked it again after the last comment by the author. But nothing happens, that service stays at 0% . Maybe because I used folder firewall blocker on whole ableton folder? It can probably be an update call btw.
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