U-HE Diva Crashes Ableton Live 11.1.5 (macOS)

Discussion in 'Live' started by arsch, May 29, 2022.

  1. arsch

    arsch Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I think the title says it already. I updated ableton from 11.1 to 11.1.5 (HCiSO version) and now all versions of diva 1.4.5 (au,vst,vst3) makes ableton crash when I try to load it. does anyone else experience the same issue or have a solution for it? I'm on macos mojave.
    other than that, I notices that the alt+u short cut doesnt work always. it seems like ableton makes their daw worse and worse with each "update"
  3. macros

    macros Guest

    I'm on PC, ableton 11.1.5, u-he diva 1.4.5, vst3. i haven't had any issues with ableton short cuts, and the only time i've had an issue with Diva is when i change a preset while a midi clip is playing and it can't handle the jump in CPU load (generally just because the real-time accuracy is too high).

    so all in all on PC i'm having zero of those issues. maybe you need to re-download/install again? or maybe someone with a mac can help more. i never liked mac's for hacked software personally, but that's totally bias/preference.

    i think it's pretty funny you're complaining about updates becoming worse and worse as you use a 1000 dollars worth of stolen software.... like come on, i'm a thief and i steal the shit too, but in exchange for me not buying shit i try to have the decency to understand i'm using stolen cracked copies of software. you get what you pay for, i personally think complaining about developers doing a bad job as you make your life more enjoyable using their software you stole from them and that they can't officially help you with is LAME LAME LAME.

    i'm not trying to call you out for asking for help- not at all. i'm not saying there aren't valid complaints about ableton either, i'm just saying people who didn't pay a single penny for it and are using some hacked version probably shouldn't be the ones to bring them up. how can you know if it's an Ableton issue or a hacked version issue? there are already a million variables of what could go wrong with software, and when you add in cracked stuff its even more.

    dunno, i keep hearing good things about reaper and it's 60 bucks i think? free to try? maybe time for you to change DAWs, if I could afford to go legit on all my software I would for sure. regular updates are cool. customer support is cool. paying back into something you enjoy is cool. investing in companies by buying their products so they make new ones is cool.

    R2R and similar folks are fucking cool too of course, I'd probably be dead if i couldn't fuck with tunes on my computer thanks to them. but complaining about a developers software as you steal it is like complaining about R2R not hacking stuff quick enough as you steal it.
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  4. arsch

    arsch Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I reinstalled diva and its now working again. thanks.
  5. arsch

    arsch Member

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I cant imagine how mad I would be now to payed 1 grand for having software that gets buggier and buggier. times have proven that pirating software is the better option. even if you have the money to buy it. its the only way to really own the software (except its freeware). because you only paying for the license. a friend of mine once bought a photoshop license back in the days and wanted to install it now, but adobe said "sorry you have to rent our products now". so she payed 400 bucks for nothing. thats a situation I dont want to be in.
  6. macros

    macros Guest

    despite my grouchy reply earlier i'm glad to see Diva is working for you again! and to clarify my position a bit, although i WOULD buy a lot of plugins if I could afford them- i also would AVOID buying a ton because i've tried them already without paying and found out they're shit. and there are things i would probably pirate regardless of my bank account- like Adobe products for instance, or other shit that needs to be connected to a cloud or that runs worse than it should due to shitty DRM. so i'm with you on your reasoning.

    anyway, i guess if you have to pick between an unstable paid or pirated version of a program, the unstable pirated version is superior because you at least didn't lose any money.

    i'm guessing you saw the patcher thing that got released for ableton last week or so (maybe it wasn't for mac though), but just making sure you did. it apparently lets you keep up to date on ableton versions without waiting for a hacked release. and i'm also assuming you know about the adobe master collection for your friend, it's all offline but adobe stuff for free. which good fuck adobe. and lastly, just cause you might like it if you haven't tried it already- i got softubes modular synth emulation and i love it. most fun ive had making synth patches for a long time.
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Please write OS in the thread title. I have done this for you now.
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