some vst that can change my own chord progression respecting the chords?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ryck, May 22, 2022.

  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    [​IMG] [​IMG] I have some piano rhythms and other instruments. Where with the chords that I am putting together I create some arpeggios. But I want to change them, see how it would look differently. In this case I'm with a Blues song.
    I saw on EzKeys, which chose a midi variation and then applied the "use midi browser" option. My sequence is set to midi. That is precisely what I seek to do. But the problem is that it has few rhythms in this case of blues.
    Is there any other program that does the same thing, and as far as possible it can be done with any midi, because with EzKeys it can only be done with the packaged midi of the program, that is, if I downloaded blues midis I wouldn't add them to the library to later modify mine. likes this progression ( idea)

    Thanks in advance
  3. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    I believe that 'Scaler 2.x' can do this. Check out 'Band in a Box', 'Rapid Composer' and 'Sundog Song Studio' too.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Do you have a DAW application? Cakewalk, Cubase, Logic, Ableton, or other?

    If you do, that is really where you should be handling your midi and your midi editing. That way you will have all the transforms and scale quantizing options inside your project. Using external programs to create the midi data is great, but you do not want to ever write anything in one. (an assistant program) That is a recipe for projects you will never get into again in the future.
    Last edited: May 22, 2022
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I think what Clone said is related to what I'm going to add.
    MIDI plugins only read/modify the MIDI currently received as the track plays. The most they can do is remember (store) the MIDI received since the last "play".
    For these kind of things you need a tool that can access all the MIDI data available. Only a MIDI tool included in the DAW can know this. Not a VST plugin.

    It blows my mind that there is a whole standard like ARA for something like this but for audio, thus way more complex, but nothing for MIDI.
  6. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    So, not a full solution by any means, but just because it's related, a step in that direction, and very interesting.
    See reMidi 2 by Songwish. e.g., this video
    Quickstart - reMidi 2 from Songwish
    It's not obvious, from first seeing this, that you can use it to do interesting things with your own midi tracks.
    The way it accesses a midi track then kind-of flexibly carves it up into chunks for you to access and manipulate - is a bit strange at first but very usable once you figure it out. It's well worth exploring.
    See for example... I think this was the one (or similar) posted by Olymoon on some other thread.
    ReMidi into Scaler 2 into The Orchestra Complete 2

    After comments from @Ryck (below) I see that I wrote this very badly. I said...
    and what I was trying to say is that you CAN use this very effectively with your own MIDI tracks - but that's not obvious from the videos where they focus on their included MIDI library.
    Hopefully I've said it better this time - you CAN use your own MIDI (which is why I like it)
    Last edited: May 23, 2022
  7. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Yes, just like this (Remidi 2), but I can apply it to my own compositions. This plugin is good for composing to create. I just downloaded the trial version, and it has an interesting midi library. I don't know how long he let me use, on the page it says 20 minutes. How to investigate it.

    I use Studio one, but it's limited in what it has for midi, "shuffle notes" "stretch" etc.

    I agree with what Xupito says, more midi functions are missing.

    Now I have written a verse on piano and the chorus. Now to talk specifically, it's an Eric Clapton song "Layla"

    But in the second verse the piano has more variations and so it increases notes and also changes, I don't want to always do the same thing. So let's think...
    Maybe there is some vst or program that based on what you have already written can continue it with new variations.
    I don't know if you understand what I'm saying.
  8. Dean909

    Dean909 Noisemaker

    Jan 13, 2021
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    I´d say Scaler is the best option here, with new function/feature called "suggest" you can generate chord progressions staying in the scale or switching to tonal mode with tonal similarity / parallelism. Excellent tool. Remidi plugins are actually midi samplers offering resampling chunks of your midi tracks, nice plugin as well, especially that you can filter out some channels/tracks from your midi file (bass, chords, synths etc).
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  9. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    But Scaler 2 only has an option for Chords. I've been digging around and I don't see that there are chords with arpeggios, it separates everything into chords.
  10. Dean909

    Dean909 Noisemaker

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Actually Scaler offers some basic arpeggios in Perform mode playing arps on top of chords, you can also check Rapid Composer that has the whole bunch of adjustable generators to fit your needs.
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  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I don't use Studio 1, but Logic has a feature called MIDI Transforms (and others use the same term). It can do all sorts of operations to your Selected MIDI Data.


    I looked on YT/Google about Transforms in Studio1, There is a MIDI Transform Tool in S1. I should probably watch the video I'm going to link first, but that would be me doing your homework :)

    Last edited: May 22, 2022
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  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yep, I've got to check out this interesting plugin.
    The only doubt is that is recommended by the unreliable @Olymoon so I've mixed feelings 'bout that :rofl:

    PS. just joking Oly!! My beloved mod... :beg::beg:
    PS2. just in case it's been a pleasure to know y'all :thanks:
  13. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Oly do I recommend it? I already uninstalled it
  14. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    This is very interesting, I was looking at the utilities for effects, speed, etc. But I don't think it will work for what I need. Anyway, everything is always interesting here. You look for something and you find other things that are also useful. Also not only for me, I know that it can be useful to others
  15. krakenfart

    krakenfart Ultrasonic

    Feb 12, 2012
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    I have to question these programs that 'do it all for you'. They do *not* make you a musician, just like 'painting by numbers' does not make you a portrait or landscape artist. The musician is the programmer of the software. I'm sure if it's just a matter of wiggling sliders and other randomness, you could get an untrained chimp to do it. If you wish to be a musician - great! But put the time in and learn your craft. Far too often appeasement gives false hope - the result is the awful sewage that pollutes the music industry. Sorry - not sorry!
  16. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I agree with you.
    But look.
    I play the piano a bit, but my keyboard broke two years ago and I couldn't buy one again. So now I lay the groundwork to play or make my songs noting note by note. I'm not a pianist, I play the piano, but I'm not. I am a guitarist and singer. So, I need to spend time on my guitar, and my voice. But beyond that.
    I always build the bases, that's why I don't want something that does it for me, because I already know programs where I can drag a midi and that's it. I want it to make my job easier based on my composition. so as not to spend whole hours writing the bases.

    They are also tools, you have an idea and these tools help you see things from another perspective.

    Look, I'll tell you.
    As I told you, I sing, that is, I don't need a program that sings, but I downloaded a program called "Syntetizer V" And I wrote some singing lines, that helped me see what I was doing from the outside, it's like be outside of yourself and see what you do with different eyes. Now thanks to that I have another panorama.
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I agree with his points, but not the agenda. I'm not sure why after the first 200 4/4 kick drum songs I make, why I should need to make the same items over and over again, instead of sticking that into a template. Or finding an Assistant Utility application for whatever you are trying to modify. That's wasting your time. My point was just to use your DAW as much as possible, because these little plugin vendors often go out of business, change the product, or some other detail like it "forgetting presets". If you always save your work in the DAW, it's not any concern.

    I have not used Studio One enough to discuss it's MIDI functionality, but as a group I see many less complaints from Studio One users than almost any other DAW. It should be fully functional to be used for standard midi sequencing or the bitching would be never ending; or their users have written it off as a Sequencer. If it is not what you want as your Midi Sequencer, the rest of it doesn't matter. You should select a different one with more flexibility in the MIDI department. Many people like Digital Performer almost entirely for it's MIDI functions/implementations. Many people HATE Protools because of it's Midi functionality. Usually you have to find the one somewhere in between the two, depending on your usage. For me this has always been either Cubase or Logic.

    Scaler is great if you need a Chord Assistant, hands down the best (or close enough). Many of the better/best Arpeggiator plugins are in DAW's as Midi FX plugins, and also inside individual software synthesizers.

    Cthulu from Xfer Records is a very interesting Midi FX plugin that can help with Arpeggiations/chords, as well. It is surprisingly deep and can modulate whatever you connect it to. like Scaler, way smaller.


    Someone mentioned this recently, it is called Art Conductor. Maybe look into this, it's articulation templates:

    Last edited: May 22, 2022
  18. Dean909

    Dean909 Noisemaker

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Regarding EZKeys and Rapid Composer combination you might want to check this video ...
  19. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Hi @Ryck, you said
    That suggests my earlier comments were misleading.
    So - thank you - I have edit-updated my post.
    Hopefully I've said it better this time - you CAN use your own MIDI with reMIDI (which is why I like it)
  20. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I'm genuinely being polite and constructive here because I understand (and partially agree with) what motivates your comments.
    But also - Sorry - not sorry!

    There are people (let's say group A)
    who just want to push a button and collect their Grammy - they are idiots.

    There are people (let's say group B)
    who know that making music hands-on is superior (this seems to include you) and they waste no time telling group A how stupid they are. So far so good. :wink:
    Some of group B see tools being used as crutches, get annoyed, and then make the mistake of thinking these tools are only used as crutches and hence miss out on seeing creative possibilities.

    There are people (let's say group C)
    They are experienced musicians who agree with B that making music hands-on is superior.
    These people will also eagerly grab any and all instruments and devices that they can explore, play with, and slot into their creative workflow. People in C are just so tired of hearing B condemning all the wonderful music making toys.

    Just be creative - that really is the only guideline that matters.
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  21. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    No, no. What happens is that I use google translate, since I speak Spanish. I understand some English, but very little.
    I don't know what you misunderstood or if something bothered you, tell me what it was.
    The vst reMidi , I tried it today, the Trial. And it doesn't adjust my midis to the midis it brings.
    I think reMIDI is for composing.
    Thanks for sharing the information, both to you and others. everything helps.
    Today I was seeing everything you have commented and among everything I think I am doing something.