Switch to Ableton

Discussion in 'Live' started by sex!, May 20, 2022.

  1. sex!

    sex! Guest

    Hi, apparently there is no crack of Fl Studio for Mac M1 so I'm thinking of switching to Ableton, what do you think? Is it a good software to make beats because I heard it was made for live. Is it complicated to use?
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You guys always seem to start early on Fridays. Logic :)

    Go ahead and install it (Ableton). Open it up, and it immediately lets you know what the relationship is going to be like. Like a first date with someone you know you will never like. But when they move in, they will demand duplicate copies of shit you already have. Many of them repurposed and repackaged ideas directly out of Logic., because how would pc users even know this? (clever) ;]

    Right off the bat, literally; it lets you know that you are a left-brained (or hair-brained) individual who will not be dictating the relationship. It thinks so highly of your previous music, you were clearly doing all that shit wrong.

    Do you miss your right click mouse still? Im sorry but I would really hate to see some music person waste this much of their time. You have access to Logic on an M1 and you want FL back. Just trust someone for once. Learn Logic. it is faster than anyone who would opt to use FL would think for beat making purposes. DMD is fast as hell.

    I'm not trying to troll Ableton. I just think you are about to make a big mistake. And just like the REAPER USERs, they are more than happy to tell you how great Ableton is. (but almost all will be from a PC machine or for the same "escape from pc" reasons_)
    but logic is Free Pro Tools. or as close as it gets. Apple left out the bad midi part. :suicide:

    Logitech mx master 2 instead of your Mac mouse. right click, thumb scroll, macros work.
    it's so fast and you will get used to your obviously new shiny m1 not using cmd/opt keys for everything. lucky :D
    Last edited: May 20, 2022
  4. Hurensohn69

    Hurensohn69 Newbie

    May 12, 2022
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    I’m using ableton on m1 mac rn and it’s fucking awesome #ableton4life #youshouldswitchtoabletonbro
  5. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    It all depends, what gear you've got now and what kind of music you want to do.

    If you've got a drumpad controller then yeah, Ableton is very good at you tapping in the beats and then twisting them to oblivion. It also is good for coming up with stuff on the fly. But I wouldn't know how to compare it to FL Studio, or even if the two were comparable.

    All of them will get you where you want to go without you being left out somehow. But in the end it's you who decides. Try several, but give all of them a good time. You'll figure out which is the one for you! :yes:
  6. ayu

    ayu Member

    May 13, 2022
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    Currently, Ableton in Rosetta runs Intel-based plugins and Native one runs the ARM plugins so it becomes a mess if you have projects made using the Intel versions because if the plugin is not updated you need to switch back and forth from Rosetta to Native. At least that's how it's gonna go in case of collaboration for a while.
    Last edited: May 20, 2022
  7. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Just switch to Ableton. u have more possibilities and it's more intuitive, noob-friendly, and logical than any other DAW. Especially the classic DAWs from the stone age like Logic or Cubase. If u look for a better, cheaper, and much more versatile and configurable classic DAW then go for Reaper. If u have money and wanna do it professionally then go for Protools or other industry-standard DAWs. Personally, I like the GUI of Logic much more than the Ableton's. It is somehow much cleaner. If I had Apple, I would definitely also use Logic in parallel to Ableton's Live.
    I give u some links to some trailers-tutorials-making-ofs and u choose urself.

    Ableton Live u can create things on the fly while jamming and recording at the same time. Even if u did not have recorded Ableton records in the background so things u tried without recordings are still there and u can call them back ;)

    Ableton Live u can create ur own synths and effects with inbuilt Max4Live software. Ur creativeness is endless. U cant do this so easily with FL Studio or Logic or any other DAW at all.

    I also like Studio One and also Pro Tools but the possibilities are vast with Ableton Live. Maybe u can use both or more in parallel. Just for learning purposes, use the cracked ones to try them out and if u like them u can buy them. So izi.

    And by the way. U have endless tutorials on YT.

    Best trailers are making-ofs from Pavloff.

    And the video is from 2009 ;)
    Last edited: May 20, 2022
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  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The question is not is Ableton acceptable. Nor FL for that matter.

    Do you know the saying "garden path"? You have access to the fastest processor, running the manufacturer tested and "coded" DAW software, running their native plugin format. Yeah, let me hop on running FL too. This is not a difficult subject for anyone who knows both programs in a usage situation to know which crashes more frequently, etc. Not to mention this, but also as someone who pays for legit DAW software; Ableton is much more expensive; and full version number "upgrades" are more frequent.

    Ask yourself this. How many actual Logic users would ask this question about Ableton? If you want to change DAW over modulation options, well that may be uniquely suited to your music. And you'd already know that (environment may be too complicated for you?)
    Last edited: May 20, 2022
  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    There is a video on the sister site about selecting a DAW.
    Any personal choices aside there are two basic types of DAW's - Workflow oriented and chunk oriented.

    If you want Workflow - badly suummarised but not far off the mark- you go Logic, Cubase, Studio One or ProTools
    Chunk oriented - Ableton, FL, Bitwig and others
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  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I cannot say the Chunk Oriented portions of Logic are bad (aka Apple Loops). I just do not use them, nor do I know anyone who does to offer up a real review. That Albano guy could sell anything. If by "Chunk" you mean it working like Acid 3.0 used to with segments of audio? It's like that on Steroids, if you know what you are doing; and it doesn't sound like warping.

    this is the daw version of taking your toyota to Midas and asking them, to make it sound like a Nissan. and paying extra for the privilege of third party code written by the little company with 1/1000 the testing resources.
    Last edited: May 20, 2022
  11. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    FL studio mixer sucks
    Ableton MIDI piano roll sucks
    Do you want more ?

    NO ONE can tell you something YOU need to experiment
    Try every DAW at least a full week each, learn the basics of each.
    After that, throw away those who are not intuitive for you ... and back to comparison again.

    A lot of ppl use several DAWs.
    Not for fun, but for effectiveness.

    Try to do gig live loops with Protools and orchestral composition with Ableton ... you will understand soon :wink:
    Or try to mix a cyber metal orchestral mix with FL Studio ... and loose your hairs :rofl:

    As a side note : if you ONLY need beatmaking side, self contained solutions can work better (like MPC software).
    Welcome to the infinite world of music making :like:
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  12. Ballz

    Ballz Producer

    Apr 30, 2018
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    I'd go with Reaper. It's CPU optimization is amazing and better than any other DAW.(handles twice as many plugins as Ableton) Extremely stable and some really nice skins/customizations that can make it behave like other DAWS. Easy to use once you get to know it and doesn't take long . There's lots of tutorials on youtube. It literally has everything. The default skin being ugly as hell is the only downside IMO
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Over Logic on an M1 Mac? Like I said, you guys start drinking early on Fridays.

    This topic is taking place amongst windows users. Lots of Rosetta fans here? There probably will be very few Mac users who open this thread. They are all like "Switch to Ableton, who me? They talking about us?" like a guilty party. :dont:
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Ah, you have the complete features enabled. It still contains a lot of the EMAGIC creations in there still too. Makes sense as that is the code the application (Logic) is built upon. Basically, a workflow DAW is designed for any kind of production up to the most complex Orchestra. The layout is designed around that flow of a dedicated studio. I don't use loops much either other than sound FX if a project needs them.
    I use both platforms too.. I never got the big deal on the platform thing. These days there is very little difference with a decent machine other than Logic is only on MAC.
  15. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    These two DAW's aren't similar.
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    At that point, most people would be telling him to pirate (or buy) Cubase instead. I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that sentiment. It's also ~300 dollars more and still does not use apples AU format for plugins. Are these vst2/3 exploiting the m1 the way Native Logic Audio Units are?
    I'm sure at some point they will. Cubase and Ableton are also very different things. I would be saying the same thing either way. to be fair.
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
  17. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Actually the four - Logic, Cubase, ProTools and Studio One all handle very large projects well. The AU and AAX went the proprietary way. You can say the same thing for native ProTools and Logic. Then you end up with that question - "Which is worse or better?"
    How does anyone quantify or qualify that? The ones that chose to remain proprietary, or the ones that made their code and wrapper freely available for any developer to create a plugin for any DAW?
    If Steinberg kept VST proprietary instead of publicly available, you could hypothetically say that Logic still cannot load VST's - That's why it is a can of worms.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2022
  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You keep sliding Studio One in there, and I can't comment. The deal with Logic is simple. Buy our machine and as a hardware captive you can run our 200$ DAW software, that should cost about the same as Cubase. That is a fair criticism and always has been; but when you already have the captive machine it's not. That part is simple as it gets. Discuss m1 processing speeds and so on, after that. If you are "buying one", you're starting 300 in the hole. You get some very nice toys with both Logic and Cubase. very nice ones. Have they fixed external hardware latency compensation?
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
  19. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Go on the sister site download and try them all. Start with Ableton then Studio One and Reaper, then the rest. But first, I would recommend going and watching some videos. Bitwig u should also have a look into. It's like Ableton's Live.
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
  20. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    just try and decide, no-one can tell you
  21. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I might be a little out of touch these days with newer DAWs but I would suggest getting yourself an Amiga A600 and trying Bars & Pipes.