No more updates for Windows Server and Windows 10 20H2 (05/2022)

Discussion in 'PC' started by BEAT16, May 19, 2022.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    No more updates for Windows Server and Windows 10 20H2

    Microsoft is ending support for Windows Server and Windows 10 20H2 versions.
    Windows Server will no longer be available as semi-annual releases.

    Microsoft is drawing a line and ending support for Windows 10 version 20H2 and Windows 10 Enterprise 1909 – after the patch day on May 10th of this year there will be no more updates, including security-related ones. The same fate befalls Windows Server 20H2 on August 9th, and Microsoft is pulling the plug here too.

    In the case of servers, half-yearly releases will also end on that date, Microsoft reminds you of this in its own brief message . For some server administrators, the switch to the Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) is painful, since new features are of course a long time coming.

    updates urgently needed

    Since the versions that are no longer supported will no longer receive updates, not even to close security gaps, users of these versions should aim for an update to a version that is still supported as soon as possible. For example, a week ago on the May patch day, Microsoft sealed security gaps that were already being actively exploited by cybercriminals with the updates provided.

    To select a suitable version, users can consult the manufacturer's Windows 10 Home Lifecycle , Windows 10 Enterprise and Education Lifecycle and Windows Server Lifecycle websites . When making a decision, it is important to weigh up whether more frequent updates are in line with the associated effort (and possible side effects) and the profit from new functions.


    In the corporate environment in particular, the focus will therefore be on the long-term versions in order to minimize the maintenance effort and ensure stable operation. However, regular security updates often have a significant impact on system stability for these Windows versions as well. For example, the updates for the May patch day meant that certain services on clients and servers could no longer authenticate themselves on the server, or that some applications could no longer be started or showed other undesirable behavior.

    To find out which Windows version is currently installed on the computer, just click on the Windows start symbol at the bottom left and enter "Winver"; this then suggests the application to be started. By calling up the Windows settings and clicking on "Update and Security", any feature updates that may be available can be displayed and installed.

    Source / German:
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  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Way to encourage people to not to use pirated LTSC versions
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Great, finally, a stable version ...
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  5. Quantised Noise

    Quantised Noise Producer

    Mar 12, 2018
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    TBF there's already a sizable amount of plugins that need 21Hx, so I'd be surprised if there were a lot of people that are on 20H2 and feel any need of ongoing updates.
  6. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    No more Blue screen on windows 20.

    anyway it's terror. I agree with @Xupito now your afraid not to get the last one cuz your vsts wont work with the next version...
  7. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    For End of Life info on many software variants, see here:

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  8. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I've been using Win10 for 2 whole years now. I blocked the updates from day 1 yet I have never encountered any compatibility issues with neither old or new plugins. So I expect everything will keep working just fine for the next 3 years as it did for the last 2.
  9. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Heck, ppl should get comfortable with continuous updates, that's how development works now. Daily updates... its a result of CI/CD, though MS is usually shit at what it does, initially. Browsers do it all the time, so easily and quietly, we don't even know it updated and its entirely hassle-free. Ubuntu has a life cycle as well. Its becoming very common to see a buggy software getting released hurriedly only to get assurances from devs that future updates will fix the bugs
  10. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    and yet, there still are idiots that recomend pro or home versions
    always LTSC! at least if only want to install an OS once or twice in its lifetime
    the rest are reinstals from bacups, maybe in a a year or two its time for a os11 check
    i personly hope for a daw- workable Linux os by then
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  11. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    I just tried to update to Windows 11 and got a message saying my processor is not supported. :sad:

    i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
  12. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    If you want Win11 just grab an iso where all checks are disabled, Officaly it's not possible. I will stay on 10 for 2 years. In my Opinion Win11 is just a Softwareupdate to sell more new hardware. :no: My Dell 5285 2-1 is able to run Win11 offical from MS but Dell is not releasing Drivers :wtf:
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  13. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    Interesting, my laptop is a 5 year old Alienware (Dell)
  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Well, I was only talking of people who pays for Pro/Home and ends without updates in a short time. Pro edition is not that bad in other ways but requires more tweaking than LTSC.
    Compatibility with almost all soft/plugins still goes back at least a couple years if not more. I use 20H2 myself.

    Now, Windows 11... I so can do without it. But if your CPU is new no choice...
  15. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Makes sense. I'm fully updated and Microsoft has since started shoving Windows 11 down my throat since I'm on a compatible device. First they nag me during fucking logon, now they added an icon to my taskbar. Can't wait until they start the pop-ups about how I should try Windows 11. I'm borderline turning off TPM in my BIOS, so they stop offering me this crap.

    Taking off the right click options from the taskbar = pure trash. Microsoft goes out of their way to remove things no one ever complained about. No reason to update if that's only going to make my workflow slower. I'm usually on the cutting edge of things, but the number of annoying things they did on Windows 11 will take maybe two version updates to revert and make it usable for me. Worst case scenario, all the years I spent working on Linux servers will come in handy.
  16. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Best Idea tu turn off the TPM (No Windows 11 update is showin up then) did it since i have a TPM Device, because this techology can be cracked. Also if the TPM goes broke you can throw yout device to the wastebin.
  17. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Maybe Alienware will be supported longer by Dell you can check on their Page. But since my device is an Dell Enterprise Line i expected longer Driver support. My Dell was released Feb 2017.
  18. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Rock Star

    Jan 23, 2022
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    I'm still getting W7 updates from time to time :dunno:
  19. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    My music PC and Laptop are still running Windows 7 Ultimate they never go online, I have everything I need and almost never update any programs or plugins that I use, and everything works properly. There is no new program or plugin so incredible that I can't live without. Should my PC die or burnout there are lots of good powerful refurbished PCs that I can get cheaply and just reload my entire system, every program and plugin I use is backed up twice up onto 2 external drives. I have a spare 7 PC to try out newer plugins and see if they are any good, many of the plugins are supposedly just for Win 10 but most work on 7 ultimate, my net PC has Win 10. Microshit can go f**k themselves, I'm waiting for a version of Linux that will be 100% capable of running almost all windows based programs I require, Linux Zorin OS is one of the better candidates hopefully soon this will be a reality so I can switch. With several government agencies, offices, institutions and even schools now gradually switching to Linux I'd love to see a total collapse of the MicroScum empire in the very near future. The only drawbacks seems to be for PC gamers who rely heavily on windows, I don't bother because I don't have any interest in PC or console gaming.
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  20. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Welcome to the monopoly/greed zone...
    I had a friend who had bought a ultra expensive HP laptop, a pro model, sold exclusively to big companies.his goal was installing the latest windows OS...paying like 150 bucks for a model that had cost at least 3500 to 4000, it's not a bad deal..
    Those devices are often sold with a 3year warranty, and when the warranty is over, it's basically time for the company to buy new models.
    No company will want to have tens of thousands of devices without a full 24/7, 365 day on-site warranty...
    And so my friend grabbed his pro laptop, and started installing the latest windows (can't remember, maybe it was Vista, or 8.1...
    So cool....everything went smoothly...all the drivers had been installed, from chipset to audio, network, Bluetooth, etc etc... even memory card readers were fine. Even proprietary HP stuff had been identified by the OS, and perfectly installed.
    But 1 device couldn't be installed. Just 1. Can you guess which one ?

    Yeah... the graphic card/ship couldn't be installed.
    A fantastic pro laptop...that could only work at 800x600, and 16 colors.

    No way to install the graphic drivers. We tried everything (really everything). We even created a msi pack of the drivers, to force the installation.
    ' compatible hardware found ! )...
    I would be my 3 testicle, HP and dell do it on purpose, to avoid and prevent people from using the hardware with the latest windows basically rendering the pro devices not compatible with some drivers.
    I am sure HP will add a few resistors here and there, a little chip here and there, to the graphic card... and by doing that, that graphic chip no longer is a 100% standard chip, 100% compatible, but instead, with those little added components, the chip becomes proprietary...and unknown to the Nvidia or and drivers...

    Fukin bastards....

    They know , without a proper graphic driver, the user will be at 800x600 16 colors... which is..unusable!
    They do that, so employees can't use a ultra recent laptop/etc with the latest windows available...
    Had the graphic chip been detected and installed, that laptop would have served at least 4 to 5 years, especially because it was a top pro product, with tons of ram, fast cpu, gigantic monitor and resolution, etc etc.

    Then, some dumbasses complain about the climate change... too much electronic waste... blah blah blah...
    Why not starting forcing the manufacturers to offer at least 4 or 5 years warranties, instead of 24 months... or even 12 months....

    How many billions of devices go to the waste, because they are 15 months old, because the warranty is over...
    The eternal dilemmas.... should a user spend , eg, 600 bucks, to fix that product, or spend another 1300, for a new one, because the 12 or 24 month warranty is over...

    I will never buy a hp product...
    Bunch of anti-user bastards... grab your drivers, and fuk u, HP and Dell !
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  21. Xft

    Xft Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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