Isolating Sample Parts to remove noise

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by whalemusic99, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. whalemusic99

    whalemusic99 Guest

    So i am working with a loop. On the left side there is unpleasant noise i dont wanna hear. How can I take the sample fully panned to the right and turn it into a normal sample?
  3. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Do you have izotope rex3? You need it.
  4. Me2audio

    Me2audio Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    there are several ways to do that,
    open the file in an Audio Editor or daw ex: SoundForge or whatever, select and copy the right channel and paste it into a new file.
    what daw do you use?
    some daws for ex, like cubase asks you when you import an audio file, if you want to insert the stereo file into one track or separated tracks, choose separate tracks, delete left channel and you are done.
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Maybe he wants to keep that bad channel reducing only the noise and keeping the rest of the sound. He could try the "Cubase" method(which is available in alot of daws), to import the sample in splited mode and to apply a noise-reduction plugin (e.g. RX3, WNS, NS1, Sonnox Denoiser, etc.) on the nasty channel. If the noise is not that bad, he can also use a M/S EQ plugin tweaking only the nasty channel of the sample using a higher Q shape(e.g. Fabfilter Pro-EQ). Anyway... if his problem is big, then he really needs to separate the bad channel from the good one. :mates:
    If he wants to remove completely the one of the channels, then he can use a M/S plugin solo-ing only the desired channel(L or R).
  6. Me2audio

    Me2audio Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Evorax Yeah, that will do the job :mates:
  7. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    If VST suppressor don't work then try to load the sample in iZotope Iris and remove only frequency you don't need
  8. zqone537

    zqone537 Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Just separate the sample. Have one track for left side. And have another track for the right side. In Cubase you have to export the sample panned left first. And then export panned right. Then you can place them on separate tracks. Filter, noise reduce, etc. the left, while you have full independent control of the right side on a separate track. :wink:
  9. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    Try using Phase Cancellation. This technique is kind of complicated and will only work if the left and right aren't two different, but can produce really clean results.

    1. Invert the phase of the bad channel (in this case the left)
    2. Superimpose the inversion on the right channel. You may have to shift either channel to correct any differences in timing, but the goal to have the two waveforms line up perfectly, canceling out the good parts.
    3. Bounce the sum of the inverted left + right channel. The result should be only the nasty sound in the left.
    4. Then superimpose the new inverted noise sample on the original left channel to cancel out the noise.
    5. Bounce the sum of the inverted left + original left. The result should be the original left without the noise.

    Advanced audio wizardry right? Hope I explained it clearly.
  10. whalemusic99

    whalemusic99 Guest

    Sorry for the lack of info in my original post. I am using FL Studio
    If I remove the left Side, fully panning it to the right thats what I want to be playing on the right side as well. The right has some odd guitar reverberation that makes it sound like somebody gurgling over the loop
  11. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I think you could use any DAW for this. For me it's handy to do it in Audition. You just open the stereo sample, select all, deselect the side you donĀ“t want to (L/R activation buttons), copy, and paste in a new mono file the side you want to keep.

    Or you could covert your stereo sample to a mono one with 0% of the noisy side and 100% of your good side.

    Also, you could separate both sides in two mono independent files and clean with Izotope RX the bad one, then mix them again if you want.
  12. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    The only plugin I know of which can take a mono source and turn out a stereo source after it does its thing is Brainworx bx_stereomaker (Worth trying if cutting out the channel with unwanted crud on it leaving you with the channel that has the wanted content but you desire it to be a stereo file). There are others which claim to do this, this and that but bx_stereomaker is the only one which backs up its claims
    Not something one would use on every project but for the dedicated crate digging sample hunters and restoration sort it is an ace processing tool
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