Drum Mic Help

Discussion in 'Studio' started by madbuzzin, May 12, 2022.

  1. madbuzzin

    madbuzzin Platinum Record

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Hello everyone, I am in need of some good drum mic kits. Specifically for toms, hihat and kick drum. I have a Majove Matched pair I bought back in 2011, but I am now starting to record my buddy's space rock, shoegaze band and we will be doing a bunch of singles and then a full album and need to up my microphone arsenal.

    What I do now:
    I use a C 414 B-TL II on omni for a bright room sound I mix in with my matched pair on overheads, a sm57 on the snare and a neuman BCM104 on the kick.... thats it lol. I have to work VERY hard to make my random mics work in harmony.... I think I will be able to work way less hard if I have the toms and the hihat mic'ed up, that way all the bleed is more "tuned" and I would be able to get a wider more clear drum mix...

    What I am needing:
    Audix, Sure, presouns, se electronics drum bundles are what I need some advice on. Something in the $399 - $699 range. Any of you mic heads out there able to help? It would be greatly appreciated.
    I would like a more direct sound as opposed to the shit open air sound I am getting with only the mics mentioned above...
    Thank you!
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  4. madbuzzin

    madbuzzin Platinum Record

    Dec 1, 2021
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  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I've gone with an array of dynamic mics on toms like a SM-57, Sennheiser E 604, EV RE-20 and the Beyer M 201. I always tended to choose dynamics over condensors because they can be gentler on transients which I personally like. I never enjoyed the standard 421 route because I don't like the sound of it's off axis pickup. For hats I like a Beyer m930 and crash and ride cymbals the last thing I used and really found very good sounding were the SE Electronics SE8. I'd go with quality over quantity and be creative with less mics to work with than buy things that you will wind up replacing.
  6. meatball

    meatball Noisemaker

    Mar 29, 2012
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    Take a look at the Shure Drum mics. You can't go wrong with having a Beta52 on kick and a handful of SM57's around the rest of your kit. Otherwise, you'll probably have to take a look at used mics with a smaller budget. Keep in mind that all mics will sound different on drums, so tailor your choices to the sound you want.
    A few suggestions:
    Kick: Supplement your condenser with a dynamic mic. Audix D6, Shure Beta 52, AKG D112.
    Toms: Either dynamic or condenser depending on the sound you're looking for. Tons of choices but Sennheiser E604, Shure SM57, Audix D2, or Audio Technica ATM25 dynamics. I stay away from condensers because of the bleed, but I'll use hypercardiods.
    Hats: Really any cheap small diaphragm condenser will do well in this position. No need to spend money here and lots of options available. Oktava MK102 or even an MXL 603/991 or AKG p170. Shure SM57 dynamic is also good here.
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  8. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Instead of mics I'll add a few techniques of techs that know their stuff.
    Warren Huart (from Produce Like A Pro)

    Glenn Fricker, (from Spectre Sound Studio, more about mixing & adding drumsamples):
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