when i walk outside i feel like i'm someone special or something and i started hating that feeling..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, May 5, 2022.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    when i walk outside i feel like i'm someone special or something and i started hating that feeling........i want to get rid of it

    its not like anyone knows me or anything its just my mind likes to boost itself up as soon i get out the door and i started realising it affects me mentally because its like going on a railway of boosting my mind as soon i go out...and i don't really like going up and down like that mentally..

    also my 0 luck with girls all my life does not really go hand in hand with these thoughts.

    i hope i did not dissappoint u more than i already did so far with my questions/comments, but just wanted to mention this :p

    also i think it makes me more nervous thinking like that
  3. Quantised Noise

    Quantised Noise Producer

    Mar 12, 2018
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    My expectations of a thread when I see your username as the creator are so low that I don't think it's ever possible that you'd 'disappoint' me more than I expect.
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  4. DigitHandz

    DigitHandz Ultrasonic

    Jan 23, 2020
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    How healthy are you? (eating habits, weight, hours of sleep, any pain, etc...)
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
  5. Demonevesuviano

    Demonevesuviano Member

    Nov 29, 2021
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    Man ... u need a psychologist ... one of the very good ones
    if you are sick ask for help, there is no shame in doing it. 1 hug
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Your brain keeps making stuff up, usually pretty crazy stuff. The trick to defeating it is, write it down on a piece of paper:
    Concentration and subject matter is the way out of mental insanity.

    So question everything - be critical and think for yourself. When you go out, make a setting beforehand, that is, you take something
    in mind, for example look at the trees, look at the people, listen to what others say.or you try to think consciously about a topic.

    Take the wheel, you are the captain of your ship - have a goal in mind and use your brain.

    Strengthen your self-confidence. Ask yourself in the evening in bed, what was good what was
    bad and do some self-reflection. Who do I want to be - what do I want to be - what is life for?

    This permanent entertainment industry, so the constant sprinkling, TV New etc, distracts you only from doing
    what you really want to do. Get to know and love yourself. And rather samsome problems you have to solve.

    Only nature heals us - so try to get in touch with nature. Allow the spiritual again.
    Materialism is not the solution but the spiritual is the solution.
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  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    How can I meet girls? Tips on how to meet girls

    You would like to meet more girls?

    Okay, we'll be honest. Most guys nowadays can't flirt properly. Either they are extremely sensitive, try to do everything right for the girls, take every comment to heart and rack their brains why she probably didn't laugh at his story, or they are the exact opposite.
    They get drunk without restraint because only then do they have enough courage to approach a girl. And to address then any stupid pick-up lines or meshes à la PickUp are consulted.

    However, both approaches are not very seductive. So it's no wonder that you don't go down well with the girls from your class and club. But don't worry, no flirting master has fallen from the sky yet. We'll give you tips on how to get to know girls.
    Tinder and Co.

    It's okay to admit that you have numerous dating apps installed on your smartphone, but your favorite is, of course, Tinder. That's okay, you just have to keep up with the times. However, if you're trying to look extremely mature by using dating apps, then please act mature when texting with girls as well.

    Stop using abbreviations like *lol* and *gg*. Why? Honestly, those abbreviations are long out the window. Just get to the point and ask her out. On Tinder, you don't have to beat around the bush with her, after all, everyone is aware of why they're signed up there.

    Fill out your own profile with meaningful details, too. Things like "coffee drinker" don't describe your personality, they just show that you're pretty unimaginative and you seem to have very little to say about yourself. Also remember to post a photo of yourself where you are completely visible. After all, the girls want to check out your body beforehand and also see approximately how tall you are.

    Talk to girls in real life

    Hand on heart, have you ever just approached strange girls in the middle of the train station, at the bus stop or in a park? No? That shows that you're pretty scared of the female sex and you haven't had the guts to take that step yet.

    But also remember: Girls are rarely approached by complete strangers, especially in everyday life. This means that if you dare, you will stand out from the crowd in a very positive way. And girls like it when guys show courage.

    Try your luck at a private party

    Of course, you can approach girls not only in the middle of everyday life, but also at parties. Especially suitable are WG parties or parties at people's homes. However, before you start flirting with the hot girl next to you, you should first ask her who she is with.
    This way, you'll avoid her boyfriend rushing into the room and giving you a black eye. You see, such a little thing can save the whole evening. At the latest, when you notice that the apartment is slowly getting emptier, the time has come when you should ask her if she still wants to come to your place. Tell her that you still have some good vodka or delicious champagne at home.

    Also remember that you have enough money for the cab with you! If the girl likes you, she will not refuse this offer. Of course, it will be more difficult to meet girls if there are only people from your circle of friends. Then you should try your luck in a club.

    Clubs offer you many opportunities

    Okay, on the dance floor itself it is of course difficult to get into conversation with each other. You're more likely to do that at the bar. How can you tell that a girl wants to be approached? She looks at you several times and then looks away again, or she is always standing near you. But even if she hasn't noticed you yet: Try your luck. If you don't talk to her, you will never know if you might have become the next dream couple.

    Since you're still young and cool, you're probably also a smoker. Well, the only sensible thing about smoking is flirting in the smoker's corner. It is usually dark there, because the clubs always somehow save on the light at this point, the smoking pack always crowds close together and far too often girls are standing around there with their cigarette, but do not have a lighter with them.
    However, don't give away your chance by trying in vain to light a strange girl's cigarette in the wind. Just give her your lighter, she can do it herself, after all she's already grown up.

    Also remember that in a group of girls you have to choose one of the ladies. Girlfriends don't let you flirt with one after another of them. So choose the girl of your desire, and that's how it will stay that night.

    However, don't forget to be nice to her friends as well. This is very important if you want to spend the night with this one lady. Because if her friends think you suck, they will tell her at the latest when they go to the bathroom together. And that's it.

    You think about whether you should take her to your home? Then clarify the following questions beforehand. Have you already kissed? Have you even fondled a little bit? Has she hinted at leaving the club without her friends? Then go ahead, the girl is into you!
    Getting to know girls is not as difficult as you might think at the moment. Show that you have guts, come out of your shell and get active. This is the only way to learn how to approach girls properly.

    Or maybe you're finding that you're not getting through to the girls at all? Then you should ask us about flirt coaching for men. Our flirting professionals will show you how to successfully approach girls in your everyday life. We look forward to hearing from you!
  8. samsome

    samsome Guest

    hmm okish all...i have social anxiety though! but it should be the opposite when i go outside, so its weird
  9. samsome

    samsome Guest

    yep yep..... i currently see advantages cause i'm introvert anyway...so i let time, and i'm trying to self adjust my thoughts for now
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    How to develop your personality - The 4 types of introverts

    Introverts don't have it easy in life. Have you already had the experience that you were underestimated because you are quiet and reserved? Here you can find out what it means to be an introvert and how you can successfully develop your personality!
    What does introvert mean?

    Introversion is a technical term for an inward-looking behavior. People with this personality trait tend to focus on their inner feelings rather than their outward appearance. Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert is partly genetic. Although an estimated 25 percent of all adults are said to be introverts, as reported in the media, there are still many misconceptions or prejudices about this personality type.

    Yet introverted behavior has nothing to do with shyness or social anxiety. Being introverted is not a character weakness or an unalterable fate. You can take action and change from an introvert to an extrovert.

    The 4 types of introverts

    Jonathan Cheek is a well-known psychologist who has studied introversion and defined four different types of introversion.
    1. the social type
    The social introvert type embodies a personality that is commonly associated with the term introvert. These individuals are most comfortable in a small group of people. They often prefer solitude. While others gather at parties, social introverts prefer to stay at home, reading a book or chatting on the computer. However, the cause of this behavior is not anxiety or social withdrawal. People with social introverts prefer to be alone.

    2. the thinking type
    A "thinking" introvert is characterized by thoughtful, self-reflective, and introspective behavior. Social occasions and places where many people gather are avoided. The thinking introvert type often lives in a fantasy world of his own. However, this is not a neurotic personality, but a very imaginative and extremely creative person!

    3. the anxious type
    The anxious-introverted personality type consciously seeks to be alone and feels insecure and uncomfortable among many strangers. This anxiousness is often present even when an anxious-introverted person is alone. People with this personality trait do not rely on their social skills. They are afraid of potential problems and therefore often ponder over things and analyze each situation thoroughly before putting their plans into action.

    4. the reserved type
    A reserved introvert is usually perceived by others as "reserved". Sometimes reserved introverts seem somewhat slow and ponderous to those around them. Decisive action is alien to them. They need a little more time to make decisions. Often, reserved introverts are convinced that many things in life are unattainable for them. Nevertheless, all tasks are completed with the utmost care and conscientiousness.
    Do you recognize yourself in one of the four introverted personality types? No? Then you should know that most introverts are a mix of all four types!
  11. messyeater

    messyeater Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    They said to reverse brain damage you must do three things
  12. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Well at least you're probably not a narcissist because a narcissist would never stop to consider if maybe they are being a narcissist.
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  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The constant feeling of being disadvantaged and envy towards colleagues or friends leads many sufferers to isolate themselves and keep to themselves. At the same time, permanent self-pity does not exactly make one popular, as many quickly seek distance from constant grumbling and complaining.

    Lack of drive
    If you don't manage to escape from the downward trend of self-pity, you lose hope and thus any motivation to keep trying. The thought that things will not get better anyway paralyzes and leads to stagnation.

    The continued focus on the negative aspects can lead to serious psychological problems. The perceived injustice, the doubts about being able to change anything about the situation, and the feeling of being alone can cause sufferers to sink into their suffering and depression. The negative thoughts are self-reinforcing. They can also lead to burnout.
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Why not just accept this feeling?
    You are someone special.
    You have a very personal way approaching problems.
    Be proud of being special :wink:
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  15. EEOC

    EEOC Ultrasonic

    Feb 23, 2022
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    • not ordinary or usual; different from what is normal
    • more important than others; deserving or getting more attention than usual
    • organized or intended for a particular purpose
    • better or more than usual
    Which of these meanings do you mean by special?

    Now think about these questions:
    1. What is normal, ordinary or usual?
    2. What is important? and why do you feel you are important than others?
    3. Are you seeking attention? Why do you need attention?
    4. What purposes do you have? Are these purposes yours or imposed on you?
    5. How did you find out that you are better than usual? If you know you're better, then what do you want to do with it?
    6. Do you expect people to pay you more money because you feel better?
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Mmmm... when I'm feeling blue I kind of do that sometimes. But if your mind does it on a daily basis almost automatically it's def a problem.
    Having social anxiety is probably a big part of that. You're mind is probably auto-compensating it giving you that boost as soon you're not alone.
    Being conscious of that I think it's a good thing.

    But it's hard for us here to give concrete advice. Besides the basic ones others have already said.
    I also recommend a therapist.
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