My ongoing issue with Cubase 11 & 12 + Kontakt HD Video in thread

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by dl65875, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    So Here is the MIDI Data that Cubase is sending from the Midi track to Kontakt.

    I asked in KVR about logging the MIDI data inside Kontakt but the reply was "impossible unless you've got a debug build off NI."

    This Cubase data was taken from Cubase's MIDI Monitor (Its a MIDI Plugin) Inserted in the first slot of the Track 1 MIDI channel (Not the Midi Track channel) and again on Track 10.

    I had my 4 Bar simple Legarto on all 10 tracks.
    I only Midi Monitored Track 1 as that always plays fine regardless and Track 10 because that always drops midi when dynamics etc is used.

    First I played it with the Dynamic, Expression and Vibrato REMOVED - All 10 tracks were unmuted and the all played perfectly.

    Then I added the Dynamic, Expression and Vibrato back and all 10 tracks were unmuted and the issue was there

    Track 1 was playing perfectly
    Track 2 was playing perfectly
    Track 3 was playing perfectly
    Track 4 had dropped notes
    Track 5 had dropped notes
    Track 6 had dropped notes
    Track 7 had dropped notes
    Track 8 had dropped notes
    Track 9 had dropped notes
    Track 10 had dropped notes

    I have had to attach the txt files as this forum does not like large posts of text.

    Attached Files:

  2. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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    This page keeps going unresponsive and I have to close and reopen it..
  3. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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    Hey Beat16

    Thanks as ever and I will go through your suggestions now.:wink:
  4. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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    Hey Beat16
    I like your thoughts - thank you.

    Yes in track inspector all midi tracks are playing.

    the only audio cables on my machine is the USB to my Audio Interface and I swapped that out to another Steinberg one to check and tried a different audio interface but no joy.
    Well on the MIDI tracks with the Dynamics, Expression and Vibrato removed (which all play perfectly) there is only MIDI note data in List Editor.
    On the tracks with the automation data, there are 100's of rows of data as you would expect.
    From what I can see, as well as the note data there is CC21, CC1 and CC11 which are the correct ones.

    This is the same in all 10 tracks so it seems cubase is receiving the MIDI data ok but does not seem to be passing it on.

    Yes as shown in my video, I have tried ever combination of ASIO Guard, Multi Processing but it makes no difference.

    I have gone through the Cubase User Manual, searched Steinberg online help and there is no mention of a MIDI Buffer like Prepare or Pre Load setting, only a High Or Low MIDI Latancy which I have just tried with no luck.

    If Cubase had (or has a hidden) MIDI buffer that is a candidate for the issue I recon.

    I just dont get why though as plenty of composers use Cubase with Multi-Timbral tracks and a lot more than I am, with out any issues at all.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    What happens if you stagger the start of each channels playback? Meaning, copies moved back all 4 or 8 bars each from the start of the prior channel. So they do not all start playback simultaneously.

    Have you tried this using any other library inside Kontakt? I know the Spitfire ones are very popular, but it's another harmless and easy thing to try.

    How about filtering various types of Midi data?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2022
  6. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Hey Clone

    Yes that has already been tried, if I stagger them or play each track on its own they play back fine.

    Also as I have said, it is not just Spitfire librarys or Kontakt.

    It happens to any Library in Kontakt or any other Multi-Timbral instrument with over 3 or 4 tracks unmuted w. Dynamics, Expression and Vibrato.

    I don't know what you mean by filtering Midi data as the Midi data with in the Midi tracks is required.

    Some Multis will need even more CC's to be used and I can not limit a paying client as to which ones or how many they use.
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Now you should try the whole thing with 512 samples and 256 samples.
  8. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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    Wouldnt that put more stress on the system?

    I am sat in front of the Laptop now, and just tried it at 512, audio on all tracks unplayable....
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    O.K. I still wanted to know that from you, then we check this off.

    So I surfed a little and came across your postings at Steinberg - I read everything, exciting like a novel.
    Nobody could help you there either.

    Do you mix it in Studio One ? Or do you go back to the last working configuration, I think Cubase 11 ?
  10. dl65875

    dl65875 Kapellmeister

    Nov 30, 2021
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    Sadly it is happening in CB 11 too now but none of the other DAW's.

    Yeah, I went into detail on Steinberg to try and prevent having to repeat things but
    Steinberg forum is never any help, and neither is their Tech Support.

    I've had a support ticket open on this issue for 8 days and had no reply.

    On audiosex people genuinely try to help which is why I love it here.

    For my own peace of mind I have to work out what has caused this because
    having ruled out the hardware, CPU, Memory, SSD's and so on the only remaining
    constants are Windows 10 and Cubase.

    I have a evolving suspicion that CB 12 is behind it...

    It was a rushed and very buggy release, probably not stress tested (there were no alpha or beta releases that I heard of).
    As normal of there a lot of fan boys sucking up to the forum but there are more than enough complaints and bug reports
    to cause Steinberg to rush out two "maintenance" releases so soon after Pro 12 Launched.

    My pro 12 was an upgrade install as opposed to a full Pro 12 standalone so I wonder if the upgrade has over written
    something that Pro 11 uses also.

    The only way of testing it is two do another clean windows 10 install on the spare SSD I have, then install Pro 11,
    Kontakt, East West Play and just a few other Multi Timbral instruments and see if the issue is there or comes back after
    a few days use.

    If it does not then install Kontakt 6 and try again, that would rule in, or out, Kontakt 6.

    If the issue comes back with Kontakt 5 + others then it could be any one of those.

    That will be a last resort thing as its taken up too much of my time (away from work and family)
    plus constantly writing to SSD's is reducing their life cycle.

    I don't give up easy on things.
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The very easy way of testing if your problem was initially caused by your Cubase upgrade path; is to R2R it.

    Wipe cubase and reinstall directly from Cubase 12 Pro.

    One last thing, I thought of one other scenario where you could get Kontakt to do this.

    Let's say your instrument only has 1 octave of samples. From C1-C2. But the results of any Transpose applied to that midi data can cause the incoming notes to arrive at keys where there is no allocated sample to play back on that key. from anywhere except c1-c2. if that makes sense.

    If it is not done via the Midi channel, you will not see the +/- on that track. But it can still be transposed somewhere prior to arriving at Kontakt.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1.) Generalised MIDI dropouts Win 10

    If your midi hardware is connected via usb then Win10 may be turning them off according the Power \settings .
    Check that the " USB selective suspend setting " is set to disabled .

    Control Panel > Power Options > Change Plan Settings > Change advanced power settings
    Then in the Power Options smaller window expand " Usb settings " and then " Usb selective suspend setting " .
    Now check that it is set to " disabled " .

    2.) USB hubs on continuous power

    Again, Windows likes to switch USB hubs to sleep for more battery power. Right-click on the start button, device manager and double-click on all "USB Serial Bus Controllers" and remove all check marks under "Power Management".

    3.) Warning to all professionals: DO NOT UPDATE!!!111

    With the current update, however, I have to say: I don't hear any real problems from audio circles, nor do I have any myself. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised. Updating during a project should never be done either way. Therefore, updates should be turned off directly in the Windows Update settings. And with that the automatic restart is history.

    Nevertheless: It can happen that after an update a driver doesn't work anymore or a plug-in or a program doesn't work anymore. Therefore, it is better to wait.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
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