Cubase/Nuendo 12/13/14 Pro (R2R/VR) (Win/MAC) workarounds, discussion, etc

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by ArticStorm, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Steinberg Cubase 12 Release
    Before Installing Cubase 12
    Install Runtime(s):
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)
    => Use google to download latest one from Microsoft.
    Install TEAM R2R Root Certificate:
    => Test certificate installation by R2RCERTTEST.exe.
    Install TEAM R2R Steinberg Silk Emulator:
    => Test emulator installation by included tool.
    => Always use latest one.
    Restart computer after the change!

    Clean Up VR Crack
    If you have installed VR's Activation Manager Unlocker, you need to remove them by hand.
    => It does not work on every computers and DAWs.
    => It changes system configrations.
    => It copies override wintrust.dll (Windows system security module) to tampered one.
    If you load external plugins using that DLL, the behavior will be unexpected.
    Cubase 12 needs Windows10 21H2 or Windows 21H2. VR uses wintrust.dll from older Win10.
    Delete files and folders:
    C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Activation Manager\SteinbergActivationMonager.exe (this has Hidden and System attribute!)
    C:\Program Files\Steinberg\HALion Sonic SE\HALion Sonic SE.exe.local\
    C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Dorico4\Dorico4.exe.local\
    C:\Program Files\Cubase 12\Cubase12.exe.local\
    C:\Program Files\REAPER (x64)\reaper.exe.local\
    C:\Program Files\Avid\Pro Tools\ProTools.exe.local\
    Delete RegValue(s):
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" "DevOverrideEnable"
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\ExcludedApplications" "SteinbergActivationMonager.exe"
    Revert RegValue(s):
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WerSvc" "Start"
    VR Changes this value to 4. Default value is 3.
    Uninstall Steinberg Activation Manager.
    If you need it, re-install it.
    Restart computer because you actually changed the system settings.
    Clean Up TC-Team Crack
    Uninstall Steinberg Activation Manager (SAM).
    If you still need SAM for the legit version compatibility, install it again.
    There are no shady behavior like VR one :)
    Uninstall previous versions.
    Mount ISO file. Run "Cubase12.msi" and install.
    Install "Generic_Lower_Latency_ASIO_Driver_64bit.msi" if you need.
    Install "VST_Transit_64bit.msi" if you need.
    If you have "Steinberg Library Manager (SLM)" installation,
    => Run SLM.
    => Drag & Drop included "Content" folder to SLM GUI.
    => Install all. Done!
    If you dont have SLM, do manual installation.
    => Copy "Content" folder to "%PROGRAMDATA%\Steinberg\".
    You should also install :
    TEAM R2R 2022
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2022
  2. gkarpa

    gkarpa Member

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Thank you for your detailed reply. I do appreciate that you're spending time solving other people's problems. Also, I'm glad that my post made you laugh. It's good for the heart.

    That's an issue that was also appearing in legit version (12.0.0), as reported by other users (in GS and official Stenberg forum). It's got nothing to do with V.R. vs R2R. Apparently it's fixed in 12.0.10.

    I've just did the update to 21H2. Same issue.

    I've done some tests: Two identical projects with tons of plugins. The only difference: one with Digitalis and another one without. The first one was shuting down Cubase. So, the issue is caused from Digitalis plugin. I've already contacted Aberrant for that.

    Yeah, judged from my findings I've wrote above, I'm still unsure. In any case, I'll give it a try and report back. Thanks again.
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I have read it. The best thing is to uninstall it cleanly, so that you have a hard drive where there are no leftover files from the previous version, so you can minimize errors. For one user it was corrupt Waves plugins that caused the crash.

    You then have to uninstall and go through each plugin step by step until you have identified the faulty one. Nice that you first update everything to the last working version. Because often the software from the manufacturer is also bent, that makes it harder to fix the bugs.
  4. gkarpa

    gkarpa Member

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Yeah, I agree, that would be the best option, but I try to have a nearly vanilla system and I'm very careful of what's installed. Actually, the first time ever I rushed to install something which was not tested thoroughly was the V.R version of Cubase. But give a break to someone who was paying for Cubase for the past 15 years, haha. Mind you, I was always sceptical with every -legit- Cubase update and waited for some months to pass.

    In any case, I've properly uninstalled the V.R. version and installed the R2R. Same issue.
    Waiting for the bug fix from Aberrant...
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2022
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  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hi, can you describe the current problem in more detail, screenshots are always helpful too.
  6. gkarpa

    gkarpa Member

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Thanks for willing to help.

    I start Cubase, load a project. The project opens and within 1 or 2 seconds (sometimes a matter of fractions of a second), Cubase is disappearing, as it was never existed. Something is ending the process, abruptly, without leaving any message.

    This thing happens only in a specific project where I'm using Digitalis. And not all the time. But surely 8 out of 10 times.
    The time when I got "lucky" and Cubase kept running, I removed the plugin, saved the project with a different name and tested it too. Didn't crash at all.

    I've done the tests, changing "situations" (fresh open Cubase after restarting Windows or after browsing etc / with or without internet / load the projects right after Cubase initializes or after opening and closing multiple other projects). Same results: the project with that plugin was killing Cubase while the other one (and all the others) was loading without any problem.

    I don't consider myself "smarter than the people who crack the software" like you've said in a previous post, but I'm experienced enough to keep my systems running efficiently. I'm solving many people's software issues too for about 30 years. I have ran into and eventually fixed issues that even developers couldn't (some of them have given me extra free licenses for my services :) ). In any case, I might be wrong and it could be something else. I'm still learning. :)
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  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Plug-in related performance issues and crashes


    Some 3rd party plug-ins contribute to ASIO overloads in Cubase/Nuendo, especially when they start/stop/start their processing cycles. Sometimes, the issue may show as freezes as soon as you start editing parameters within the plug-ins, in another case the application may even crash.

    In Cubase/Nuendo, the preference in VST > Plug-ins > "Suspend VST3 plug-in processing when no audio signal is received" is enabled by default. Please disable this preference until we have a solution ready.

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2022
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  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Troubleshooting for Cubase

    Initializing preferences

    Corrupted program preference files can bring your Steinberg program into all kinds of troubles, particularly after installing an update.
    Fortunately, refreshing the preferences is quite easy:

    • Close all programs.
    • Open the 'Run' command prompt by pressing the Windows logo key and R on the keyboard simultaneously. The Windows key is located between the keys Ctrl and alt.
      (To open the command prompt on Windows XP select 'Run' from the Start menu.)
    • In the command line of the 'Run' window, enter this path: %appdata%/Steinberg
    • Locate the folder which is named the same as your Steinberg program, for example 'Cubase 8.5'.
    • Rename it (for example, from 'Cubase 8.5' to 'xCubase 8.5') in order to hide it from your Steinberg software. The folder will only be hidden safely, if the change will be done before the original folder name.
    • If you find folders of previous versions of your program, make sure to hide or remove them, too.
    Next time you start your Steinberg program it will create a new folder with fresh preferences and default settings - which hopefully fixes the problem you've experienced.

    Please note: Make sure to hide or remove preferences folders of all installations of your Steinberg program. Otherwise the program would try to comply with them when creating fresh preferences. And exactly this could be the source of errors.

    Initialising the program's preferences does not necessarily mean that you lose all settings. For example if you have defined your own set of key commands that you want to keep you can replace the corresponding file (Key Commands.xml) in the freshly created folder by a copy of the same file taken from the folder you've disabled by renaming.

    Alternative ways: Instead of renaming it, you also can move the preferences folder of your program from Steinberg's application data folder to another place, for example the Desktop. You even can simply trash it if you are sure that your user settings are not that hard to rebuild. Another approach: Since in many cases the file 'Defaults.xml' will be the trouble maker you also could try if renaming or deleting only this particular file already solves the problem.

    This Knowledge Base article provides further information on Cubase's preferences and their location: Preferences of Cubase and Nuendo

    Making a backup of the preferences obviously is a good idea, especially when you customize a lot. And it's easy: Simply keep a copy of the preferences folder that you can fall back on whenever you need to reset the preferences to your preferred settings.

    Updating the software

    Check if your Steinberg software is up-to-date. A current version might include a solution for the problem you are experiencing. Updates are available via the Steinberg Download Assistant (recommended) and, alternatively, on dedicated download pages.
    Look out for "Release Notes" and "Version History" documents to learn about issues have been addressed.

    Reinstalling the software

    Reinstalling the complete program is only necessary on rare occasions. In general these steps will suffice:

    • Close all programs.
    • In Windows, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.
    • In the list of installed programs, select the Steinberg software you want to reinstall and click on 'Uninstall'.
    • Follow the instructions of the uninstaller.
    • Optional: Of course, the uninstaller only deletes files it previously has installed. If you find a remaining program folder under 'C:\Program Files\Steinberg' take a look inside and check if it contains files that you want to keep. If not, delete the folder.
    • Optional: Remove (or hide) the preferences folder (see information on 'Initialising preferences' above).
    • Install the software using the original installer you've received on CD/DVD or as download. In case a newer complete installer is available on the download page, it should be preferred.
    • Install the latest update available on the download page.

    Updating device drivers

    Your Steinberg software is dependent on flawlessly working audio and MIDI interfaces. Many problems are caused by bad device drivers. Check the homepage of your gear's manufacturer for updates. If you have installed drivers from a CD-R that came with an interface you can almost be sure that they are fatally outdated.

    Verifying memory usage

    These symptoms may point out to insufficient memory (RAM):

    • sluggish, unresponsive user interface
    • seemingly random crashes
    • white program or plug-in windows
    Use Windows Task Manager to get an overview of the memory usage. In case less than 500 MB free memory are available, the overall performance of the system as well as the stability of single programs might be reduced severely.

    On a 64-bit system, you should make sure to run the 64-bit version of your Steinberg program and additionally installed plug-ins. Otherwise, maximally 4 GB of the installed memory can be used and memory issues might occur, even though the system memory ressources don't seem to be exhausted. Read more...

    Apart from the size of the installed memory modules, the amount of free memory depends on the individual way of working and the loaded project. In case your system is short of memory, you have the following options:

    • Quit all redundant programs. For example, an internet browser running in background with some opened tabs can easily consume 1 GB RAM or more. In case of doubt, use Task Manager to get an overview of the memory allocation.
    • Sample-based VST Instruments are the biggest memory consumers within a project. Therefore, you should only use as many VST Instruments as necessary. If possible, do not use multiple instances of the same VST Instrument. Instead, use several MIDI tracks to address a single instance of the same instrument.
    • If you do not want to confine yourself to a memory-saving way of working, you will need to expand the installed memory, which might require a switch from 32-bit to 64-bit

    Solving VST Plug-in Trouble

    If Cubase/Nuendo hangs or quits during the start-up or while loading a specific project file, it is likely that an installed VST plug-in is causing trouble.
    Temporarily hiding installed VST plug-ins from Cubase/Nuendo is an easy and effective way to verify if a specific plug is indeed sabotaging your Steinberg software.
    Of course, for this operation you need to know all VST plug-ins folders Cubase/Nuendo knows...

    Locating VST plug-in folders

    • In Cubase/Nuendo, select 'Plug-in Manager' from the 'Devices' menu.
      At the bottom left, click on the gear symbol to open the 'Plug-in Manager Settings'
      Older Cubase/Nuendo versions:
      Select 'Plug-in Information' from the 'Devices' menu.
      Make sure the 'VST PlugIns' tab is selected and click on 'VST 2.x Paths'.
    • The VST 2 paths known to Cubase/Nuendo will be listed. Write them down, make a screenshot or simply memorize them.
    • Additionally, consider the VST 3 plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

    Hiding VST plug-ins

    The following steps describe only one possible application of the 'hiding strategy'. Of course, you can have your own approach if you've understood the basic idea.

    • Quit Cubase/Nuendo.
    • Navigate to the first VST plug-in folder (refer to the note or screenshot you've made before, or your memory).
    • Assuming the folder is named 'VSTPlugins', rename it to 'VSTPlugins_hidden'. This will hide it from Cubase/Nuendo.
    • Restart Cubase/Nuendo.
    • If necessary, load the problematic project. In this case, Cubase/Nuendo will complain about missing plug-ins. Simply ignore corresponding error messages.
    If the problem persists, it obviously is not related to a VST plug-in inside this hidden folder. In this case, rename the folder to its original name and repeat the procedure with the next VST plug-ins folder on your list.

    If hiding one of the folders actually fixed the problem you still don't know the bad guy but, after all, you know where he is living... To identify the problematic plug-in create a new folder next to the hidden one and give him the original name, in this example 'VSTPlugins'. Now you can move the most suspicious plug from the renamed folder (e.g. 'VSTPlugins_hidden') to the new one (e.g. 'VSTPlugins'). Restart Cubase/Nuendo and see if it still runs correctly. Repeat moving plug-ins and restarting Cubase/Nuendo until you've finally isolated the troublemaker. In case you have a lot of plug-ins installed, moving half of them at a time might speed up the search.

    Solving MIDI timing trouble

    Don't despair if incoming MIDI data will not be recorded correctly, for example with a constant offset, although you already have updated the MIDI driver. The following instructions will probably fix the problem:

    Cubase SE/SL/SX 3.1 and Nuendo 3.1 or later

    • In Cubase/Nuendo, select 'Devices Setup...' from the 'Devices' menu.
    • In the 'Device Setup' window click on MIDI > MIDI Port Setup.
    • Installed MIDI ports should now be listed in the right part of the window.
    • Enable the option 'Use System Timestamp for 'Windows MIDI'' which you find beneath the listed ports. Depending on the installed MIDI driver 'Use System Timestamp for 'Windows DirectMusic'' might also be available. Enable it, too. (If system timestamp already has been used un-check the option. In other words: Change the status of the 'Use System Timestamp...' option.)
    • Click on OK in order to close the Device Setup window and enjoy accurate MIDI data recording.
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  9. Genoveva Bernhard

    Genoveva Bernhard Producer

    Jan 31, 2022
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    I bit the bullet and finally switched from C12.0.10 VR to R2R. After a few minor snags (missing Padshop and Retrologue libraries, etc), it works fine. I can even use Dreamsynth now.
  10. pelao

    pelao Kapellmeister

    Dec 15, 2016
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    i'm a repaer user but i wanted to start with cubase 12 and when i load Superior drummer 3 the cpu usage goes to 99 percent, it only happens with that vsti, ezdrummer goes fine
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    >..looking in the Manual i could not find any information concerning this setting ..

    9.3.3 Settings Window Performance Tab

    We have no reports of problems using multi-core with Cubase as host.
    John mentions Reason and Reason is the only host we know about, right now,
    for which you cannot use multi-core in SD3 without first disabling it in the host.

    Start out by running SD3 on 1 core only. If you experience glitches you
    can try to raise it to 2 and see if that improves the situation. Ultimately you
    are in control. You can use any value that works for you. What values those
    are depend on the host, your hardware and the sort of projects you run.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

  12. gkarpa

    gkarpa Member

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Yep, this workaround was the first I tried. I've also done the rest of the list you posted without any improvement. The only thing I'm not willing to do is format the disc and install everything from scratch, because right now my system is running flawlessly. So yeah, I prefer ditching the one and only problematic plugin -and waiting for an update- rather than spending hours just to reinstall dozen of plugins etc.

    In any case, if I find something new, I'll post it here. Thanks again! :)
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    haha almost 10 days went by, no Cubase opened. But well opened Live and Max8 atleast 10 times in that time span.

    I am the only one, installing cubase just to have it installed - because it was not possible for so long ...

    thanks for the information about VST transit.
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  14. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    I'm still researching it. I haven't worked with Cubase since version 5 until now I've worked with FL Studio, but the difference is from here to the moon. :rofl:
  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I can imagine. Live for example is just different.
    Haha 6h with S1 was also a nightmare for me :rofl:But i tried.
  16. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    if it gets a release i´ll be sooo over nuendo
    but even the legit cubase is more accecible now
  17. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    From S1 to Cubase the transition is easier, I think I read it here somewhere.
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    yes of course, bcs S1 is really influenced by Cubase - well some former employees etc from cubase team, etc.

    Other than that i think, Cubase works well - opens fast even with vst scan on the old notebook, bet its a rocket on 980Pro SSD on desktop (havnt tried there.)
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  19. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    My old laptop has Intel Core(TM) i7-4500U 8GB RAM Windows 11 Works very well
  20. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    This Generic Lower Latency ASIO Driver 64bit also slows down Cubase startup. ;)