Image-Line Remote

Discussion in 'Mobile' started by Levitate, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Not sure if anyone has seen this or not(I didn't see it in any threads),anyway I saw it and thought it looked cool,was curious if anyone had any experience with it? Image line has released a free app for android and ios called IL Remote,says you can use up to 15 android or ios devices at once.All over wifi(must have FL 11.04)
    IL Remote Overview

    Here's a video demo.Enjoy! :mates:

  3. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    good news but first fix the huge amount of latecy with standard usb controller :wink:
  4. KingRoy

    KingRoy Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    It's actually very good .. To bad that some layouts haven't been released ... But it works fine ... i also like the il remote for ipod touch/iphones ... Vut the one for iPad is also quite good

    It only works with the latest 11.10.4 but it's worththe update
  5. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I'm not sure I know what you mean,I've never encountered that problem.I use an old edirol usb midi interface,and have used a Launchpad a few times,I have no latency issues.I use asio4all and have the buffer set usually between 512 & 1024(latency of 12-24 ms) when recording midi(I only set it higher when mixing or if it's skipping or stuttering)Only issues I've had at all with FL 11 is since they added all the controller support,you gotta set a few things for each synth to get the pitch bend and mod wheels to work,(still have yet to figure out how to get the PB & mod to work for IL synths)and I've noticed when playing a monophonic sound in Kontakt 5.2 if you have the pitch & mod wheels set for Kontakt it'll make mono sounds behave funny,literally unusable in most cases,they'll change pitch & stuff.(Not sure if that has been fixed with newer versions of Kontakt or not or if there's a setting that fixes that) I feel for ya though,a lot of latency is no fun :wink:
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    ok if you have time run a quick test, check latency on S1 and FL (same drivers, same size buffer) and then you'll got it :wink:
  7. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Just fyi, FL also doesn't seem to (consistently) send proper messages to Kontakt for offline rendering mode.
  8. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Wow! Yeah just checked out Studio One,never used it before,took a sec,first time I loaded new project instead of new song,couldn't figure out how to get synths to show up,lol,so once I got that right,I went with same settings and there is definitely less latency.Pretty sweet,thanks man! A lot of cool things I noticed with S1 within seconds of loading it first is it only scans your plugins the first time it's loaded(unless you've installed new ones) so no waiting 20 mins before you can use it if u have a lot of plugins,second all my plugins show up and work,and third it has rewire support,which being a Cubase/Nuendo user makes me feel right at home.Gonna have to familiarize myself with it's interface,but must say I like this DAW.I often use other DAW'S to record midi synced audio from other keyboards,have been looking for a new one for awhile as both Nuendo 4 and Cubase 5 for some weird reason are a 64th note late when recording midi synced audio,at least on most every pc I've tried it on,I was recording in acid,then rendering each part as wav and importing those into FL. I've used FL since like 3.0,there's certain things I like about it(recording audio is not one),but I use other stuff too,they all have different tools & options that are useful.Thanks again,pretty cool,learn something new all the time. :thumbsup:
  9. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Sweet,thanks,that's what I was wanting to know,if it had any bugs/issues/etc,the vid looked pretty sweet,seems like it'd be awesome to have a few android tablets or ipads/iphones and have em controlling different things,I had a lot of fun using both a midi keyboard & a launchpad at the same time,lot of control,anything that can trigger stuff and manipulate sound on the fly is awesome :dancing:
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