Cubase 12 V.R. version stuck

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by blade81, Apr 16, 2022.

  1. blade81

    blade81 Noisemaker

    Dec 16, 2018
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    Hi folks, i just downloaded Cubase 12 V.R. version and followed all the instructions, but it stucked now for 30 min on Checking licenses, i tried to restart my comp, nothing happened, still on checking licenses when i try to start the app. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  2. vuldegger

    vuldegger Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2021
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    vr cubase 12 totally messed up my wintrust.dll, had to install the r2r one. that is a good one trust me
  3. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    install the R2R version.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022
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  4. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Advice: read carefully the file R2R.txt included in the R2R's C12.0.10 release (latest), it contains precious instructions to properly uninstall VR's C12 version.

    What I experimented: it's perfectly normal to experience a (very) slow start during the first launch of Cubase 12: it haves to verify plugins, licenses, etc... Just be super-patient, it haves to finish all these controls before you'll be able to really use it.

    Once this heavy task is finished completely, you'll notice that the R2R version is really fluid and fast to use, far faster than C11. It's because of the R2R emulation which is really amazing and very tiny: a little .dll less than 10 ko! Generally speaking the imprint on the system is very reduced.
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  5. blade81

    blade81 Noisemaker

    Dec 16, 2018
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    I did it and the scanning was painfull to wait, but now it works, but a lot of my plugins were not scanned. How do i solve this?
  6. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    The only way I know is to verify the path(s) where all your plugs are installed, and to enter this path in the Cubase plugin scanner window (menu "Studio" > "Plugins manager" > in the bottom of the window, at the left, you will see a little gear > click on it, then verify, add (+) or remove(-) paths).

    Things to know:

    1°) The VST2 plugs are often installed in C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins or C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins or C:\Program Files\Common files\VST2... and even sometimes in C:\VSTPlugins! You have to verify the paths of the unrecognized plugs then enter the missing ones in the C12 plugin manager window.

    2°) Cubase don't handle 32-bit plugins anymore, only 64-bit. If there's some old 32-bit plugs you absolutely wanna use, you have to use a Bridge program, like for example DDMF BridgeWize or JBridge. The role of a bridge is to "transform" (I simplify here) a 32-bit plugin into a 64-bit one.

    3°) Possibly, you could have several versions of the same plugin in different format: for example: vst2 and vst3. In this case, the better could be to choose one or the other, to simplify and reduce the startup scan time. I have the general tendency to choose vst3 over vst2, but some special plugs could perhaps work better and less buggy as vst2. Your choice.

    4°) Some plugins include resources *.dll that C12 tries to scan as if they were actual vst2 plugins, in this case you will see that it generates an error and the *.dll in question is in the "Blacklisted" list of plugins. This is perfectly normal, everything that is not a real plugin is deactivated and blacklisted.

    5°) Some badly installed, badly cracked or simply badly made plugins could makes C12 (or your entire system) crashes or bugs: to prevent this, C12 put them in the "Blacklisted" list so that it doesn't waste its time (and yours) to handle and load buggy plugins the next time you launch it. This is a sort of security measure.

    So don't worry if at the end of a scan you have an error window with a long list of things that don't work in C12: You have to worry only for the plugs that you actually use in your projects and that don't appear in the list of the working plugins, there's always a good reason why C12 blacklist a plug: you'll have to investigate and discover the reason by yourself.

    In anyway, I would recommend to always work offline (or block C12 with a Firewall).
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  7. jon doe like pizza dough

    jon doe like pizza dough Ultrasonic

    Dec 14, 2021
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    i tested the vr and r2r versions and the vr is unbelievably stable because Cubase12.exe has not been changes so it is a s stable as the original licensed version but the r2r has been changed just try to re install it follow the instructions carefully
  8. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    you dont know what are you talking about! Team R2R emulator is bigger than anyone can imagine TEAM R2R knows that so keep living in the bubble and keep defending VR which right now causes me errors because of leftovers of wintrust with Cherry Audio plugin.... Team VR failed on this one BIG TIME, even though i praised him for his achievement but what he did he screwed our systems and at the time i didnt knew it before TEAM R2R told us.... YES SCREWED!
    TEAM R2R never left us down, and you dont appreciate gift they gave to us because of your ignorance... And yes in new beta release of Unlocker Team VR have made to work with Nuendo 12, so quess what ,he is compromising all comunity, doing all the same because of his pride so Steinberg will change improve protection and to make it harder, just to show of with us....
    It is forbiden to offend teams, but right now i am pissd and i would say what not, but i will stay quiet, and all that because of Team VR and his ignorance !!!!
    I dont like that style....rather HATE IT! System screwer! :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::trolls:
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2022
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  9. audioguy06

    audioguy06 Newbie

    Apr 17, 2022
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    hay yo i also downloaded the vr version i didn't know at the time this can screw my system am i in danger of some major os failure or a system failure or more venerable to malware and viruses :(:(
  10. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Remove VR and install R2R version with all instructions included and read them careful.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    both did not tampered Cubase12.exe? So what do you mean?
    TC Team did patch something in Cubase12.exe, but this was an older build.

    Stability should be same for both release (VR, R2R) with VR release being a bit harder/time intensive to install if you managed to install R2R's certificate (if you google or read the thread linked below and you can manage it to install!)

    Here is a few times explained how to install the certificate:

    The advantage of the VR release might be that you can use all other Steinberg products (if you are fully non legit!), while R2Rs Cubase only works with the things they have released.
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  12. Barbarossa

    Barbarossa Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2021
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    Does anyone have a list of which Steinberg products work (or don’t work) with the R2R C12 version?
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    TEAM R2R

    • Steinberg Dorico
    • Steinberg Dorico Pro 4 Content
    • Steinberg Triebwerk
    • Steinberg Neo Soul Keys
    • Steinberg Hypnotic Dance
    • Steinberg Dark Planet
    • Steinberg Groove Agent SE 5
    • Steinberg Groove Agent SE 5 Content
    • Steinberg HALion Sonic SE 3
    • Steinberg HALion Sonic SE 3 Content
    • Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 8
    • Steinberg Retrologue 2
    • Steinberg Padshop 2
    • Steinberg Padshop 2 Content
    • Steinberg Basic FX Suite
  14. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Steinberg.Cubase.Pro.12 v12.0.10 x64 R2R
    I tried this, it all works
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2022
  15. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    exactly, r2r modifies things from the official installer, while vr just bypassed the license unlock. all vr install files are from the steinberg page and I downloaded everything from the steinberg page except the b25 license genereator and the manager unlocker which are purely from vr. Most of the plugins I use are R2R but not every r2r plugin works perfect especialy with the native instruments stuff, r2r versions will give hella tough time and most of the plugins still in demo, but vr version works easy, no hustle ( i also like vr versions of arturia as well cos they keep uploading updates and have alot of banks, while r2r version are just stock and dry, no banks). so let people be with their choice, both teams have their up and downs. I first installed r2r cubase 12 but the cpu glitches were too much, but the official version with vr's unlocker is managable. yet to update to 12.10 to see the imporvements cos cubase 11 is more stable than the 12.0 pro.
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  16. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    u definitely missed a step. I also had this becuase I failed to install steinberg activation manager so it was stuck on checking licenses, and this was because the app( steinberg activation manager) for activiating cubase was not installed.
  17. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Screenshot_1.png Screenshot_10.png
    Like I have said above, aparently most of users dont know about power of R2R Steinberg releases, and I cant tell you what is that, at least not for now....

    And your ignorance is just missleading, TEAM VR is modifynig YOUR SYSTEM HELLOOOOOOO, Team R2R does not modify nothing... And Team VR also tries to install his cetificate but without success, because it is fake....
    Both in eLicenser generator, and Steinberg unlocker, and TEAM VR tells nothing about that, while Team R2R gives you an option to do so and install a certificate in order to use their software and not to manipulate with their cracks, and that is very clever move....
    TEAM VR installs certificate just for fun, to measure whos dick is bigger, but again he losess...
    Do not misslead users with those infos, because even tho you got official installer with VR it is lame as fuck.

    DO NOT INSTALL TEAM VR Steinberg stuff it is dangerous because it is modfynig your system, and can cause unstability etc...

    1st image (Dorico 4.0.31 Unlocker):
    Why the hell he needs a Pro Tools.exe in Steinberg Unlocker?
    Why the hell he needs any other .exe file but STeinberg?
    I tried Retail Pro Tools with this "local.exe thing, and it is not working! So what is the point of that?
    Why did he revealed Nuendo 12 and Wavelab12 in his script?
    Why is he doing that?! JUST WHY?!

    I still believe that the only guilt guy who have made Steinberg to change protection is Team VR because he introduced CUbase Elements 12 license last year!
    Why he is doing that?! That is only compromising warez world and not helpin!
    Like i would say to some bank, you know tomorrow at 11pm i will rober your bank with this and that.... How funny and lame is that?!
    The rest is known....

    2nd image (eLicenser generator b25):
    In every elicenser release he is trying to install his certificate, but without successsssssss and no one knows, so how about that!!!!!!

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2022
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  18. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    If you take the time to read R2R.txt (see above, thanks @Henessey to quote it!), you will see that the VR release tampers important system files and registry values... Starting with Wintrust.dll!

    Wintrust.dll (Microsoft Trust Verification API) plays an essential role in Windows security (cert verification, etc...), nobody should try to modify or tamper this file, because it could very well renders your system vulnerable! To stay simple: if you play with it, you risk to open a door to malware(s) into your system!

    Plus, saying that VR version does not modify the Steinberg original installer is FALSE: there is a hidden file, called Cubase12.exe.local, which is intalled with the VR crack, and is launched everytime you start C12, and serves to patch C12.exe in memory (instead of patching the file itself on disk).

    So the advantage of the R2R version over the VR one become obvious:

    - No essential system files are tampered nor modified ==> security is intact.

    - The imprint on system is minimal: no fancy registry mods! If ever you uninstall it, nothing is left over, everything is intact.

    - This release is totally independent from everything: it doesn't interfere with any legit St.berg license or dongle you could have already in your system. It doesn't prevent you to buy and install any official St. product.

    - It doesn't need: elicenser, St.Activation Manager, St.Download assistant, nor even the Library Manager! This release works by itself without any annoyement nor incompatibilities.

    (Note that the same qualities can also be found in the TC TEAM C12 release: No registry mod nor system dll tampering, it's a very simple, elementary release that works as perfect and is as independent as the R2R one. I do hope that they will update their C12 to the last version: 12.0.10, and that they will release their version of Nuendo 12, WL12 etc... when it'll be out! Luv you guys!:mates:)
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2022
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  19. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    okay thanks for looking out, will uninstall vr and try to r2r 12.10 to see. if i still get cpu issues and its untolerable i have no choice but to go back. so how i restore the wintrust file to default? or by deleting the directories and regkeys above, it gets fixed?
  20. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    what about cubase elements 11 vr? same vr tampering problem?