music licensing - youtube question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Apr 15, 2022.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    So lets say you say to someone who has a big channel on youtube here's my music you can use it for free on your videos when you want

    and lets say they used it on several of their videos generated with millions of views on their videos

    can you make anything from the back end for that? somehow? how? does ascap/bmi pay for this or is there another company that pays in this case?

  3. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Well, either it's free or not.
    However, in most cases "free" would not be a qualified legal term. Is it "loyalty free", does it have some CC license? Is it public domain, Free Art? Something else?

    You should clarify the legal circumstances.
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Simple answer to your questions: NO

    Make your own CD and/or some MP3's and give them away - that way you make publicity and your music gets out in the world. Build a website and include a PayPal Donation Button. So your visitors can donate something to you.

    You can make it a condition when you donate something to others to write your name under it.
    Read more here:
  5. samsome

    samsome Guest

    its free because the person using it the video is not gonna pay anything, now or later

    its a matter of back end i am talking about, its not gonna come out of the pocket of the person who put it in his when your song is played on the radio...that kind of there something like that for youtube that some association pays for that
  6. PatriciaNeqrency

    PatriciaNeqrency Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    We can only help you further if you tell us how did you publish your song. Did you provide a public domain license to the song? Did you state that it's free to use by anyone?
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @samsome, here is your link:

    How to Earn Money on YouTube
  8. bigbiggy

    bigbiggy Guest

    Dont kid yourself about it, there is ALWAYS money being made and Youtube is notoriously cheap af with indie artist full of red tape and difficult to get your royalty money from.. even if you had a rock solid contract, after fees, deductions, splits, expenses etc. youd likely only earn a couple hundred dollars (at the very most) from several million legit streams. is it worth burning that bridge over that much money? you can decide.

    personally, if no contract and no friendly agreement or offer from the person(s) in question, its on you, so use those numbers as leverage to market the music yourself direct to fans, labels, licensing or however you want, and also big up your next project. with no contract other than use it for free or whatever you said then basically both sides can do whatever they want with it. and if youre in different countries it gets even worse trying to enforce contracts and chase up royalty cash without lawyer and rights org behind you.

    speaking of which, good luck with that, because PRO's only really care about the major label and big name artists when they divide up the pool of money to pay members. its a real racket theyre running.

    live and learn. next time get a contract and pay a lawyer an hour fee to make sure you arent getting screwed. friends or not anyone who bitches about contract or lawyer is a scammer and not professional. this is a business after all so decide if you want a career or hobbyist that others make a career off of. bottom line figure out how to draw in those viewers and use the videos success to your benefit.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2022
  9. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    YouTube doesn't have money to give away for free. So no, they won't pay you. To get these loyalties you want, you would need your music to be administered by a performance rights organization. But then you won't be able to just allow someone else to use it "for free", since it's not your choice anymore and most likely their monetization for this specific video would be disabled for using copyrighted material or the video would even be blocked completely.
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