Will this build work?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by iluvhiphop, Apr 15, 2022.

  1. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    Hi guys. It's my birthday tomorrow. Turning 31 :-O

    I want to treat myself with a new computer and have put together a build that I think will suit my needs.
    Can anyone confirm or deny if these parts are compatible?

    If anyone has any suggestions, please, tell me :)

    Also, i keep reading about something with the CPU and BIOS version, where some motherboards need to have an update or something. It's really important for me that everything just boots up with no issues at all. I don't want to spend time on such things. How do I make sure to avoid having to deal with that?
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Very good selection.

    Make sure you check the manufacturer's website again to see if the working memory you have chosen is supported.


    You should add a 92mmm fan, which blows the air out the back of the case.
    be Quiet! Gehäuse Lüfter Pure Wings 2 PWM 92mm
  4. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    Well, looks like the ram isn't on there :( But pretty much all the Corsair stuff appears to be. Slightly higher price, but better pay up than be sorry later I guess.

    I will definately add the fan. Thank you.

    Have you got any knownledge on the bios stuff?
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    On the Asus website, the drivers etc are available for download and if you look at the date, almost everything
    is from last year, so it's pretty new. Asus has high quality standards. I wouldn't worry about that.
  6. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    go to reddit r/buildmeapc or something
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    AMD 5700G i bought for 295€, also have seen it for 248€ boxed ofc a few weeks ago.
    got the 980PRO ssd for 124€, 970PRO was 104€ i think.
    Its worth looking around to save money on the parts as this does not look to cheap me.

    Check the charts for the mainboard if the RAM sticks are compatible to the mainboard.

    I have AMD Ryzen 7 5700G+Gskill Ripjaws V @3600 with Gigabyte B550 Aorus Elite V2, So.AM4, ATX+980Pro SSD - works stable for me.
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  8. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    Not really that worried about the money. All that matters is that it works.
  9. vuldegger

    vuldegger Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2021
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    that will be a beast machine , also, cs:go will run on it 150-200fps easily given the ryzen 5700g
  10. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    The mainboard won't fit in the case and with that CPU cooler you're unnecessarily giving away cooling performance and/or noise level. With a height of only 37 mm it's made for tiny cases (like DAN A4 or something like this). The NR200 is basically a µATX case with 18 mm stripped vertically to put it in the more expensive Mini-ITX market. It supports coolers with up to 153 mm. So something like Scythe's Big Shuriken or be quiet! Shadow Rock TF would give you better value for about the same money, if you're going for a top-blower.

    TL;DR: Change either case or mainboard and probably the cooler.
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    He is right, the mainbiard does not fit in the case. Take a number larger:

    - Motherboard Support Micro ATX, Mini ITX


    Clearance - CPU Cooler 76mm (GPU in vertical position), 153mm (tempered glass side panel), 155mm (vented steel side panel)
  12. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

  13. madbuzzin

    madbuzzin Platinum Record

    Dec 1, 2021
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    I just buy computers that are already built... like my M1 Pro 14"
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  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  16. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    I like Apple computers, but not for music production. I run a business and in my office we use ONLY m1 macs. I have given some of my employees Macbook Pro m1's for remote work. They're secure, fast and keeps their value well. Minimal maintenance. Good business computers. But for making music there are just so many problems I don't even know where to begin.
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  17. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest


    Okay bro :P I see. Happy now? Anything else I could improve upon?
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  19. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    Thank you for the help. I'm scared shitless my motherboard will come with some old bios, but I am going to order :P Thanks so much for the help. #Edit also to everyone else <3
  20. madbuzzin

    madbuzzin Platinum Record

    Dec 1, 2021
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    ah, well I have never had an issue since 2009.... other than cool shit not being released for mac
  21. macros

    macros Guest

    yoooo- to iluvhiphop. just chiming in with a few things, first being glad you found pcpartpicker, it hasn't steered me wrong on a few builds now, my own and some coworkers. i have a 5800x, and I saw someone mentioning freezing tracks with ableton which made me realize I haven't had to do that since I got that AMD. wellll a few times, but that was do to having basically unlimited access to plugins and having fun putting an obscene amount of soothe2, gulfoss and other CPU hogs. You'll have a good time!

    I have the b550m but with no wifi... i personally would recommend getting the NON-wifi version, and using a hard wired ethernet cable from pc to router, then investing in a good router with wifi for your phone and such. i've only heard bad things about wifi and audio, although that might be outdated to be fair. I'm in the states, looks like you might be in germany according to the DE... over here because its MURICA the internet companies generally offer a router for an additional monthly fee, but those routers generally suck. I bought one (after confirming it was compatible with comcast) and i'm getting almost double the download speeds I pay for as at least here they advertise based on their crappy router speeds so they don't get sued. bluetooth and wifi are generally as far as i can tell recommended to keep disabled as i guess they can interfere with sound interfaces.... i don't use any of those off my computer so i guess it didn't matter to me to disable them.

    another thing is, AND I COULD BE TOTALLY WRONG but it IS worth checking for yourself, as it could be a big deal (or i missed it in the thread), but I am under the impression AMD's do NOT have internal graphics like intel, so if you want to SEE anything you need a graphics card. Again, I could be totally wrong about this as I've got a 1070gtx from my old build I transferred over. I KNOW intel has onboard graphics, I was under the impression to even display ANYTHING you needed a graphics card, but it could be perhaps just for more extensive GPU applications like games you need it. I would hate for you to order all this stuff and then have a dark screen!

    As I mentioned, I have a b550m. it PROBABLY will come with an outdated bios (right?) but it's been really easy to update mine- i just did it yesterday in fact. go to asus, download the newest firmware/bios update (after doing some searching to make sure it's worth updating ie stable and all that stuff. 2604 i think is the new one, it seemed like people said it was a ok and my computer is working fine on it), then use their program to change the name of the update and then stick it on a flash drive. this will require a computer so i hope you have a laptop or a friend or another rig. then you just have the flash drive in, open bios at beginning and go over to tools, EZFlash, done.

    speaking of bios make sure you go and change the DOCP profile in it so that your RAM runs at the speed its advertised, otherwise it will default to the slowest "safe" speed and it's not being utilized as it should. Also, from what I can tell the Precision Boost Overdrive 2 is the way to go with any overclocking... but again do your own research, or maybe someone knows more than me... not hard! I didn't see that you had an aftermarket cooler- if you're going to overclock it so you get some screaming speeds probably worth investing in. it won't be fast if it overheats. a lot of this "advice" is probably a no brainer for you, but i figure better be safe than sorry!

    i'm guessing you DO have a sound interface. if not you'll want one, make sure your daw is running it on ASIO... a type of driver. otherwise (at least with ableton and windows 10) it'll run off the CPU solely. There are some things to do also with windows that can optimize it for sound. I guess the general consensus is it that it isn't ideal to game/do audio on the same computer, but I do. I have the NVIDIA studio driver and the gaming drivers for my GTX1070, but I've never really had issues using the gaming drivers. You would think (and it shouldn't but i guess it does) that graphics wouldn't have anything to do with audio, but as some of the plugins i have use OpenGL i'm pretty sure driver issues have caused me some trouble before. you SHOULD be fine, but it's just something that wasn't on my radar at first.

    Things like turning the power on your USB root hub so it is always giving it juice (you don't want your computer to turn it off in the middle of something) , changing your power plan (once your computer is up and running it WILL need to update some stuff, I went to AMD's site to get the most recent chipset driver and that includes a power plan specifically for Ryzen), turning off system sounds and disabling sound interfaces you don't need, etc. Ableton on their page has a guide, so do some other daws, if it's windows its windows.

    if money isn't an issue i'd get another SSD as well.... assuming youre on this page cause you don't mind sailing the high seas of the internet. I have 1.5 terabytes of kontakt and omnisphere files. do i USE the Hans Zimmer percussion pack that has 13 gigs of timpani and gongs? well fuck yeah i do, or i will. I'm like a hoarder but instead of doomsday I'm planning for losing my internet connection. On that note i've used the firewall to block everything from accessing the internet as well as using the "hosts" file to block plugins from connecting.

    sorry for the wall of texts, hopefully something in there is worth reading.
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