9/11 controlled demolition or something else?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kearnsy, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Well said.
  2. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Oh dear....conspiracy.

    Funny thing is after over 10 years the conspiracy crew have yet to come up with a single piece of positive evidence in support of demolition. Not one charge, not one piece of ignition cord, NOTHING.

    But that doesn't stop people. Some people just have to believe something - regardless of the evidence. It's called cherry picking and confirmation bias. Conspiracists can't be dissuaded - because they don't operate on evidence. Disprove one thing and they just move onto another.

    For example, people always claim "demolition" because "it fell at freefall" and "collapsed into its own footprint".

    Nevermind that it is obvious neither of those things are true: the collapse zone was overtaken by the falling debris, obscuring it. [Debris fell at freefall - the collapse zone didn't] And the debris fell over a huge area - not in its own footprint at all. La dee dah.
  3. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes

    Hard Evidence

    Fun note: the professor was forced out of the University. I live in Utah, so this was a bigger story here than elsewhere I am sure...
  4. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    r u blind? besides all the experts interviewed about it,u just need to look at the videos of that morning to figure out on your own that they imploded,and i remind u that building 7 is the only modern building in history with a steel structure that broke down because of a fire.Getting back to the twin towers,have u ever wondered why they broke down at the same speed of a heavy object that falls from the same heigth withoutt obsacles underneath it?Can u explain me why all the concrete was completely powdered although a breakdown can t cause the powdering of concrete? can u explain me why the jets that were supposed to reach the two planes didn t take off and reach them in less than five minutes after the communications between the planes and the airport were interrupted,as it happened several times before?
    But yes,u re right,people have to believe something,and surely it s better to believe that a bunch of terrorists without proper training managed to highkjack four planes without anything to stop them in the most controlled country in the world,rather than believing that the american administration sacrificed 3,000 of their citizenz to justify a war and have the support of other nations
  5. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1

    What more choice do some of us have than to band together under similar/common beliefs. With these insane things occurring we dont stand a chance on our own.

    NSA, CIA, FBI, Gov, ANT, Acorn, etc. If they are 'trying to kill us' as you wrote, then the only ones to save us are ourselves. And what do they care of 'understanding' if they run on their own rules.

    Not talking of cults or religions, per say. But something that is seemingly protected extensively is religion. Illegal drugs are ALLOWED to certain people of certain religions. But to all other people these things are illegal. That seems rather protected especially with something the Gov claims is so 'hazardous and non-beneficial'. Why allow anyone then? Cause to some extent religion is protected.

    And who wouldnt love a utopia where money does not exist. Everyone does everything out of care and to help. No these things havent worked in the past but the past was vastly different than the current age (or the future which is even more bleak looking than now).

    Maybe im the fool who thinks this would all be nice, but if there is one person who thinks it, there is one more out there who could agree. Even mildly. Maybe my wording of it was off.

    There is ALWAYS a solution to a problem, regardless if its known now or in the future.
  6. cassmanbangavag

    cassmanbangavag Newbie

    Oct 12, 2013
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    it was more than an inside job this was some sort of human sacrifice to release large amounts of negative demon like energy that fuke a an entire nation to accept genocide

    how they got away with speaks to the global occult some call them the Illuminati some people call them satanists who ever they truly are made lots of money sacrifices lots of lives and this world will never change unless we go to war to the death

    they have all the nukes and bombs bullets none of those can enslave your soul liberty or death

  7. xsze

    xsze Guest

    There is always a solution, in this case you can go and live outside civilization and bam, you have your non-monatery life, even you can organize commune and you have your own society, but you will leave behind many things here, you can't have it all and be independent, there is a solution always, I postponed my mountain plan to give another shot on wife&kids, healthy life and peace were the perks of it and I would leave everything civilization has to offer to live like a caveman, there is a solution, you can always pack your bags and live in peace, you can shut yourself out and live peace over here, but saving the whole world and shaping everyones reality is not possible, some people don't feel they need to be saved or changed, they have their own vision of heaven, you need to become next big movement, cult, political organization and whatnot to influence millions, that's bottom line, but you can always change your reality, help someone and spread the love, hoping that will catch up, just like this forum, it's love everywhere, we can't change how all forums work, but we changed this, here is our own reality and we made it together, people who don't dig this left it and we have our little commune, that's it, we can't change internet, we can't change behavior on forums, we can't erase spammers and trolls, but we can stop them from ruining this forum, that's what we can do in real life, to change ourselves and influence people around us, not let nothing get to us, there will be always evil and darkness, but we can have that little place for peace despite of everything. *yes*
  8. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Clearly you don't know what hard evidence is. That's all we learned there.

    You know that same 'professor' also believes Jesus visited S America, right?

    Look, I spent a decade on this - I started from day one as a highly suspicious, shocked, onlooker via TV. I was at it from the start - and for a few years I was what eventually became called 'a Troofer'. From the Bumble-Planes to nano-thermite - I was at it all.

    But you know what? I started to find my fellow Truthers to be idiots - absorbed in all sorts of other guff, which I have absolutely no stomach for. They couldn't spot obvious rubbish or blatant hoaxes - they couldn't reason themselves out of a paperbag. Neither the evidence nor rationalism leads them to their conclusions - the conclusion comes first and everything else is made to fit shape.

    One of the main things that lead me to eventually loathe the Troofer crowd was my own, earlier absorbtion in World War2, the Russian Revolution, Communism and Nazism. [I'm a Marxist]. I found it increasingly disturbing to find Holocaust denial prevalent amongst Troofers, and their sources. And this is one area of history I know - I know when Troofers are talking shit about it. And they do, big style.

    Why is that? Well, I turned my investigative powers onto Troofers - and do they not like it! Do you know what I uncovered? Quite simply - fascism is endemic in "The Truth Movement".

    Much of what Truthers hold to be true has its original source in the N American fascist press - most notably Willis Carto and his American Free Press. Cute name huh? AFP - American Free Press! Doesn't it sound grand! Only thing is, it's run by N America's leading fascist propagandist and anti-semite - Willis Carto. Look him up? Chris Bollyn used to work for Carto's fascist rag, AFP. Chris Bollyn - he's even worked with your Professor sourced above!

    So, your source - a former professor, and a nutty one - is cosy with professional fascists. Shameful.

    And all these people who are so very tight with American fascism never tell YOU that they're fascists. Quite the reverse - they claim to be "fighting fascism"! Seriously, come on? Fascists fighting fascism? Doesn't make any sense. Get a grip! Start asking who the hell is feeding you this stuff? It's American fascists - following in a long line such as The SilverShirts, Minutemen, John Birch Society etc. It's all the same stuff - 50 years ago it was paranoia about communists on which they preyed - today it's "the globalists", "international bankers", some enemy within, etc. And always Jews, of course.

    Honestly, I spent 10 years researching it. 911 Truth was and is crippled with fascism and even Nazism. How interested in the Truth of that do you think Troofers are? Not very!!!

    Hmm, not a chance of that, not in UK at least. Everywhere is owned - there's no escape from that.
  9. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Well, point of leaving everything could be actually leaving your country also, as I sad, you can't have it all, peace, UK/USA, electricity, internet, most of that things are owned by your nemesis and some things are never going to change, but you can, you can change how you deal with stuff, people, you can change where you live and who you obey, you can do many things on your own not even relying on anyone, there is always solution for people who seek for it, guess many obstacles for ones that are not determined and willing to sacrifice anything or some of the things *yes*
  10. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    No. Are you?

    They did not implode. The debris fell OUTSIDE the footprints - it even obscured the collapse zone. Watch the videos? Implosion is NOT what happened. Collapse happened - ejecting a lot of material.

    No it is not only "modern building in history with a steel structure that broke down because of a fire."

    That's two facts wrong out of two - and yet you claim them as your convincing evidence. Amazing what having a worldview to sustain can do to someone's perception.

    That's 3 facts wrong out of 3.

    They did ****NOT**** fall at freefall. No fancy calculations are necessary - just note that the debris falls faster than the collapse zone. So much so that the collapse zone is obscured by debris falling OUTSIDE the building's footprint ie NOT implosion, NOT freefall, NOT in its own footprint. See, those things are given as evidence of demolition, and yet when those things are shown to obviously NOT be true the thesis of demolition is never rejected, rather just another, slightly different argument is deployed. And the game goes on.

    1) They had had training.
    2) I could have flown that plane into Twin Towers. Landing would be a different matter. But they didn't need to do that, did they?
    3) They were on INTERNAL flights. No passport, reduced checks. The dude that passed Atta onto the plane HAD raised objections and WAS suspicious. He was also fearful that he'd get in shit for causing delays and hassling some wealthy and perhaps influential arab guy. He (and airlines) were worried at the time about being charged with racial profiling. And remember - this was BEFORE 911 - and in America. What do you think the focus of internal flights and carriers was at the time? TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE. Safety is expensive.

    If anyone had ever come up with some genuine positive evidence then you'd perhaps have a point. But they haven't! Not in 10+ years! Not a single piece of demolition equipment, not a single paper trail, not a single whistleblower, nothing.

    One has to wonder why people believe it. There's no reason to believe it, so why do so? Because it fits your worldview. Dangerous worldview then imo.

    I'd rather be wrong for the right reasons than right for the wrong ones.
  11. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    G string, you're wrong on so many levels my friend

    First off, freefall has been admitted by NIST

    Plus the evidence is overwhelming for controlled demolition and now there's evidence pointing to nanothermite

    1. Freefall collapse building 7 not hit by plane
    2. Explosions as the towers collapsed
    3. Numerous eyewitness accounts of explosions even before the first plane hit
    4. The laws of gravity
    5. Nanothermite particles found in dust that had no business being there
    6. Prior knowledge of building 7's collapse by police, fire, and construction workers

    Myself personally, I try and stick to the science and the maths of 9/11 and I don't get involved in the what if's or the maybe's or the who's or the where's etc.

    And I'm certainly no Nazi with any hidden political agenda, all I want is to know the truth, first and foremost for myself and the sake of humanity, and secondly for the people who died and their family members

    The other option is to listen to what popular mechanics, skeptic magazine and their journalists say, oh, and George Bush, Silverstein, etc. I'm sure those crooks would all agree with you

    Move along now, nothing to see here, everyone, go back to sleep
  12. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Amen to that '0)
  13. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Here's an example of how dishonest and manipulative Troofers can be:

    This vid is from WE ARE CHANGE NJ - watch the first few seconds, and amazingly enough Dick Cheney says "we have never argued Osama was directly involved in 911"

    Wow. Shocking huh?

    But the thing is Cheney had been asked about Saddam Hussein, not Osama. Cheney said Osama instead of Saddam by mistake.

    Where's the proof?



    Listen to the question to which Cheney responded. He is asked about Saddam but mistakenly says Osama. He obviously meant to say Osama. The interviewer even explicitly asks Cheney which he had meant.

    Troofers have been pushing lying crap like this for nearly 15 years. Troofers don't see the irony. Not one of them bothered to actually check the evidence. The Troofers don't care about the Truth.

    Such methods are used by "911 Truth Movement" - I notice the similarity to Nazi method - just lie and get people to believe it. Many already want to believe it.......they can't be dissuaded from believing it! And so they build their fascist cadres.......by co-opting and controlling 911 Truth. And the best thing for the fascists is that there are hordes of Full-On Truth-Believers ready to protect them, whilst crying "We're not fascists!" Hmmmm. Dangerous folk if you ask me. Many are well-meaning, for sure. But well-meaning dupes......hmmm.
  14. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    You haven't shown one........

    Anyway, you are now retreating to go on about WTC7.

    That's because you accept the case can't be made for the others - the more obvious and major ones - the ones with the "concrete pulserverised into dust" etc, right?

    You should keep your claims distinct. Regarding WTC7 you can't field evidence from the Towers, such as "pulverised concrete". And regarding the Towers you can't use freefall. [You can't for 7, really. It was burning all day - it came down 5pm. Everyone knew it was coming down - they had put transits on it to measure its movement/lean. It was creaking. It suffered a catastrophic collapse. It fell fast. Big deal.]

    Claims that ONLY WTC7 was demolished is a retreat. It also helps the conspiros insofar as there is very little footage of it.

    Not Free Fall:


    Here's WTC 7, from a video:


    How does a building that is leaning freefall? The lean means there is a difference in resistance between one side and another ie not freefall. Along with other footage it also shows the building did not fall "into its own footprint", but instead tilted South, towards its thinner side, where it FELL INTO THE STREET and blocked it.

    Anyways, wall of text, I'll shutup!!

  15. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Why ask me? Instead, ask NIST the US government 'official' ministry of truth

    The 'official' report, is according to them, not any cwazy 'twoofers' out there, their own report says 2.25 seconds of freefall

    Now, to me, 2.25 seconds of freefall means zero resistance from the supporting steel structured columns underneath

    Oh, but wait, sorry, I forgot, Fire is the cause of collapse isn't it?

    The new phenomenon

    In which case every high rise building in the world is now at risk from freefall collapse due to fire in about 50 minutes

    I only wish NIST would release the data to the scientific community that they used for their computer animation of the collapse, but you know, they won't will they, obviously cos it will jeopardise public safety

    Science is not science unless it's released, why are NIST holding back the computer model?

    I'll tell you, they're holding it back because if it was released then any half decent physics amateur would see that it's fraudulent

    Are you seriously telling me, that this animation that took 3 years to make with their own software that they won't release is the explanation for the collapse of building 7?

    As I say, I'm not interested in any speculation regarding who or what etc. with regards to the other points you made

    All I care about is freefall, thermite, and explosions, don't care about the pentagon, Shanksville, anything, it's all speculation, stick to the science
  16. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    No,and i still insist u need an eye check up

    They imploded:as a matter of fact an impact might have caused the fall of the buildings,but the inner steel structure wouldn t have broken down at the same speed of the concrete and the collapsed wouldn t have powdered completely the buildings as it happened,turning everything to dust.Strangely nothing within the buildings remained intact

    1) kerosene can t melt steel;2) steel melts at a temperature of 1,500 C degrees and it starts to become softer after hours exposed to a temperature of 800 degrees,so it would have been impossible that the steel structure of the biulding had become softer in order to let the builings collapse on themselves;3) some people escaped using the stairs in the centre of the building,closeto the steel structure,it means that the temperature never reached a temperature high enough to melt steel;4)i made a littel mistake here,i meant that no moden building in history with a steel structure broke down because of a fire in a few hours;5)The debris that fell ouside the footprints shows that an explosion caused it and pushed some material out.

    They fell at freefall,in fact all the buildings broke down in less than 10 seconds,which is impossible if the collpase was cause by the impact,since the upper floor would have had to win the resistence of the lowr floors,accumulating a progressive time to break down,as u see calculations r important

    they trained at a flight school for a few weeks,they never finished the courses and surely they didn t train on big planes,i assume u understand on your own that flying on a small plane is very very different from flying on a 110 tons aeroplane,even the commands r diffeent

    No,u couldn t:u can t simple pull the cloche and turn the route,there s a whole system that prevents u from doing it and it takes time,surely u can t do it after a few minutes after taking off
    Actually there were delays,yet the highjackers managed to crash against the building within minutes,although they had deactivated the trasponders and couldn t communicate with anybody.
  17. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    D'ya know what, forget science, mathematics, gravity, I have a pair of eyes

    If anyone thinks that this is a building falling because of fire, then I don't really know what to say without insulting your intelligence

    Use your eyes.....the building EXPLODES

    Look at it, look

  18. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    So no mention about the worlds largest deposits of lithium has been found in Afghanistan??

    You know.. the stuff all the new tech batteries are made of.. and of course, the ELECTRIC CAR BATTERIES!

    I suspect there was foul play in 911.

    I was further convinced when I found out that the U.S. Treasurer flat out handed over BILLIONS of dollars to Wall Street at the beginning of the "recession".
    Not a loan, just handed it over to the same SOB's that were responsible for it happening!

    Right in front of us.. yet it's accepted.

    WallStreet knew they USA wouldn't let them take a hit.. all the bailout did was go right into their pockets.

    Its all blatantly done right in our faces and yet we accept it???

    Back in the day, we had little parties at the Boston harbor for things like this.

    We in USA even accept that it is okay to grope and take naked pics (via scanners) of our children.
    WTC??? The USA is a fuckin' embarrassment.
    I'm truly ashamed how fuckin' stupid most of the USA is now.. we are the ass of all nations, sad to say.. cuz I live in it.
  19. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    How does that refute CHEMICAL EVIDENCE? The man has more than a decade of schooling in the subject and taught AT A UNIVERSITY. Do you? No? Then I hate to tell you--but you are not an authority on the field. He is. Again: you are not an authority, he is.

    What exactly would your definition of "hard evidence" be if not fucking chemical analysis? You are blind, sir. Enjoy your ignorance--you have more than enough to spread around (like manure). :)
  20. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Not just America either Synthetech, It's the same bullshit system here in the UK

    Paedophiles in the churches covered up and protected, corrupt bankers, politicians, media etc etc
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