Izotope Plugins by R2R- partially cracked?

Discussion in 'Software' started by w00b3r, Apr 11, 2022.

  1. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    *** FINAL UPDATE: R2R has fixed the release with a NEW release of Nectar 3.6.2a. ALL IS WELL!***

    Hey guys.

    I realize this is my first post and there is a possibility that I am wrong, but:
    (i am referring to windows releases)

    izotope nectar plus 3.6.2a-R2R:

    the first giveaway is the missing "plus" underneath the nectar logo in the GUI. if you compare to VR's 3.6.0 release, you will spot the difference. One of the main advertised features of "plus" is the "advanced unmask", which requires you to insert izotope Relay on a different track, and run vocal assistant with the "unmask" box checked. After finishing this process, you open Relay, and you will see an indicator to show that it is now "unmasking".
    If the indicator is ORANGE - it means you dont have access to Plus features.
    if the indicator is BLUE - you have access to Plus and you can click this indicator for a dropdown, revealing additional settings for unmasking.
    this could also have something to do with the license of Relay, which is not "Relay advanced" as it should be.

    ***FINAL UPDATE: The below claim has been resolved to be my fault and a bug which was fixed in Neutron 3.9.0, describing a clash between Neutron Pro and Neutron advanced being installed on the same computer. ***

    izotope neutron 3.8.1 advanced-R2R **EDIT: Need to try this claim on a different PC, ignore for now. ***
    the plugins work good individually, but the track assistant does not pick up any audio in any DAW i have tried,
    which means inter-plugin communication could be broken.

    I love R2R and use many of their releases, but VR seems more consistent when it comes to the Izotope plugins. I hope they can PROPER these in the future.
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
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  3. wamto

    wamto Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    izotopless are and very unstable plugins , if you got nvidia graphic ,vertical sync set to adaptive (half refresh rate) see if it help.
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  4. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    I think the R2R release is the Nectar 3 Pro and V.R release Nectar 3 Plus. There are some difference and there also some exclusive subscription only (Pro) features such as Osciloscope view for Neutron compressor that isn't available in Advanced version which is weird. I stopped paying attention to which one is which since they launched the subscription based service, now they even joined with NI for a much bigger shit show.

    Only use Ozone and Neutron single plugin and Relay is working fine for me, I don't think I've ever heard of Relay Advanced, it's just Relay for all these years, if it is a thing maybe I don't know about it. All the inter-connection whatever working fine.

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  5. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    can you try running Neutron "track assistant" with "track enhance" and see if it processes your audio or just hangs there?
    only if you are using R2R release that is.

    I had the Pro bundle installed before and I can say that Nectar Pro looks different from this R2R release. Relay does its job correctly, but what nectar passes to Relay as commands, i believe are not being processed correctly as the "Plus" version to get those extra "Plus" features.
  6. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    I've never used mix or vocal assistant other than just for seeing what it does, but everything works fine for me. I can't see any "Advanced unmask" though. Inter-plugin communication is working just fine in Reaper at least.
  7. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    ok I will try it on a different computer. perhaps some of these "no-install" symlinks i have used in the past are tampering with my results.

    the reason i still call nectar a "partial" crack is because it's still functioning as the limited version in that reguard with Relay.
    the crack bypasses all these checks the program has, and i'm guessing there is one check that says-
    "if we are Plus license, send advanced unmasking options to Relay"
    "if we are regular, send regular "unmask" to relay"

    and this check could have been an oversight.
  8. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    look at 1:09 and notice the "plus" underneath the logo of Nectar
    look at 1:48 to see how the unmask feature in Plus should look
    and watch beyond 1:48 to see the dropdown.
  9. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    AFAIK the "Track Enhance" will only detect the audio on the track where the plugin is, the "Balance" feature otherwise will listen to Relays. Im not sure what are you suggesting.

    I did a quick test and yeah, works fine.

    I don't use Nectar much and not that good at it, can't say anything about it though.

    EDIT: just tested Nectar, the Unmask works fine with the Relay, I don't find "Advanced Unmask" though, maybe that is a Plus feature, and I have the R2R version installed where I very much believe a Pro version.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022
  10. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    The relay issue I'm referring to is primarily regards to Nectar not functioning as the Plus version.
    My issue with Neutron is that "track enhance" will just sit there at the "waiting for you to play audio"
    I have it as an insert on a stereo track with a hip-hop instrumental, also tried with recordings i have made.
    tried in cubase and reaper.
  11. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    so you are in agreement that Nectar 3.6.2 Plus-R2R is indeed not functioning as the Plus version?

    I will try Neutron on a different PC on a fresh windows install and see if it helps.
  12. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    edited first post until i can investigate my second claim further, but i think that Nectar release should be nuked.
  13. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    You might be correct about the Nectar "Plus" thing. It doesn't say Plus for me anywhere, and no advanced unmask features in Relay, but the Neutron issue has to be something that's wrong with your system.
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  14. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    ah, mine working fine. You know that you have to press stop when the message pop out and press play again before it start detecting right ?

    I think it is not about "not-functioning" maybe it is not properly labeled ? Plus version has "Plus" written on the logo, the R2R version doesn't have it so does the Pro version. So I think the release wasn't properly labeled.

    well, if it's a Pro it can't do a Plus feature. It's a different plugin and has different installer to begin with.
  15. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    i agree. the weirdest part is that Nectar vocal assistant is able to listen, but Neutron track assistant can't. lol
  16. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    I usually start the plugin while no audio is playing, then play it at the prompt. i've used nectar vocal assistant for years, so i'm familiar with how neutron's assistant would work. i tampered with it for a good 20 minutes and it just acts like it doesn't hear a change. yet the meters within the "Neutron" interface are moving.

    This wouldnt be the only Nectar release by r2r that is mislabeled then, it goes back quite a few releases. Makes sense it could be the Pro version and not Plus.
  17. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    found this comment on the sister site at the Nectar Plus V.R release

    "Suprisingly not the pro version. The pro version includes genre."

    see, it has different feature, fucking Izotope............... but now which one is better and "full" ? :rofl:
  18. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    the whole reason i use nectar is for the unmasking, so for me the Plus is where it's at. other than that I find that Nectar isn't as advanced as Neutron by a long shot, Nectar uses AI to select a preset, but Neutron uses the AI far more specifically and without presets.
  19. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    It seems that the R2R Nectar release is what you get when you subscribe to iZotope Music Production Suite Pro, while Nectar 3 Plus is the version you can buy directly. So yeah, the Nectar release is mislabelled.

    A bit weird since the R2R Neutron and Ozone releases are of the Advanced versions, which are the versions you only can buy directly, while Neutron and Ozone Pro are the versions you get when you subscribe to Music Production Suite Pro :S I wonder if they've (R2R) just made an honest mistake with Nectar because iZotope have such a unnecessary and confusing way of labelling their products.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022
  20. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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  21. w00b3r

    w00b3r Newbie

    Apr 11, 2022
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    i think it is regular Nectar 3. I say this because i recently downloaded "izotope music production suite" by VR and Nectar Pro has a very different interface than what we see in this R2R release. it actually says "Pro' in VR production suite release.

    EDIT: However, looking at the chart, if it was regular Nectar 3, we wouldnt have unmask at all. Now i'm really confused!
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