Softube plug ins (ssx manual update?)

Discussion in 'Software' started by cstm, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. cstm

    cstm Newbie

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Hey guys hope everyone's doing alright.

    Im trying to update the softube tape ssx file as in the last update they've made it possible to load up the plug in in the shape section of console 1.

    I was wondering if anyone knows a way to manually update Softube plug ins.

    Thanks in advance

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2022
  3. tchouangtseu

    tchouangtseu Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    If you own the legit version then its possible through softube central, but if you're usin R2R version which is 2.5.9 then I'm afraid you're not able to. We have to wait for a new batch of releases from the team of buy the Tape plugin, its on permanent sale from softube
  4. vexd

    vexd Producer

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Only other way to do it would be the unofficial way which was posted to softubes facebook group a few years back.

    This is unofficial trick I discovered while trying to fix some mapping issues. Since those mapping files are kindly provided in a convenient text format (even with a nice warning:
    “// IMPORTANT: Editing of this file may have unexpected consequences!”).
    It is not and will not be supported by Softube in any way. So before doing that take that into account. I.e., it is possible to have ‘Console 1 On-Screen Display’ not loading if you will add unnecessary symbol to the txt file. Also I would not recommend to do any real-world stuff on custom mapped plug-ins before you will have them running for some test period, as making changes later on to some parameters (or removing mapping completely) might lead to projects with mapped plug-ins not recalling correctly (though it doesn’t affect other plug-ins/mapping). But generally speaking, changes are quite safe if done right.
    *I am not native english speaker by any means so forgive me in advance for any mistakes or strange phrasing.

    1) Locate Softube/SSX folder
    The default location for it: /Library/Application Support/Softube/SSX (BTW if you don’t own UAD - you can safely remove all UAD related .txt mapping files that will prevent them from showing up in Console 1)
    2) [Here you might want to back-up tape.ssx file or just use re-install if something will go wrong] Right click on Tape.ssx > ‘Show Package Contents’

    3) Expand /Contents/Resources/ and locate SCMap.txt
    4) Right click on /Resources/ folder ‘Get Info’ > ‘Sharing and Permissions’. Change permissions for ‘everyone’ from ‘Read only’ to ‘Read & Write’.

    5) Repeat the step 4 for SCMap.txt - now we can make changes to it and save them.

    6) Open SCMap.txt. It should look like that:
    // Tape Pagetable v.1
    PluginID: nnfw
    PluginName: "Tape"
    PluginType: Distortion
    PluginExectutable: Tape_VST_AU_Debug
    // IMPORTANT: Editing of this file may have unexpected consequences!
    // "Plugin parameter" = <"Control or Value">"HW location"
    // Parameters
    Meter = <Value>(0.0)
    ColorAmount = <Control>(MAIN_ColorAmount)<Value>(0.5)
    ColorType = <Control>(MAIN_ColorType)<Value>(1.0)
    TapeSpeed = <Control>(MAIN_TapeSpeed)<Value>(0.75)
    DryWet = <Control>(MAIN_DryWet)<Value>(1.0)
    SpeedStability = <Control>(MAIN_SpeedStability)<Value>(0.0)
    HighFreqTrim = <Control>(MAIN_HighFreqTrim)<Value>(0.5)
    Crosstalk = <Value>(0.0)
    Input = <Control>(MAIN_Input)<Value>(0.6)
    Output = <Control>(MAIN_Output)<Value>(0.6)
    Noise = <Control>(MAIN_Noise)<Value>(0.0)
    Playback = <Control>(MAIN_Playback)<Value>(1.0)
    View = <Value>(0.0)
    Reserved = <SubsystemIndex><Value>(0.0)
    // Meters
    // MeterOutputVUL = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterOutputVUR = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterTransportState = <MeterNotMapped>
    7) Paste the following content to the next string after ‘MapEnd’phrase (I decided to be as transparent as I can and add things to existing mapping not to replace anything created initially):
    PluginDisplayName = "Tape"
    PluginDisplayType = <Gate>
    // Parameters
    Meter = <Value>(0.0)
    ColorAmount = <Control>(SHAPE_Punch)<Value>(0.5)
    ColorType = <Control>(SHAPE_Gate)<Value>(0.5)<Min>(1.0)<Max>(0.0)
    TapeSpeed = <Control>(SHAPE_Sustain)<Value>(0.75)
    DryWet = <Value>(1.0)
    // SpeedStability = <Control>(SHAPE_HardGate)<Value>(0.0)<Min>(0.0)<Max>(0.15)
    SpeedStability = <Value>(0.0)
    HighFreqTrim = <Control>(SHAPE_GateRelease)<Value>(0.5)
    Crosstalk = <Value>(0.0)
    Input = <Value>(0.6)
    Output = <Value>(0.6)
    // Noise = <Value>(0)
    Noise = <Control>(SHAPE_HardGate)<Value>(0)
    Playback = <Value>(1.0)
    View = <Value>(0.0)
    Reserved = <SubsystemIndex><Value>(0.0)
    // Meters
    // MeterOutputVUL = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterOutputVUR = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterTransportState = <MeterNotMapped>
    PluginDisplayName = "Tape"
    PluginDisplayType = <EQ>
    // Parameters
    Meter = <Value>(0.0)
    ColorAmount = <Control>(EQ_HMF_Gain)<Value>(0.5)
    ColorType = <Control>(EQ_LF_Type)<Value>(0.5)<Min>(1.0)<Max>(0.0)
    TapeSpeed = <Control>(EQ_HMF_Freq)<Value>(0.75)
    DryWet = <Control>(EQ_LMF_Q)<Value>(0.0)<Min>(1.0)<Max>(0.0)<DisplayName>(Wet/Dry)
    SpeedStability = <Control>(EQ_LMF_Freq)<Value>(0.0)
    HighFreqTrim = <Control>(EQ_HMF_Q)<Value>(0.5)
    Crosstalk = <Control>(EQ_LMF_Gain)<Value>(0.0)
    Input = <Control>(EQ_LF_Gain)<Value>(0.6)
    Output = <Control>(EQ_HF_Gain)<Value>(0.6)
    Noise = <Control>(EQ_HF_Type)<Value>(0)
    Playback = <Value>(1.0)
    View = <Value>(0.0)
    Reserved = <SubsystemIndex><Value>(0.0)
    // Meters
    // MeterOutputVUL = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterOutputVUR = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterTransportState = <MeterNotMapped>
    PluginDisplayName = "Tape"
    PluginDisplayType = <Comp>
    // Parameters
    Meter = <Value>(1.0)
    ColorAmount = <Control>(COMP_Threshold)<Value>(0.5)
    ColorType = <Control>(COMP_Ratio)<Value>(0.5)<Min>(1.0)<Max>(0.0)
    TapeSpeed = <Control>(COMP_Release)<Value>(0.75)
    DryWet = <Value>(1.0)
    SpeedStability = <Value>(0.0)
    HighFreqTrim = <Control>(COMP_Attack)<Value>(0.5)
    Crosstalk = <Value>(0.0)
    Input = <Value>(0.6)
    Output = <Value>(0.6)
    Noise = <Value>(0)
    Playback = <Value>(1.0)
    View = <Value>(0.0)
    Reserved = <SubsystemIndex><Value>(0.0)
    // Meters
    // MeterOutputVUL = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterOutputVUR = <MeterNotMapped>
    // MeterTransportState = <MeterNotMapped>
    [​IMG]8) Save and return permissions to ‘Read only’.
    *Alternatively you could replace the whole file with the one I am using now (so in that case you don’t need to perform 5), 6) and 7):
    9) Restart ‘Console 1 On-Screen Display’ to re-initialize the Console 1 (on Mac reboot is absolutely not required compared to Win, also you don’t need to restart DAW, but in that case you need to re-insert Console 1 plug-ins).

    10) Back-up CSMap file (for Tape.ssx) as any re-installation or update will return CSMap.txt to defaults (Q: “Why just not to back-up Tape.ssx and replace it overtime later” - A: “SSX does contain plug-in code as well - like regular VST/AU, so by replacing the whole .ssx you will revert updates in plug-in to a previous version.
    11) Now Tape can be added to each section of Console 1.
    Press Shift + Shape/EQ/Comp to load Tape to Console 1

    Some thoughts on Tape in Console 1:
    1. Shape section: I decided to go with Noise param mapped to Hard Gate in Shape section, simply because I like it, and because it is on/off Control, but it is possible to assign it to other single value like SpeedStability or Crosstalk. Though one value will not fit all, so feel free to modify it.
    2. Eq section: this one has all Tape parameters mapped besides Tape stop. Dry/Wet know is not that useful since it produce some delay and sounds like a flanger, but paired with SpeedStability can lead to very interesting special effects that might shine on guitars, keyboards etc. Input/ Output params are more interesting that I though since you can feed Tape with hotter signal and get much more saturation.
    3. Comp section: since Compressor section in Console have its own native parallel bus (assigned to Parallel Dry/Wet control) Tape get real Parallel Wet/Dry control that DOESN”T produce any artefacts like Tape’ own Dry/Wet control. So my recently discovered trick on drums is to decrease TapeSpeed, increase Color Amount to max and get parallel in 60-80%. Pure crunchiness and power!
    SCMap.txt 101 :
    (Discovered my messing with CSMap.txt and looking at other mapping files):
    • Strings started with // are not executing (it is called “commenting/commented” in programming)
    • Reversed scale for any parameter: <Min>(1.0)<Max>(0.0)
    • Alternative mapping should start with: MapStart<Alt1>, MapStart<Alt2> etc. (and end with MapEnd). If you want to create alternative mapping per the same section use <PluginDisplayName>. PluginDisplayType should be <Gate>, <EQ> or <Comp> in order to be visible in Console.
    • All parameters should be mapped to some value and be in the same order.
    • Custom naming of a parameter: <Value>(0.5)<DisplayName>(AnyParamNameHere)
    • EQ’ section Parallel control is natively hard-coded (one of coolest Console 1 features): so any plug-in will get Parallel control by default, while value for original plug-in Wet/Dry should be always set to Wet <Value>(1.0). It also means that when mapping for Shape or Eq section plug-in’ Wet/Parallel control should be mapped if you want it working.

    Windows (by Zach Herrmann)
    1. Download the included file "Tape SCMap.txt"
    2. Navigate to the folder "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Softube\SSX"
    3. You will see an existing copy of "Tape SCMap.txt" in the SSX folder. You will want to make a backup of this original file, and the easiest way to do that is to rename it "Tape original SCMap.txt":
    4. Copy or move the downloaded "Tape SCMap.txt" into the SSX folder.
    6. Load Console 1, and you should now see "Tape" as an option in all three sections when you press Shift + Shape/EQ/Comp.
    NOTE (by Zach Herrmann)
    The Color Amount knob in Console 1 is more "powerful" than the regular Tape Color Amount. In the regular plugin, the knob at maximum (10) is equal to having the Console 1 knob amount at 7.5 ... in other words, going past 7.5 on the Console 1 knob gives you even more distortion than the regular plugin.
    ADVANCED CUSTOM EDITING (by Zach Herrmann)
    You may want to map your sections a little differently. To do so, open up the Tape (or any other plugin) SCMAP.txt file in any text editor (like Notepad).
    You'll see each parameter listed, followed by a "Control" value and a "Value" value. The "Control" value is assigning the parameter to a particular knob, and the "Value" is assigning a default state for the parameter, on a scale of (0.0) to (1.0)
    ColorAmount = <Control>(SHAPE_Punch)<Value>(0.5)
    This is assigning the Color Amount parameter to the Shape section's "Punch" knob, and giving the knob the default value of halfway (which would be a Color Amount of 5).
    Using this knowledge, you can switch around what knob does what, and also change or set default values for the different parameters.
    For instance, personally I like to use Tape in the Shape section, but I'd rather just keep it at Tape Type B and use the Gate knob for Crosstalk instead. I would change those two parameters accordingly:
    ColorType = <Value>(0.5)
    Crosstalk = <Control>(SHAPE_Punch)<Value>(0.0)
    Another "advanced" edit is to assign something to display in the Shape's metering section. I have changed the MeterOutputVUL line as follows:
    MeterOutputVUL = <Meter>(SHAPE_MeterReduction)
    That puts Tape's left VU meter in the Console 1 Shape meter display. It looks a little goofy at first, but once you understand what it's displaying, it proves to be very useful. When the metering is hitting +3 db without any movement, you know you've gone "too far" with the color amount and can dial it back accordingly (unless, of course, that's your intent).

    TO TEST YOUR CHANGES, a full reboot is not necessary: Close any instance of the C1 plugin, and right-click the Console 1 icon in the notification area (beside the clock in the right of the taskbar), and "Quit Console 1." Then start the program "Console 1 On-Screen Display (x64)," which should be in your start menu. Then you can load up the C1 plugin to test your changes. If you can't figure out how to do all that, simply reboot instead.
    ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS. You are only modifying text files here, so don't worry about "breaking" anything. You can always restore one of the original text files to get back to "normal."
    Here is a list of all the Console 1 knob and button values that you can use to make your own changes.










  5. cstm

    cstm Newbie

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Thanks for all the info, i'll try the unofficial method.

    Edit: It worked thanks so much, I really appreciate it :)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2022