Plugin Alliance - why so random?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Bunford, Apr 1, 2022.

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  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I'm not begging, but more curious, just to make it clear from the off :)

    I'm curious though, why so many Plugin Alliance stuff are available on the sister site but not all of them. Within their MEGA bundle, there's obviously tons more plugins, but I assume they all use the same activation methods and processes, so am just wondering why some are available but not all?

  3. Oneeyedstan

    Oneeyedstan Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2021
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    Plugin Alliance is just a supplier that offers products from many different developers
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  4. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    No, this is not true. The newer brainworx stuff all uses a fairly complex third-party protection method which hasn't been publicly broken. Either that option is not available to the other developers, or they choose not to implement it for various reasons. The ones that have little protection are generally shared. The others are not.
  5. vexd

    vexd Producer

    Mar 3, 2015
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    Best Answer
    From R2R nfo from awhile ago.


    Q) Did Plugin Alliance change the protection?

    A) The first big change happened between All Bundle v3.0 and v3.1. Before
    v3.1, there are no antidebug, antitamper, antirebuild things. There were
    just C&R protection using SHA256/RSA2048/RC4/BASE64.

    From v3.1, PA adopted protector which we call PA-Layer. (To be honest we
    don't know the actual name of that protector. It looks different from the
    popular cross platfrom protectors like VMProtect).

    PA-Layer function :

    * Packer (Section Encryption)
    * Code Obfuscation + Virtualization
    * Anti Debugging
    * Anti Tampering

    We developed custom loader for the Anti PA-Layer and released in short
    term (v3.1, last PA full bundle for public till now). But PA updated
    the protection immediately for Anti-Anti PA-Layer. Anyway, it is just a
    small change. Maybe they would update the protection again after a while.


    Q) Why did some plugins continue to be cracked?

    A) PA-Layer is adopted to the plugins developed by Plugin Alliance
    (Brainworx) self. 3rd party plugins like Lindell, Unfiltered are not
    protected by PA-Layer.


    Q) What the bad point of PA-Layer? Is it removed from R2R release?

    A) Slow loading time, performance affection. If you want to compare the
    performance, compare the latest one with the one from PA All Bundle v3.0.

    Load many plugins -> Save Project -> Close DAW -> Reload It!

    You can notice the big difference between them.

    Unlike our full rebuilt iLok releases, PA-Layer is still there in our
    releases and you will have any bad points of PA plugins.

    Enjoy the unprofessional behavior of the professional plugins!


    Q) Why AAX got cracked and appeared beside the VST version?
    Is AAX protected weaker than other plugin platform?

    A) Yes, AAX is protected much weaker. While core protection (C&R and related
    crypto) is still obfuscated/virtualized in AAX. We guess this is because
    AAX needs digital signature by Avid, and some integrations of PA-Layer
    conflict with it.

    NOTE : AAX Crack by VR will crash randomly due to the bad bomb dealing.
    It delays the crashing but it still crashes by some random seeds
    (time64) and working time.

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  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Answer is given.
    Thread closed.
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