New 4k Display?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by ArticStorm, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Touch screen?
  4. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    What all do you intend to use it for? And what on the specs has you confused?
    There's a lot of difference between a cheap monitor and a high end monitor - black/white contrast, panel types, response times / refresh rates, etc - just a question about what all is important to you (which is generally answered a bit by what you plan to use it for).
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i will ask different: which specs are important to have an eye on.

    I am using a BENQ 1080p display from 2010 right now.

    Use is for coding, Ableton and movie watching and possible light PDF reading. No gaming or video editing or photoshop.

  6. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I think for that I would get a
    Unless you are gaming the 1 ms is pointless.
    The TCL will do 60 htz with around 3 to 4 ms with gaming mode on.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  7. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Funny enough, my wife and I have that exact TV in our bedroom. We'll watch TV shows on it. Never hooked it up to PC. It's got great picture quality.. my only beef is sometimes movies/shows get a bit jittery compared to our main TV (which is pretty high end, however). I think it's the motion technology on it though that causes that, and there doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off, unfortunately.

    Anyways, aside from that, I don't know if ArticStorm is looking for that big of a screen if the first thing they linked was a 28" monitor.

    @ArticStorm :

    This is going to be a bit subjective as to which features are important, but I'll talk about what's important to me and some other common features. You will likely be a lot less picky than I would because your use seems pretty basic by comparison. I do all the things you mentioned you want to do, in addition to the things you mentioned you don't want to do.

    Panel Type
    Panel type is one that's always important to me. With your standard LED monitors, the 3 most common ones are going to be TN, IPS, and VA.

    TN - The one you linked is TN.. this tends to be the cheapest panel type - both in price and look. Because of this, it's not uncommon for them to have better refresh rates (which is good, but a non-factor for you). I'm personally not a fan of TN panels, but that is likely what you currently own and you might be perfectly happy with it. It will definitely shave off some $ if you buy a TN panel.

    IPS - IPS tends to be nicer to look at, with better viewing angles, better/brighter color, and better blacks than TN panels (i.e. you'll get a bit more detail on dark scenes). This all comes at a price, of course. I personally prefer IPS panels, but again, it is a bit subjective.

    VA - Lastly, VA... these are a bit of a balance between TN and IPS, but they also have the best contrast ratio of the bunch (best I can describe there is that it is a measurement to tell you what range of dark detail and very light detail you have - the higher the ratio, the better).

    Now a caveat to the above.. these are GENERALIZATIONS. Some TN panels blow the door off of some IPS panels.

    Curved screens.. I have yet to own a single one. But I've always wanted one. They jack the price up a bit too much for me! haha. I think for my next monitor I might grab one though.

    A quick note on a couple of common brands. BENQ tends to be a cheaper brand, from what I recall, but they also offer a very wide range of monitor qualities... so pay attention to reviews. I have one BENQ monitor, one ASUS. ASUS is definitely my go-to for monitors, but you pay more for them, generally (and like any brand, they also sell some duds too!). I'd tend to buy an ASUS monitor, and if not them, then probably Samsung or Gigabyte, usually... a cheaper BENQ if it was a second monitor for me. I've only owned one MSI monitor.. it was pretty good too. Again though, pretty much any brand has their good and their bad monitors though, so it's always a good idea to find some reviews or see one in store, for yourself.

    Vertical Sync technology
    Ignore FreeSync / G-SYNC technologies .. these are for gaming and G-SYNC (in particular) can really drive the price up. I'm not saying don't buy a freesync or g-sync monitor, I'm just saying don't care if it has that feature.

    HDR (High dynamic range) - I find it too bright for my eyes. haha So again, this is subjective. My monitor has it, but I usually have it off. It gives GREAT pop to a picture..... but it's just so bright. This would be great if you're in a very well lit area, probably. This again provides more of a brightness and color range. If you go in a store and turn it on your eyeballs will be amazed. But again, for me, it causes such serious eyestrain and headaches, it's always off on my monitor. YMMV here, however. You may love it, you may hate it.. it's best to see it yourself in an environment with similar lighting as where your PC is (which probably means not a store). That said, you can always turn it off. But it adds price to the monitor.

    Also, HDR can be adjusted, but I just haven't been bothered to do it yet. I probably should, however. Out of the box, it's a migraine for me... but probably could make better use of it by adjusting it.

    Refresh rates/Response Times
    Refresh rates/response times mainly impact gaming. High (native) refresh rates will cause the price of the monitor to skyrocket, and you won't care about that feature. Don't stress this out at all.

    Contrast ratio
    Pay attention here.. detailed brights, detailed darks.. higher the ratio the better (but of course it also drives price up).

    So that was a lot of words that I could probably more succinctly summarize as: lean towards a panel type of IPS or VA (generally.. there are still great TN monitors, and they'll usually be cheaper too), ignore response time/refresh rate, ignore freesync/g-sync technologies, think about if you care about HDR or not. A good contrast ratio probably helps a bit with coding too, although I do some coding on my nice Asus 1440p monitor and some on my low end BENQ 1080p monitor.

    In spite of my big essay here, you likely don't want to overthink things too much. Read some reviews... go into a store and check various models out. I hope some of that helps, but feel free to clarify.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  8. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I have the newer model of it and use it for my Computer Monitor. It's no OLED but the picture quality is not bad for the money.
    I have watched a few movies on it and I think it's not bad. The 4 k demos look really nice on it.

    Now as far as the size yes it's pretty big.
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello ArticStorm, I can recommend this one to you:

    LG - Electronics 27QN880-B.AEU 68,58 cm (27 Zoll) QHD Ergo Monitor (AMD Radeon FreeSync, HDR 10, hohe Ergonomie, Flicker Safe), Dunkelanthrazit - 339 EUR


    Prad - Test
  10. Owan

    Owan Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Hey ArticStorm, what about the LG 32UK550-B or the LG 34WN750? They are slightly above 400 bucks, but it's worth spending that much.

    I would at least go for 32 inch, otherwise 4K wouldn't make sense. 1080p is not enough imho, would this be enough for you?
    I use a 1440p LG 34 Ultrawide monitor, this is the sweet spot size for me.

    43 inch would be too big for my taste, it's difficult for the eyes to follow action when sitting 1-2 ft away from the screen.
    Something between 32 and 35 inch would be perfect for coding, music production and movies. I use mine for exactly the same stuff and it's just fine.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i would like to have 4k otherwise i could stick with 1080p.

    My budget increased to 550€. Let me limit the Size: 27-30''.

    I cant go for a 43'' because this should fit on my Desktop, where there are other things, like books and paper stuff and well if its to huge and wide, it wont fit into the corner.

    If i sacrifice HDR, this one looks good:

    also half the power consumption in energy saving mode, 4k and its one of the better panels.
    its 540€ at the dealer shop im using.

    Do i really need HDR? I mean it would matter only if i do color sensitive work or game.
  12. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Can you use wallmount for the screen(there are armed versions too)? You can get 4k tv's cheaper than smaller 4k monitors. Just an thought..
    I bought mine 43" 4k Procaster TV for 199€
  13. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Benq is low end stuff ! ide avoid this brand
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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