Do apple need to be stopped?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mlb4sheaz, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. Oscar

    Oscar Newbie

    Jun 20, 2011
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    In apples defense it was due to violation of patients, although the tablet is pretty basic with not much variation im assuming the patients they hold would only have been given out if they didnt directly affect the competition forming a rival product. In the Eu anyway there are rather strict competition laws to stop businesses forming an monopoly.
    Apple themselves have been sued by Samsung but it was thrown out by a (dutch?) court.
    Shocking some of the attitudes of some people on here with the "f*** apple" comments and such, these guys have spent a lot of man hours and money developing these products they should be able to protect the products from plagurisim
  2. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I should have been clearer in expressing my views; I have no issues with Apple's computers (apart from not liking the OS layout/interface too much, I have spent a bit of time using them but they're just not for me) I know they are very highly thought of in audio circles and that's cool. It's the tablets and phones I was really talking about. They are slick, sure, but there are other products out there which do the same things and more for less money, hence my "inferior" comment.

    I never used to have any problem at all with Apple, but it seems to me that since they got into the phone market they've become a bunch of douchebags with a mission to breed more douchebags! (Not aimed at anyone here btw).
  3. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Did they invent the mobile phone or home computer? iPhone/iMac could be considered plagiaristic...
  4. BumBataa

    BumBataa Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    we totally agree then :)
  5. Oscar

    Oscar Newbie

    Jun 20, 2011
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    You seem to have ignored all the rest of my post. I pointed out that why them seem to be getting up in arms over are specific patient infringments, as i pointed out these patients wouldnt have been handed out if they stopped rivals forming a counter product
  6. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Apple should not be stopped as they clearly bring something...would it just be a new way to "design" that would be enough IMO, but there's more to it...however they need to be forced to open up a bit...just like Microsoft used to stuff its OS down our throats whenever we bought a new computer without even considering that we might prefer something else or already have one, Apple has to water down its wine as the French say (ie make concessions) is clearly too proprietary and doesnt give its consumers enough choice....though it seems most enjoy being blindfolded and forced to buy from Apple anyway!

    I owned a few products in the past, but I personally will never buy from this company until they change their attitude...and it's quite easy as there are plenty of alternative dont like iphones or dont want to pay for an overpriced Apple product...get an HTC or any other brand...what's the big deal?? and even if they ban something where I live (which is unlikely as I'm in china! lol), I will order it online and get waht I want dont really give a damn!

    nobody is forcing you to buy Apple products...there are plenty of equally good alternatives out there....the funny thing is I see lots of people buying Apple products but complaining about this or that or how they cant do what an other brand offers...and yet they often feel like there was no other choice but to buy the product they have,... and that's the one thing this company is amazing at ... marketing...nobody has ever made the old adage "a fool and his money are soon parted" so true!

    At the moment Apple is a trend...and like every trends it will wane and eventually "die" (or rather merge since it's business we're talking about here)
  7. Sepsta

    Sepsta Newbie

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I'm sorry, I didn't realise that post was directly aimed at me...

    Apple are suing based on patent infringement, and Samsung are counter-suing based on patent infringement. Who is in the right legally? I don't know. But AFAIK Samsung weren't contemplating legal action against Apple until Apple started up with their legal crap.

    Apple are trying to strong-arm a monopoly for themselves (regardless of what EU law might say about monopolies) and they are using patent law to do it.

    It stinks like a rotten Apple (pun most definitely intended).

    I re-iterate my earlier comment:

    "Fuck Apple right up it's shitty ass."

    And that's the last I'll say on the matter.
  8. thepopenale

    thepopenale Noisemaker

    Jun 15, 2011
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    George Carlin?